Hero Cultivation

Chapter 232 - Teleport

After defeating the fighter jets which had been placed there to torment Julius initially but instead ended up hurting Ian, Julius began to head towards the other side of the world in which the humans who had never heard about the word cultivation in a real life context as he needed to pay them a visit and unleash his wrath upon them for all that they did to him and his people. Although Julius as a good leader would have had to care about what would happen to the regular civilians of his land, all he cared about were the elite members of his army due to their caring nature towards him and how he was a true leader to them. That sense of responsibility drive Julius to points which he didn't even think that he would go to for others. It was as if someone had attacked his own children and now it was time for them to pay.

<<Secret Art: Teleport>>

Using his secret art, Julius was able to teleport himself from the point where he was standing or more specifically floating right to the magical wall at which he would be able to cross the border to reach the other side of humanity in which they relied of technological weapons instead of cultivation and secret arts to battle. 

The last time which Julius had went to the border it was a plan sand desert which didn't have a single thing which was interesting about it. However now that the people from the regular side of the world were starting to make advances to take over the world, the people from the regular side of the other had began construction near the border so that they would be able to start from the border and move in their materials from that point to the other point of the world in turn slowly but surely assimilating the rest of the world and forcing it to join them. The main reason being that with more land meant more jobs and real estate that could be created. That would also mean more political divide and new ways to sway the power in the world. Everyone thought the colonization of the cultivation world was a good thing as it offered so many good things to the people. The increase in land mass off the world by nearly double would mean that the cost of living would greatly decrease due to there being more land to build on top of. The politicians also found this idea good as they would be able to make new promises that pertained to the people of the cultivation world so that they would be able to sway the votes in their favour even if that meant that other categories which were important in the past were to be ignored. Due to the sudden surge of the popularity of the topic, that being the cultivation world, people seemed to easily overlook everything else. As if their eyes were being clouded on purpose. While the general public would be paying attention to the new topic that had been all over the news, large companies and organizations would be able ti get away with much more as people wouldn't have their sights on those complained for quite a while and when the people finally realize what they had done, it would be much too late to stop them.

Nevertheless, Julius teleported towards the area where he would be able to cross the border so that he would reach the other side of the world only to find a large army camp that was station right where he had teleported. Dozens of tanks and cannons immediately pointed at Julius even though he didn't know what he had done wrong.

"Explain yourself! What are you doing here?" one of the army members commanded Julius as a threat as if he did not give the right answer, all of the tanks and cannons would fire at Julius instantly.

"I'm just trying to pass through the gate. I don't want any problems," Julius calmly responded as he was not even the least bit fazed by the weapons that were pointed that him and instead only cared if he would be able to just pass through the army camp without having to leave a trail of dead bodies in his wake.

"State your name immediately and explain why you want to pass through or we'll be forced to kill you at once!" the army general replied to Julius which was the last straw due to Julius already being past the point of exhaustion and he did not have the patience to sit around and answer some stupid questions all day. As such, he decided to give the army members and answer which they would surely appreciate.

"Oh my apologies. Where are my manners. I don't know if you know my name already since I'm a bit popular. I'm just kidding, I'm just your average civilian that likes to make jokes all the time. Someone as boring as me could not be popular at all. But since you're wondering what my name is...."Julius said with an overjoyed smile until the last part of his statement which that smile turned into a sinister grin as it stared down every single of of the troops in the eyes and placed true fear into their souls.

"My name is Julius. Julius Henry and my goal here today is to completely and utterly kill each and every single one of you," said Julius as his smile seemed to grow more and more while also clouding the vision of all the troops. It was as if they were being swallowed by the darkness. The darkness being Julius himself which did not even have an ounce of mercy in his eyes.

"Fire at once men," the general yelled at the troops which instantly woke up from their trance and began to shoot everything they had directly at Julius only them to create a smoke cloud and when that cleared all that remained was a single figure.. That being Julius who stood menacingly without even a single scratch on his body.

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