Hero Cultivation

Chapter 244 - Explosion

Although it has seemed as if Spike had been killed due to the explosion which took place as a result of the suicide of the biologically modified human which took his own life after being nearly killed by Spike's secret art, that was not the case as Spike was indeed saved by a familiar figure which came to the rescue.

"Hey, are you alright?" Ian asked as he carried Spike on his back while levitating on the air so that the explosion could die down for a bit. 

"Yes, thanks for saving my life. To be quite honest with you. I didn't actually mind the idea of getting killed in that explosion. I had thought that it was a noble way to go out since I would have been able to save king Julius from the explosion while making a selfless act. However now that I think about it, I am thankful that you saved me from that explosion. In the fraction of a second before it had hit me, I had regretted giving my life up so easily. I mean there were so many things which I wanted to do. And it wasn't that I couldn't save myself either as if I had ran fast enough to where king Julius and Rosie were, I could have caused my force field to not only protect the both of them but also myself. I don't know how to describe is but the feeling you get the moment before you die is truly horrifying," said Spike as he explained his gratitude towards Ian who had saved his life from the explosion which would have surely killed him.

"I mean it's not like you would actually die for good though. Knowing king Julius' kind heart, he would bring you back to life himself by creating a time reversal secret art like the one Vivian had used to revive the important figures which had died during the battle. I guess it turns out that she did feel a sense of guilt as Julius had spared her army from his wrath and she managed to return the favour by reviving our king's army as well. Even if she decided to refuse to revive you, our king would find a way to force her to as that's the way king Julius is," said Ian as he replied to Spike.

"I guess you're right. Although you also have to account for the fact that if the secret art isn't used fast enough, the body could be past the point where time reversal would be enough to bring their body back. Nevertheless, I'm grateful for your act of kindness. Due to it, I am now able to walk on my own two feet once again and live life freely," said Spike with a smile as he seemed truly happy. However that same attitude did not apply to Ian as he did not look happy in the least nor did he look sad. All that lingered on his face was that of regret as if he had committed the worst crime in the world.

"Why do you look so defeated? I presume that you still believe that you're the one at fault for attacking king Julius? I understand how you feel but don't take it all out on yourself," said Spike as he tried to reassure Ian that things were alright.

"How can I just act like nothing ever happened? I mean I failed to protect the one person which I serve. How can one be any more of a failure than that?" Ian asked as he felt truly horrible in the actions he had taken against his own king. Even so, Spike didn't seem as bothered as Ian or even as bothered as any of the other higher echelon members of Julius' attack squad. 

"Hold on Spike, why do you not seem bothered by the whole ordeal that we all went through? I mean you cannot possibly believe that you were not at fault as well by the fact that you attacked our king, could you?" Ian asked Ian rather curious tone which made it seem as if Spike had turned against king Julius however that was not what he had meant as Ian was simply curious if there was a way for him to calm himself down as he was in extreme stress after the great battle had taken place as he could never forgive himself for betraying his own king.

"Well to be honest with you Ian, I'm still a bit nervous to speak to king Julius after the great battle however I am not quite as stressed about the situation as the rest of you for a very simple reason. That being because Julius never truly needed us. I mean think about it, no matter how much we tell ourselves that we are of use to him, we have to at some time accept that we're nothing to him," said Spike which confused Ian as he didn't expect to hear something like that from an overall positive person such as Spike.

"Why do you say that? We're part of his elite squadron, why wouldn't we be of use to him?" Ian asked as he still wanted to get some clarification.

"Well it's not really that complicated. Just think about what took place during the so called war against Henry. Our king was severely weakened as evident during the battle where he passed out multiple times out of exhaustion. To add on, it was mentioned by someone during the war that he had his mental health weakened as well so the king Julius who was going into the war was a much weaker version of his original self. Nevertheless, he headed in to the battle with the expectation that he would be able to trust in us. And guess how we repaid his trust in us? We tried to attack him. We were so weak that he fell prey to simple hypnosis and attacked him all at once and allied ourselves with the enemy.. Imagine the hell he had to go through as he tried to hold up back while also trying to attack his actual enemies," said Spike which all agreed with the notion that Ian and everyone else agreed with but what Spike said next was what shifted from the rest of the opinions about the situation.

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