Hero Cultivation

Chapter 261 - Kindness

"I understand what you mean but still, how am I supposed to just get back up after the last figure in my family has died? I mean when my mother died, I couldn't go outside for 2 whole years and that was because I had my father at my side to help me get through it. Now he's gone, I don't have anyone to stay with me. I'm all alone again," said the prince with a saddened expression on his face.

"No. Get up," said Julius, who caught the prince, who was the new current king, by surprise as it was rather harsh of him to say this to someone who had just lost a family member not even a day ago.

"Hey! What's your deal?! Can't you be nice for even a second?! Especially to the king!" Lyla yelled at Julius however he was completely unfazed by her words. It was as if he didn't hear them as all his attention was turned to the king who was staring right at Julius as if he was a light of hope shining upon him.

"I have a question for you," said the king to which Julius didn't give any reaction. He knew the question that was coming; however , instead of avoiding it or looking away, he simply stared at the king with determination.

"You seem very experienced with the ways of being a prince or royalty at least. Why is that?" the king asked to which Julius sighed as that was the question he was expecting and he was indeed correct and as such prepared to answer the question without wasting any time.

"Well yes. I do in fact have experience with both being a prince then a king as well as being the leader of an army and also fighting an entire army. My whole life was one where I was the centre of attention however now that I don't have that, it's weird yet relaxing. It's as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can finally relax and live a life that I've wanted to have all my life," said Julius to which the king simply nodded.

"I see, you're not from this dimension, are you?" the king asked a rhetorical question.

"No I'm not. I'm from the human realm," said Julius to which the king smiled instead of getting angry that someone from the human realm was daring to spear him. This was because the prince had no reason to hate Julius. He saw him as someone normal. After all, he was the one helping him get through the horrible stage of his life that he was experiencing.

"So what is it that you propose I do?" the king asked as he simply wanted some assistance with what he should do to be a good king to his people.

"Well to be honest with you, the people here don't seem to be too dependent on you. The best thing you can do for them is to go out there and tell them that you're okay and ready to take over as king. Don't let a single soul know about your true emotions. Even if they say that they want to know the real you, they're lying. All anyone wants to know is if they're going to be able to live comfortably as they have been able to for years. Anything else is none of their concern. So in conclusion, lie," said Julius as he gave the king advice which was essential to being a ruler of such a big area. Even for those that ruled over small areas, that advice could still apply to them.

"I understand," said the king before teleporting both Julius as well as Lyla out of the castle place that he had teleported them to previously before finally going onto the balcony of the tallest building in the city before starting to make his announcement. Although it was hard for him to even get a single word out due to what he had just experienced, he remembered what he had been told by Julius and realised that he had no reason to be afraid.

"Excuse me everyone, I have an announcement to make," said the king to which everyone began to turn their heads in his direction as they had just heard about what had happened to the past king and how the prince would need to take over. They believed that the prince would be inconsolable for a very long time as they remembered the years that he had spent locked in his own mind after his mother had died. However there was something different about him. It was as if he had evolved to a whole new person.

Nevertheless, everyone began to listen to him as he began to speak.

"I understand how shocked all of you are after learning about how my father, the previous king of this city, had passed away. He lived a great and fulfilling life as he had the pleasure of ruling over this wonderful city. He tried to help those in need and contributed when he could. However not all good things can last forever and they just come to an end at some point which brings us to now. My father, the previous king, has passed away just as many of you have already heard. I understand that many of you will be in shock for a while and will need time to recover and I completely understand that. However, let's not forget that my father would have wanted this city to prosper. Instead of crying about the event, how about we start to change and start improving things around here? I know it'll be a hard task to accomplish however if we work together, I truly believe that we could actually make some real change occur here," said the king without changing his rather determined expression for even a second. It was as if he had practised acting his whole life. He was so invested in the role that even Julius who was the one who had told him to lie began to question if the king was telling the truth from the bottom of his heart or what lying like he was instructed to.

All while this was going on, everyone who lived inside the city was quiet. Even after the speech had come to a close, people simply stood there in shock as the words that the king had said were the last thing they expected to hear from him. They had perceived him to be rather emotional as although his own mother had died, they believed that 2 straight years of nothing hit isolation was too much. Especially for someone who was supposed to become their next ruler. However it seemed that the king did not disappoint this time as he showed them all how much of a capable leader he could be and all of that was thanks to the speech that Julius had given him.

Although the people wanted to stand still in the show forever, they slowly began to snap back into reality before starting to clap in awe as the child which they had known for so long was finally taking action and began to uphold what it meant to be a true king.




"Wow, I guess you're not just some jerk," said Lyla as she was rather proud of what Julius had managed to accomplish by simply using his words.

"Of course I'm not. Please don't tell that's what you thought of me," said Julius with a worried tone as this was the first time that he bothered to actually listen to what Lyla had to say instead of simply ignoring her and doing what he wanted.

"Thank you," said a gentle whisper in Julius' ear to which he smiled when he recognized whose voice it was.

"Why are you making that creepy face? Prev..." Lyla said as she didn't get the message which Julius had received which made her question the intentions behind Julius' smile.

"Huh?!" Julius asked to which Lyla didn't say anything but still kept her distance as the two of them began to walk through the city in search of something that could possible help them reach level 100 or more specifically help Julius reach level 100 as the goal was for him alone to reach level 100 then for him to help Lyla attain whatever she wanted once he had done that.

"What are you even searching for? Is there anything you're specifically looking for?" Lyla asked out of curiosity.

"To be honest, I am looking for a blade. More than anything, that's what I need because it'll help me defeat monsters quicker," Julius explained.

"I guess that would make sense. Although I doubt the gold you have left will be enough to buy a decent quality blade.

"Buy...?" Julius asked with a rather sinister grin and Lyla looked terrified once she realised what Julius meant by the words that came out of his mouth. 

Of course Julius was planning to get a blade. Well, that was about it. That's all he planned to do.. Nothing extra.

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