Hero Cultivation

Chapter 253 - Dungeon

"Yup, still here Julius," Drake replied which brought a smile to his face.

"You mind teleporting me out of here?" Julius asked to which Drake let out a smirk and before even allowing Julius to finish his thought, he teleported him to a large tree which for some reason had a door placed right in front of it as if the tree itself was someone's home.

"What is this place?" Julius asked, to which Drake looked confused.

"Weren't you wanting to be teleported to a dungeon so that you can start your journey to reach level 100 first?" Drake asked to which Julius let out a giggle.

"I was, it seems that you'll always be reliable to me," said Julius before walking towards the door of the tree so that he could enter the dungeon.

"Hold it you scoundrel!" a woman's voice said as she yelled at Julius.

"Huh?" Julius said as he turned around only for him to be kicked with the force of a truck right in his face. Since he was back at the same strength as all his competitors, Julius was now capable of being hurt by everyone around him which meant that he needed to be more careful than ever.

"What the hell was that for?!" Julius yelled out as he got up front the ground to punch the woman who had punched him in the face as well.

"Huh?! How dare you hit a woman! Do you not have any respect? Were you now taught to act like a gentleman? Or maybe everyone from your realm acts like a pig?" the woman said as he mocked Julius before pushing him out of her way to try to open the door of the tree so that she could enter the dungeon.

"Oh no you don't," said Julius as he grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her away from the door.

"Let go of me! Do you have any manners? Don't you know it's rude to be so rough with a woman's hand?" the woman asked before Julius let out an exhausted sigh.

"Look lady, I don't care who you are. I came to this dungeon before you and that means that I get to enter it before you," Julius replied to which the woman simply looked annoyed.

"Have you heard of the saying 'ladies first'? Now get out of my way before I summon a true gentleman to attack you on my behalf," said the woman to which Julius took a proper look at her.

She was a woman who looked to be no older than 20. She was a bit taller than Julius and she was covered with a thin layer of metal around which stretched past her shoulders like a t-shirt and wore a skirt decorated with silver metal on the bottom.

"Didn't you think to wear more armour before entering a dungeon?" Julius asked, to which the woman looked confused.

"And how would you know what a dungeon is from the inside? This is the first time anyone here has been able to go inside a dungeon," said the woman before taking a closer look at Julius and realising that he wasn't from her realm.

"Wait, are you from the human realm?!" the woman asked to which Julius nodded as if it was normal.

"Ya, how did you know?" Julius asked to which the woman punched him harder than ever. She even used more force into her punch than her kick.

"How dare someone of your calibre dare to stand up to me?! Know your place, you disgusting piece of trash! You're not even worthy of being looked at by me!" the woman yelled out before going inside the dungeon as if it was her right.

"Are all the people from heaven self centred pieces of trash?" Julius asked himself as he saw the woman walk and he didn't bother to stop her for a simple reason. That being that it was her first time in a dungeon. Even if it did have differences with the dungeons on the human realm, Julius actually had experience inside dungeons and how to act when faced with difficult situations alongside having been in countless battles with both humans and monsters. However something odd stood out to Julius. That being that the woman that had spoken to him had two small wings that poked out of the back of her head which Julius found starve but assumed that it was because of that trait that she was able to distinguish that he was from the human realm. 

"Well, anytime now she's going to yell out for help-" Julius thought to himself and as if it was scripted, the woman let out the most annoyed scream that anyone could have imagined.

"Someone, help me!" she yelled out to which Julius began to laugh before entering the dungeon himself. He had assumed that no one else could enter the dungeon as that was the way that they worked in the human realm however it was worth a shot to try and he was right in his unlikely guess. That being that it would in fact open to him and allow him to enter the dungeon so that he could intervene with the battle.


"Are you seriously struggling against that?" Julius asked as he picked up the small rabbit that was biting on the armour of the woman as she cried in helplessness.

"I'm assuming that this thing is the monster from this dungeon. Quite a friendly one," said Julius as he looked at it as a monster and not as a pet even though that was what they were in the human realm. This was because he had to learn the hard way that no matter how harmless something may look, it always has the potential to kill you.

"Hey lady, do you have a weapon? Something like a sword or pocket knife?" Julius asked, to which the woman looked annoyed.

"I do, but I would rather die here than give trash such as yourself my blade," said the woman to which Julius sighed before unleashing the rabbit on her.

"Help me! Help me!" the woman yelled out to which Julius once again sighed before picking up the rabbit and asking her once more.

"Can I have a weapon so I can kill the monster and we can be done with this?" Julius asked in an exhausted voice.

"Like I said before! I won't give you my weapon!" the woman said and seeing as how stubborn she was, Julius grew tired of dealing with her stuck up attitude.

"Suit yourself then. I'm no longer going to waste my time dealing with your attitude. If this was a serious dungeon, we would have both died by now. Even so, I'm going to use this as an opportunity to teach you a lesson," said Julius as he let go of the rabbit which instantly attacked the woman by simply attaching to her armour and trying to bite it off.

Once again she began to plead for help however Julius simply sat on the wall of the tree which was so big that it looked like a cave and only got it's right from a hole at the top of the tree which allowed sunlight to get in.

The woman struggled for a couple minutes before finally giving up.

"I'll give you my weapon! I promise! Please just get this thing away from me!" the woman begged Julius however he was unfazed. He simply stayed silent to which the woman finally realised that Julius wasn't going to do as she wanted. Everything that she wanted wouldn't go her way around him which caused her to break. She began to cry in helplessness to which Julius simply laughed before getting up from the ground to see the woman crying. 

Julius simply walked towards her and took the blade that was attached to her armour in a sheath and picked up the rabbit before stabbing the rabbit which instantly turned to sparking dust and Julius' watch vibrated as the bar on level 1 filled about 1/5 of the way.

"Just as I thought. It seems that all the creatures here give out exp," Julius said to himself before looking down at the woman on the ground who was still crying as she still thought that the rabbit was attacking her.

"Get up. Stop acting like a baby," said Julius to which the woman looked annoyed yet helpless as she got her head up to reveal her eyes that were red from crying so much. Even so, Julius didn't feel the least bit of remorse towards her. Seeing as she had gotten up, he turned his back on her and began to walk further into the tree as he looked around for more monsters so that he could increase his level. He didn't care what the woman had done to him, it was a waste of time and energy to argue with her.

"Hey! What's your name?!" the woman asked as she tried to yell still with a weak voice from crying.

"Julius, my name is Julius Henry."

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