Hero Cultivation

Chapter 219 - No

"No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no, NO!" Julius yelled out with a desperate voice as he didn't want to believe what his father had told him.

Not only had his father managed to plan our Julius' entire life in which the plan where Liz would always end up with anyone except Julius. It didn't matter in which time line or reality it took place in. In each and every single of of those realities, it always ended up with Julius having out that Liz was going to end up with someone other than Julius. After all, that was the way that Henry had willed it to be in the world. It didn't matter how much Julius liked the girl known as Liz, all Henry knew was that he wanted to ruin their relationship. As Henry had stated previously, one of the best motivators the world had to offer is a heart break. Due to that, Henry exemplified Julius being hurt to the point that Julius would no longer be able to tell a lie from a truth.

Still with his heart not beating, Julius walked towards Henry slowly with his menacing aura. Due to Henry being so full of himself, he didn't even bother to recognize the mister that was approaching him. As for everyone else in the castle and the people outside from both Julius' army as well as Henry's army who were fighting all stopped to kneel down to the true one power which would subjugate all of them. Julius in the moment was unquestionably the strongest. Yet Henry didn't even bother to look his son in the eyes.

One Julius got close enough to Henry, he began I clench his right fist as hard as he possibly could. So much so that his nails pieced the inside of his palm and caused blood to flow out of his hand like water. Even so, Julius seemed unfazed by what he was doing to himself.

Without any warning or signal of being hostile, Julius moved his right fist at speeds which couldn't even be conceived let alone be seen before landing the most devastating punch on Henry's face. As Julius' hand made contact with Henry's face, it seemed to have caused a disturbance in the space time continuum as several realities seemed to shift to simply even comprehend the devastating attack that Julius had just cast upon Henry.

Although Julius ended up victorious during that encounter, he hadn't truly gotten the satisfaction which his wanted from the battle. Of course if he had killed Henry by his own hands he would've been ecstatic, however that wasn't what took place.

Due to the sheer power placed into that single punch, Julius managed to kill Henry with the simple air pressure he was directing towards Henry. Due to that air pressure being strong enough to kill Henry on its own, Henry died before Julius could've actually landed his first attack. 

With no place for Julius' punch to go, it had to stop in the air, only for it not to be able to kill its intended target. Although it would let out some of its power in the form of air pressure as the air pressure that was exuded by Julius' punch was strong enough to go so far as to create a whole in the castle ceiling before moving even further towards a large cloud in the sky and creating a hole in it as well. In turn making it look like a sort of donut.

After killing Henry, Julius simply let out a sigh of disappointment as although he had won the war between him and his father, he had lost far too much. His mental health was in shambles and couldn't think properly. Julius couldn't even trust himself in that he didn't know if he actually managed to kill or if he was in another illusion. He didn't know if he would wake up once again only to find himself getting bombarded by a fury of endless attacks. His heart raced in doubt and worry.

All while this went on, the army which was being controlled by Henry came to a complete stop in which they had be allowed to be free of Henry's control. Even though his army initially agreed to be a part of the war, Henry still placed them under a secret art of his so that even if they had their limbs cut off, they would be able to fight relentlessly. 

Due to his secret art now wearing off, Henry's army had no reason to keep fighting. Most of them passed out and the others simply fell to their feet in utter defeat. 

As for Julius' army that was being controlled by Knight also came to a stop as Knight could sense something odd was going on. Filled with curiously, Knight leaped towards the sky before landing on the floor where Julius was supposed to be at. To his surprise, Julius stood standing while nearly everyone in the room was either damaged to the point of being unconscious while others were killed with no mercy shown. It was as if a monster had came to ravage everyone in the room.

"King J-Julius?" Knight said as he struggled to speak in fear that his king was the one responsible for doing all of that damage. Julius had killed his very own subjects. 

Hearing Knight's voice, Julius turned around to give his subject one last week look before passing out as the white layer began to wear off and Julius returned to his normal form before falling onto the ground from exhaustion.

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