Hero Cultivation

Chapter 251 - [YES] [NO]

"I guess she really is asleep. I can't believe that she would stay up for so long just because I died. I mean a single day to mourn a person's death is fine but this is far too much. Specially taking into consideration that she hadn't eaten nor spoke to anyone since I died. To make matters worse, it looks like she's been crying non stop. Maybe I've been too selfish all along, I just wonder how she's going to take it when I finally have to leave to go to heaven," Julius thought to himself as he looked at Rosie as he set her to bed and sat beside her as he waited for her to make a full recovery. He assumed that it would take her at least a couple days or even more but Julius was still willing to wait as he felt responsible for the state that Rosie was in.

However as if it was a miracle, Rosie awoke from her slumber to greet Julius with a smile only a few minutes after he had placed her to bed. Seeing this had taken his aback as that was the last thing which he had expected to happen. Specially due to the state she was placed in, it should have taken Rosie at least a whole day to even be as close as to feeling well as she should have.

"What's wrong? You seem so sad," said Rosie as she saw Julius' true expression which she wasn't meant to see which was why it had quickly changed from that which was sad to that which expressed nothing but happiness.

"Oh my apologies, I was just concerned that you were placed in such a horrible state because of me. I just couldn't forgive myself for all the things which I've done to you," said Julius as he tried to make up a lie as he didn't want to concern Rosie however it was much too late.

"I can tell that you're worried about something else. However I have know for quite a while that you like to hide things from others. I mean it's your life so do as you wish. However since I believe this might be the last day I spent with you, please grant me my one selfish request," said Rosie as she wanted to get something from Julius.

"Sure, what is it? I want to make it up to you right now so just name it and it'll be my command," said Julius in a sincere tone as he truly did want to do everything in his power to make Rosie truly happy.


"Sleep with me," said Rosie after she had taken a long time to think about what she wanted from Julius which made Julius turn bright red from being flustered.


"Are you sure about that?" Julius asked as he wasn't sure if he had heard what Rosie had said properly.

"Yes, I am sure. I want you to sleep with me," said Rosie which caused Julius to be more confused than ever since that was the last thing which he could have expected Rosie to wish for as there could have been other things which Julius would have been happy to give her however her request was too much for Julius to handle. Even so, he decided to give it a thought as the silence dawned upon him as he was frozen in thought.

"What's the problem? It's not like I asked for anything big. I just wanted you to sleep in the same bed as me. I mean sharing a bed with you is the only thing which I could ask for," said Rosie as she teased Julius to which he nodded while feeling like an idiot for what he thought Rosie had wanted from him. Even so, due to it being the last day which he would spend with her, Julius decided to grant Rosie her selfish requests. As such, he climbed into the bed and sat up straight while making sure to keep his distance from her.

"Is this good?" Julius asked as he wanted to make sure that he want disappointing Rosie.

"Yes, it's perfect. Thank you for going along with my selfish requests. I know it must be hard for you to deal with my at times but it has been a pleasure to work for you," said Rosie as she wanted to thank Julius for all the time they had spent together as comrades even though it was short.

"Please don't think of it was working for me. Think of it as working with me. It was truly a pleasure to have you at my side. I wish that I could have stayed more but I have things to attend to," said Julius as he felt bad for having to leave Rosie alone once again. 

"It's fine. You blame yourself far too much for nothing you did wrong. You always seem to be busy. As if you always have a place to go. It's impossible to ever catch up to you which is one of the reasons that I admire you. I wish that I could have stayed by your side some more however I fear that this is where we must part ways. Thank you for all you've done for me," said Rosie as she finished her last sentence before going quiet.

For the rest of the day, the two stayed quiet as none of them even said a single word until Rosie felt tired and decided to go to sleep or at least make it seem like she did. 

Seeing as Rosie was asleep, Julius decided to go to sleep too as he turned to the other side as to where Rosie was facing.


"I love you," said Rosie.




"I love you too," Julius replied after some time.

After this, none of them said a single word to each other. Julius simply woke up in the middle of the night to take care of one last thing before he moved on to the heavens.

Julius got on in the middle of the night and placed his lips of Rosie's for what seemed like an eternity before finally feeling ready to leave as a single tear drop left his left eye and a single tear drop let Rosie's right eye.






Now having fininished what he needed to do, Julius began to calm himself down as it was time for him to leave, there was no need for him to remain in the human world any longer and as such he had only one other place to go to. Heaven. After he had thought long and hard about what he was going to do, Julius let out a sigh before trying to come into contact with the female voice that informed him about the the new emperor contest. 

"Hey are you still there? I want to go to heaven to compete in the contest you told me about. I'm ready now," said Julius to which he didn't get a reply. For a second, he believed that he might actually get to live happily on the human realm however Julius would not be so lucky as right as his hopes were raised, he got a reply for the female voice. 

"I understand sir, please give me a moment to arrange your transfer to heaven. If there is anything you would like to do in the final minutes you have on this plane of existance, please do it now since this is the last time you'll be here," said the female voice to which Julius simply smiled with a sad look on this face. 

"No, there's nothing left for me to do, I'm okay with leaving this world just as I am," Julius replied while still in thought. He tried to believe that he would be fine in heaven and he would find new comrades as well as new power. He told himself that he would become stronger than ever and manage to somehow return to the human realm however as many times as he told himself those lies, he just couldn't manage to accept them as the truth. He fully understood that they chances of him managing to defeat all the other candidates which are all as capable if not more capable than him were next to 0. However he had one advantage over all of them. Julius had a reason to win. Even if the other candidates also had a reason to fight, Julius had learned what true peace was. 

"I'll do anything to come back to you, even if it means that I have to endure years of torture," said Julius as he turned around to give Rosie one last look before his departure. It was rather a sad scene to watch as the only time that Julius managed to find something he wanted to do for the rest of his life, he was forced to leave it to pursue a whole different journey. Even so, this was just the beginning of Julius' hardships. 




"Would you like to go to heaven for the new emperor contest?"

[YES] [NO]



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