Hero Cultivation

Chapter 221 - Hey

"Hey you! Why do you have a cell phone?!" Julius asked with a yell as he saw the guard which had been on the phone with someone.

"Huh? Just stay put for now, you'll meet your end soon enough," said the guard which was on the phone as he finally seemed to end the phone call.

"Who were you on a call with you?!" Julius demanded to know as he could sense that something bad was about to happen.

"You're so damn noisy! All of you vermin. You all resort using some devilish magic of some kind. Don't worry though, my people will exterminate you all. As such, I'm willing to make myself a sacrifice so that my people can succeed and eliminating you monsters. You don't even deserve to live, not a single one of you should be allowed to live for even another second. I hate all of you so much! I can't help but smile as nukes will fall upon your lands like rain fall! My people will subjugate your land and rule it. To make things better, not a single one of you demons will be alive to ruin this beautiful land! This place will belong to us! We'll finally be able to completely rule this land!" said the guard who had been on the phone which seemed to have struck a nerve with Julius as he quickly got up from his bed before moving close to the guard. However due to him still being severely weakened, Julius ended up falling to his knees as the guard continued to look down at Julius.

"Die you demon!" said the guard as he pulled out a gun from his pocket before shooting it at Julius' head in hopes of ending him right there. Of course since Julius was vastly stronger than a weapon which a regular human could hold in their hand, the bullet simply bounced back from his head before landing on the ground. Although Julius was strong enough for the bullet to not even have felt like a scratch, due to him being so much weaker than his original state, Julius was forced to pass out just from a simple bullet making contact with his head.

"Nice! I didn't think it would work but it seems that I get to live another minute or so," said the guard with a grin. However he wouldn't get so lucky as Ian was able to witness what had just taken place. He had expected Julius to fine as a normal guard couldn't have done so much damage but seeing his king knocked out once again trigged something in Ian. Without even bothering to ask any question, Ian teleported beside the guard before breaking both his shoulders so that he could feel the worst pain this world had to offer.

Just as the guard tried to scream in agony, Ian shoved his hand in the guard's mouth so that he wouldn't be able to make even a sound. All that the guard could do was cry as he was consumed in the worst pain he had ever felt.

Next, Ian twisted his fist which forced the guard's head to twist as well before snapping off his head in the most gruesome way possible and instantly killing the man which dared to harm Julius.

"I wonder what seemed to have my liege panic like that. Whatever it is, I know for certain that it cannot be good. How troublesome. I'll have to find a way to deal with it myself even though I'm not quite sure how. I'll also have to account for the possibility that it'll attack us any time. I wonder though, what is this thing called nukes," Ian thought to himself as he needed to quickly formulate a plan to protect Julius' land while the king was unconscious.

"I should first worry about making sure my king is safe though," said Ian and he held Julius up by the shoulder and took him back to bed so that he could rest as Julius was not quite ready to take on the responsibility quite yet. As such, Ian would have to hold down the fort until Julius was mentally and physically ready for his place in the throne.

After placing Julius down on the bed, Ian looked outside the open window in the room before leaping out of it and flying into the air as he tried to spot anyone or anything which seemed to have the likely hood of being a threat. However as he looked around he couldn't spot a single thing on the ground which seemed to be a threat which would have Julius panic. Specially since Julius was not even fazed at the idea of having to battle Henry. As such, all Ian could think about was what could possibly be so threatening that it would have Julius himself be concerned for once.

After looking around for a while and not being able to spot anything that could've been a threat, Ian began to suspect that what the guard had said was nothing more than a bluff. However after just a minute, Ian could hear some buzzing sound. It resembled that of a flying dragon as it soured the sky.

"What is that noise?" Ian asked himself as he looked up above him only to see something that looked like a needle. However as the seconds passed, it continued to bet bigger and bigger while it moved closer which made it clear that it wasn't just a normal needle.

"So this is the thing which my liege was so scared of? It doesn't look all that bad. Although I should stop in in the air before it can do anything. I'll just create a normal force field around it so that it can stop," said Ian before preparing to cast a secret art.

<<Secret Art: Globe's Shield>>

Using this secret art, Ian was able to create a transparent red force field around the nuke which was heading right for the castle in which Julius was sleeping in. 

Although Ian had expected it to stop right there due to his secret art, what took place after that was something Ian could have never expected.

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