Hero Cultivation

Chapter 223 - Phone

That would also explain the fact that Jun didn't know how to use a phone or even what it was. He didn't know how to interact with others along with his sudden capability to get an unimaginable amount of gold out of nowhere. The fact of the matter was that nothing Jun had said made any sense. He had lied about being nothing but a baby sitter for Julius which was how he tried to explain his reasoning for having so much money. He had told the girls that were accompanying them on their short stay that Julius' parents were wealthy and had given the gold to Jun so that he could get something nice for Julius.

Due to this, it had peaked the interest of the girl that already seemed to like Jun. As such, she found no record of a wealthy family that had a son by the name of Julius. She simply thought that maybe Julius' family liked to keep their life a secret but that wasn't the truth. Julius' family might have in fact been wealthy but they were not from the same world that the girls were from.

With her new found discovery, the girl headed to the authorities right away which caused large controversies around the world as to who would end up ruling over that land. Due to the information which the girl had provided, the leaders of the world also knew that there were people who lived on the other side of the world. As such, an idea that was given was that they would allow those people to continue living and be assimilated into modern society. Well that was at least the plan. 

In the beginning, the leaders of the world wanted to learn more about the new world which they had just discovered. As such, they each sent several spies to investigate the land and try to learn more about the people. However very quickly, the spies began to report strange occurrences in the world which they were investigating. Things such as magic and cultivation as well as secret arts. Ways in which a regular human child could easily defeat a fully grown adult. Simple laws of nature and physics being manipulated and broken. None of it made sense to them and as such reported it to their leaders.

Once having heard of the ways in which the people of the other world lived, the leaders of the world had nothing but to deep the people from the world of cultivation nothing more than demons that were a threat unlike any other to the world. As such, they decided to make a plan to eradicate the people of the cultivation world. However right before they could go forward with that plan of theirs, something happened.

One of the species reported that one of the kingdoms was making preparations for a war of some kind. After hearing about that, the leaders of the world decided to bring a holt to their plans of destroying the cultivation world. The reasoning for this being that by observing the war, even if it was a small one, they would have some grasp of knowledge over how the people of the cultivation war fought. 

However as time passed, more and more reports of kingdoms preparing for war kept getting reported. The worst one being when one of the spies managed to infiltrate one of the great 9 kingdoms. After doing so, reports of even the greatest powers in the cultivation world preparing for war began to get sent back to the regular world. Even so, it didn't make sense as they all seemed to be on the same team. As such, it begged the question of their enemy. Once having delved even further, the spies managed to figure out that the enemy of the cultivation world as a whole was a single man by the name of Julius. Just that alone out chills on everyone from the regular world's spines. 

It was preposterous to think that all it would take was a single man to bring fear into an entire side of the world which were all working together while also having access to magical powers as well. It simply broke all laws of nature. It left the whole world baffled. As such, the spies were forced to return back to the regular world where they would be given a new mission. That being to learn anything and everything about the man known as Julius.

However unlike their previous jobs where all the information they sought was given to them right away, information about Julius was nearly impossible to find. The man reason being that Julius himself was literally gone. He had spent over 3 years inside a dungeon where he polished his powers and grew in strength in search of power which would bring any enemy to their knees before him.

As such, the spies couldn't even get a look of Julius face until a few days before the war. As such, during the time that Julius was gone, the spies tried to look for information about Julius army and how it operated. Even so, that was still a much harder task than anticipated. In truth, most of Julius' army consisted of the undead which were being controlled by Dae and Knight. Due to this, if anyone that wasn't an undead was found, they would most likely be seen as an enemy and be quickly disposed of. 

Due to this, most of the spies were found out and killed quickly. Out of the hundreds if elite spies that were found out, only one of them survived. That was because the spy wasn't actually one that was sent in from the regular world. Instead it was sent from the cultivation world. That being one of the original villagers of the 10th continent. He had been convinced to betray Julius by one of the other spies.. He was the only spy to make it that far into the job and successfully track down Julius and try to bring the doom of Julius Henry as well as the 10th continent as a whole.

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