Hero Cultivation

Chapter 206 - Mary

What Mary saw outside of the castle was an empty dirt field which stretched beyond where she could see. It was as if everything to the point where the eye could see was erased from existence. 

"What? Come on, don't tell me you want to back out already? We were just getting started," said Julius to the trembling Mary as he mocked her. However after being scared for so long, Mary calmed down for a single instant as she had a question to ask Julius.

"How long does your secret art stretch? Until which point of the earth does it affect?" Mary asked in a calm voice. This brought quite the grin to Julius' face as Mary was beginning to understand just how evil Duke-Drake could be.

"It stretches toward right to your kingdom. I mean that's where anyone you care about is. So I thought to make it so that my ability affects them as well as the people of this kingdom," Julius replied to Mary which clearly seemed to cause distress to take over Mary's face.

"Please, tell me. What happens to the people who are affected by your secret art? Tell me now, I can't keep waiting. I have to know," said Mary as she was clearly concerned for Hendrick and Hendrick alone. That was the only thing which she could think about.

"Oh so it does seem like the heartless queen in fact has taken a liking to someone. How unfortunate," said Julius as he continued to grin at her.

"They're all inside this snow globe," said Julius.

"Thank you so much. So that means they're alive right? They're no dead right? Please tell me they're still alive," said Mary as she was getting desperate. It was as if her entire personality took a complete turn.

"Is there someone that you care that much about? Wow, I see that you've changed since I last saw you. Maybe you will have children after all. Well, that would be what would have happened if I wasn't here," said Julius as he couldn't even hold in his laugh any longer. 

As Julius continued to laugh maniacally, he broke the snow-globe in his hand by placing so much pressure on it that it broke like an egg. After breaking, seemingly endless amounts of blood began to pour out of Julius' hand despite there not being a single cut on Julius' hand which meant that the blood had to have come from the snow-globe that Julius was holding on to. Given Julius' previous explanation as to what the snow-globe contained, Mary's heart stopped for a minute.

She couldn't feel anything. Not a single thought could be processes in her mind. Her brain couldn't even comprehend the thought of breathing. Mary had gone completely quiet. The first thing that she did once her body resumed its functions was allow a single test drop to fall out of her eyes.

"Henry, please use it on me. I have no reason to live any longer. Please use your secret arts on me now. You can use me as the sacrifice which you've always needed," said Mary in a calm tone which sounded to be that of someone which gave up on life itself.

Henry simply responded with a nod as he understood what he must do. Although it had seemed like the two rulers of their own respective kingdoms were planning something big, Julius or more specifically, Duke-Drake had confidence in himself that whatever was thrown at him, he could simply take it and dish out double or more the damage.

<<Secret Art: Henry's Judgment>>

<<Constant Boost>>

<<Secret Art: Henry's Judgment>>

<<Endless Healing>>

Right after activating both secret arts at the same time, even Julius could feel the terrifying power which was about to face him.

Mary's body began to get fuelled by the secret art w that Henry had cast on her. Although Duke-Drake was not worried at first, now her was thinking if he got to cocky and underestimated his opponents.

Due to how experienced Duke-Drake was, he instantly knew that 2 heaven tier secret arts were at play. Due to that, he had no choice but to unleash all his power all at once. The only problem was that he didn't know if with all of that if he could defeat the new Mary.

With every second that passed, Julius could feel Mary growing in power as hai presence alone was starting to suffocate him. As such, Julius knew what he needed to do, that being to eliminate Mary as soon as possible.

Without wasting any more time than he already had, Julius leaped quickly towards Mary so he could kill her with a single blow, that way, she wouldn't be able to be a threat to Julius any longer. After all, eliminating all the threats to Julius was Duke-Drake number one priority.

Although Julius did in fact make direct contact with Mary's body, it did not go as he had planned as Mary didn't even look like she took any damage. To make things worse for Julius, it seemed like she just kept growing in power. Although it did seem like Julius hasn't done any damage to Mary at all, that would be proven wrong as he spotted a small cut on her face which Julius thought to be a huge accomplishment for some reason. 

However it wouldn't be that easy to cause permanent damage to Mary as she didn't plan to make Julius' life easy by making him confident. After what he had made her go through, Mary had only one plan. That being to make Julius experience the most horrible, unbearable pain the world had to offer.

"Dammit, looks like the second secret art did in fact give her the ability to heal from any wounds. Although I hate to be on the losing side, I have to give these two credit for backing me into a corner. Although if this was all I was capable of, I wouldn't be the real Duke-Drake," said Julius as he wasn't about to let himself be defeated so easily.. As such, he had a plan to come our victorious in his battle.

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