Hero Cultivation

Chapter 239 - Pulp

After beating Jun's face for so long that it had been beaten to a pulp and was now unrecognizable, Julius finally pulled his fists away to reveal that they were red with blood and Julius finally made an actual realization. Julius realized that he was not the person he used to know before. He didn't understand how he went firm the kid that enjoyed smiling to a blood thirsty evil creature that covered his fists with the blood of the person who had taught he everything he knew. This wasn't technically Julius' fault as tough times create tough people. Due to his 3 whole years inside the dungeon where he was constantly being bombarded by an endless fury of insanely strong monsters, Julius had forgotten about his kind a gentle side. He had forgotten that he could win a battle without being a literal demon which only knew how to cause havoc and destruction. 

"I-I'm sorry," said Julius as his hands shook in fear of what he had turned into. He didn't fear Jun or the possibility that he might kill him now that Julius was not fully concentrated. Julius only feared one thing in that moment. That thing being himself. Nothing scared Julius more than himself. He couldn't believe just how far he was willing to go for revenge.

It didn't make sense though as Julius was never one to hold grudges so it didn't make sense why he sought out revenge so much. However after some thought, the reason for his sudden urge to take out revenge in the most gruesome way possible was brought upon him by none other than his own father. This had happened due to the fact that Julius still wanted to to take out his anger of his father as he didn't get a chance to actually damage his own father since he had been killed before Julius' punch could ever reach him. In every single was possible, Julius fit the statement known as "suffering from success" as he was too strong for his own good that he couldn't even enjoy the satisfaction of killing those he hated. 

As such, to let out his anger, he sought out those who angered him even in the least and did his best to torment them so that all of the anger in his system would be cleaned as he didn't want it to stick to him any longer specially since he wanted to have a new start at life in the heavens as he had already ruined his own world.

While Julius was lost in thought though, Jun decided it was time for him to strike as he began to constantly bombard Julius with an endless amount of punches and kicks. It didn't matter to him if those punches were playing dirty or anything, as long as he got them to land, that was fair play to him. The amount of anger which Jun had been allowing to boil up was now all being unleashed on Julius as Jun wanted to get revenge for all the punches that had been thrown at him and was forced to bleed like that.

However something odd was happening. Instead of the usual reaction that anyone else would have at which they would try their best to not get injured, it was the exact opposite for Julius. He didn't bother to block or even try to counter the attacks that were coming at him. He just let them all hit him as if he wanted them to. Julius stopped caring about the pain he felt. It was as if all of the nerves which receipted the feeling of pain stopped working and allowed Julius to stand still while he was getting beaten to a pulp.

However just as al things in the universe, Julius had reached his limit and was tired of getting punched for no reason. He didn't even feel any pain which made it so that Julius was just wasting time while Jun thought that he was actually doing something productive with his time.

"Why won't you die already?! Just die! Die! Die!" Jun continued to yell over and over again only for Julio regain her senses again grab Jun by the wrist before kicking him in the chest using his knee which made Jun pass out in an instant.

"That's much better. Now you can't e a nuisance to me any longer," said Julius as he dropped the unconscious body of Jun towards the ground before once again starting to activate his secret art so that he could bring an end to all the conflict in the world. By showing everyone that no matter how powerful they were, they would always lose to Julius, he would be making sure that all arguments would be settled as it didn't matter who was on either side, if Julius ever walked past them, he would be deemed the best at activity as if anyone even bothered to question him, it would be the death penalty.

"Okay now where was I," said Julius as he snapped his fingers and a fire began to spark before allowing a brought ball of fire to appear out of nowhere was it floated above Julius' finger. With every passing second, it continued to grow more and more as Julius had wanted the sun ball to be visible all across the globe.

However Julius' struggles would not end there as another figure wanted to make themselves an enemy of Julius as they came in flying out of nowhere and punched Julius off to the side so that the ball of fire would be disturbed once again. All while this had happened m, confusion had been brought all throughout the country, no, confusion all across the world.

They wanted to learn more about what was happening to Julius.. As for those who delved into the news more than others, they camera footage the new figure that was going up in battle against Julius and wanted to know who or what it was and if it actually stood a chance at defeating the monster known as Julius.

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