Hero Cultivation

Chapter 241 - Wingman

"Do you think he'll make it?" 


"Of course he will, I'm using one of the best secret arts in my disposal, if it didn't work, there's nothing else that would work!" 

Julius awoke to the sound of two people arguing in the night sky as one of them was a familiar female voice which was in front of him and the other one was that of a male he knew which was behind him.

"Am I dead?" Julius asked himself out loud in an exhausted tone as he kept having to pass out and wake up. Even if his physical health was restored, his mental health was still not exactly perfect which meant that it would take a great toll on his fighting which also coronated to his effectiveness in battle. 

"Oh look he's awake. Maybe I didn't need to doubt you after all," said Spike as he let out a sigh of relief.

"I told you that my healing was flawless. You're lucky I was here, if I wasn't, you would be in a whole lot of trouble," said Rosie as she bragged about how she was the reason Julius was alive however she didn't say it to Julius who should have been the person to hear it but instead said it to Spike as she was still too scared to speak to Julius after what had taken place in Henry's kingdom.

"Oh I see you're awake. Please do well in your next battle my king," said Rosie in a rather formal tone as she didn't want to over step her boundaries and wanted to properly make sure that she atoned for her sins or at least what she considered to be sins. However Julius was tired of having her act like a stranger and decided to take matters into his own hands quite literally however it might not have been a good idea as it caused Rosie to become quite flustered.

"Thank you," said Julius as he placed his left hand behind Rosie's head and pulled her closer to his chest so that he could embrace her. All while this happened, Rosie was too startled to even comprehend what was taking place around her. Her face and ears quickly became quite red as that was the last thing she expected to happen after she had healed Julius. 

As for Spike, he looked at Rosie with a look at a child would make to make fun of their friend is they were seen with the opposite gender as if he was making fun of Rosie for blushing so much without even saying a word. However all good things must come to an end as the biologically modified human began to descend from the sky as it recognized Julius' heart beat.

"How interesting. It seems that I have failed in my goal of defeating you. Well it's really not that much of a bother. I can always try again. It is my duty as humanity's greatest weapon to eliminate you right here, right now," said the biologically modified human before it began to cast a secret art.

<<Secret Art:...

Just as the modified human began to cast its secret art, Julius' eyes opened wide in both curiosity and fear as if it would take the route that it had taken the last time, the modified human would be much stronger than Julius anticipated which was why it was important for him to protect Spike and Rosie. As such, Julius stopped embracing Rosie and pushed her lightly to the side so that he could protect both her and Spike. However unlike all other times, something changed.

"No! I refuse to be left behind! We're a team from this point on, we cannot allow you to do everything on your own. For once in our lives, let us assist you in battle," Spike argued as he was tired of having to sit and watch all the time as either Julius or Steven took the spot light and he had to sit behind and watch until everyone had been exhausted which was when he could take over. Spike wanted to take over for once and actually help out.

"Me too-" Rosie began to speak before Spike quickly turned around to give her a death stare and make her stay quiet as he also wanted to help her in her goal of having a relationship with Julius.

<<Secret Art: Overgrown Garden>>

Using this secret art, Spike created a seemingly endless forest which spanned on for several kilometres. All while this was happening, both Julius and the modified human were distracted by the growing trees. However the main goal of it was so that it would create a small twig which would sprout right beside Rosie's angle and whip it so hard that her bone would break. In just a moment, Rosie lost her balance and began to fall towards the ground at which Julius' instincts kicked in and went to hold her before she could fall. In that moment, Rosie's face turned red once again while she felt the agonizing pain of having her bone broken. To make things a bit better for her though, Julius placed his hand on top of her head as he wanted to check her temperature.

"Are you sick Rosie? Your face is awfully red right now, maybe you should sit this one out while Spike and I take care of this guy," said Julius as he laid her on the ground and began to prepare to head into battle.

"My king, don't you think that leaving her alone would be too dangerous? I mean she could be used as a hostage if she were to be kidnapped. Please allow me to take care of this while you look after her. In the state she's in now, I doubt she'll be able to defend herself," said Spike as he had carefully set his plan into motion.

"I guess you're right. Well I'll put some faith in you. Do your best," said Julius as he sat on the ground and placed Rosie's head on his lap so that it would act as a pillow and also cause Rosie to get even more flustered.

Before Spike began his battle, he gave Rosie a rather sinister wink to let her know that he had done everything on purpose.

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