Hero Cultivation

Chapter 258 - Challenges

While walking and talking, Julius and Lyla stepped upon another village which seemed to have been much more friendly than Lyla's hometown. While the two walked through it, almost no one seemed to care that Julius didn't have the wings behind his head which signified that a person was from heaven.

However not everything could be perfect as Julius heard a commotion off to the distance.

"What do you think it could be?" Lyla asked as she assumed that it was properly the people of he and picking on a person from the human realm as it had gotten pretty common very quickly.

"Well to be honest with you, I don't know. At first I thought that it might have been the same thing that happened in your village where someone from the human realm was getting harassed by your people however there are a couple reasons why that's not true. First of all if you listen closely, you'll notice that the cries aren't pain but joy. Although I can still hear the sounds of a fight so it's probably a friendly duel," said Julius and as the two walked towards the scene to see what was actually going on, it turned out that Julius was indeed correct in his assumption as they saw two men fighting it out with a smile on their faces. They looked the same size and level of skill as well as power. As such, they were pretty evenly matched however someone had to eventually win and that took place when one of the competitors slipped up and moved his hand in a direction where he would barely miss his shot and as such his opponent took advantage of that and knocked him out cold with a final devastating punch.

"Wow, it turns out that you were right. I mean that's some serious observation, you were able to tell what was going on by just listening to sounds for just a couple seconds. You have quite a back for this kind of stuff, I understand now why you were allowed to come to our realm," said Lyla to which Julius looked confused as he didn't know if he should have felt disrespected or was getting complimented.

"Excuse me, do you know what going on?" Julius asked a nearby man who seemed to have been there for a very long time.

"Oh this? It's nothing special, some of us in this village just gather once a week to bet on which opie debt wins against another. The people are selected from a random group of people. The person selected is then researched until all their data has been calculated and then they're forced to battle against someone which is similar to them in every aspect. The villagers bet on who will be the winner. The competitor who wins gets about 15% of all the money and the rest is divided amongst the people that had bet on that person," said the man as he explained to Julius.

"Wow, thank you. I really didn't expect you to tell me all that information,," said Julius.

"Nonsense, there's nothing to worry about. Judging by what you had asked, I assumed that you were new around here, as such, I made it my mission to explain to you the traditions of our town," said the man with a smile on his face.

"So child, what do you say? Do you want to join in our kitty le fun game," said the man as he was hoping that he would get Julius to join in so that there would be more money as an offer no matter how small the difference.

"Actually I would love that. However I don't want to join in as a better person. I want to join as a challenger," said Julius which made everyone's face turn pale as the people that had resized that Julius was unfazed by the fact that two grown men were fighting as if their lives were in the line and one of them was beaten to the point where he couldn't even stand. People took the con tree st so seriously that it was purely confusing to see someone not taking it even half as seriously as them.

"You know what, sure," said the man as he prepared to challenge Julius by himself so that he could teach him not to be so arrogant.

"How much do you have on you," said the man to which Julius simply used his ring to pour out just a fraction of his gold to which the man simply fell to the floor in shock.

"Nevermind, someone else is going to challenge you," said the man before snapping his fingers to which a giant man came forward which looked to be covered in hair and resembled a wolf that was walking on its two legs. It couldn't even speak properly which made everyone feel on edge however Julius was not fazed for even a second as he thought the man was rather a disappointment.

"Well feel free to start your battle when you feel like it. By the way, you can't back out of this to save you money. You have already entered this challenge so if anything happens, we are not liable for that. The only person at fault would be you," said the man to which Julius simply ignored before rushing at the beast to a man that he was supposed to fight.

Right as Julius was about to make contact with the beast man, the man quickly moved out of the way before seemingly teleporting behind Julius and punching him on the back.

"Wow!" Julius yelled out. Even though some might have assumed it was from the pain of the punch, it was to convey how well it was executed. The most it did was send a rush of blood into Julius' brain which was quite helpful for him.

"How about you get a taste of your own medicine," said Julius as he quickly leapt back before kicking the beast man right in his back and causing him to fall face flat into the ground.

"How does the ground taste?" Julius asked which angered the beast man as he got up from the ground with a roar.

"I'm going to kill you!" the breast man yelled out as he leapt at Julius and tried to snap Julius' neck in a flash.

"Oh no you don't," said Julius as he reached for the beast man's arm before twisting it to the point where a loud crack could be heard throughout the entire town which was filled with the yelling of the beast man. Julius had broken the man's arm.

"Magical Spell: Ever Folding Explosion.

This spell made it so that Julius was covered in explosionsions which simply continued until they doubled in speed which just continued to double until Julius got tired of this and punched the beast man so hard in the face that the explosions stopped.

"Magical Spell: Ice Age"

Using this spell, Julius was able to place the man in a thick layer of ice where he was trapped with absolutely no way to escape. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't even move a single inch.

"Stop, that's enough. You've proved your point. Just deactivate the spell and you can get your money back," said the man who was originally supposed to battle against Julius.

"You got it," said Julius with a smile which caused the ice to melt away in an instant.




"What are you waiting for? Leave this town already," said the man as he looked at Julius as if he was some random man he met out of nowhere.

"Give me my money back as well as the extra 15% I earned from winning the battle," said Julius to which the man simply stared back into Julius without a clue as to what Julius was talking about.

"Oh I see, so that's how you're going to play. Let me just make things a bit more clear for you. If I can make it so that one of your strongest people can't even damage me properly, what do you think will happen tk you?" Julius asked as he prepared to cast a magical spell however the man who he was talking to thought that Julius was bluffing and as such decided to test his luck by pretending like he still didn't know why Julius was talking about.

"Magical Spell: Absolute Ze-" Julius began to cast his spell before he was stopped right as the spell was about to be completed by the man who was neglecting Julius.

"You can have your money back and 15%. Just don't hurt us," said the man as he quickly gave the original gold that Julius gave to Julius.

"Make it 20% and maybe I won't kill you," said Julius with a grin which left the man feeling helpless however he agreed in the end and did as Julius said before finally being able to breathe normally once Julius had left as they knew that their lives weren't in danger.

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