Hero Cultivation

Chapter 265 - Those Above The Greatest

"Wow, looks like it's been 24 hours. I guess I have no choice but to keep true to my word. Welcome to our clan-" the guild leader began to speak before stopping after realising that he didn't remember if he had asked Julius for his name.

"It's Julius," said Julius to which the guild master smiled before welcoming Julius into their guild. 

"Well I must say this is a surprise. I mean who would have thought that you would make it a full night as a guard for this guild?" one of the members from the guild said without finding any harm in the words which he had just uttered.

"Huh? What do you mean by that? Since I'm in the guild, doesn't that mean I'm equal to you guys?" Julius asked before everyone around him began to laugh.

"No no, you see things aren't as simple as that. You see, this is just the start. The guild leader will explain it in a bit however I might as well and take initiative and do this on my own since the leader seems too busy fooling off with that woman that came with you," said one of the members before beginning to explain why everyone was laughing when Julius had said the words which had left his mouth.

"You see, things aren't so simple. In this guild, there are 6 classes of strength. Those ranging from F to A class. That's what everyone from the guild is classified as. However there are those who rise above everyone and show an overwhelming difference in power between them and everyone else. Those being the war powers of our guild. There are 6 of them in 3 classes of their own. Those being S, SS as well as SSS. You see, the first 5 are part of the S class however that final man is part of the SSS class. His power is said to be so vast that there needed to be an extra classes he would skip just to demonstrate how much more powerful he was to everyone else. Even to those in the S class. Even so, that's not to say that those in the S class are weak. In fact they're anything but weak. The only problem is that the guy in SSS class is much more powerful. He could easily take on the entire guild on his own. His name is King. Or at least that's what he says it is. Truly a fitting name for someone like him," the guild member explained to Julius which left him dazed as he wanted to have such a presence that others would talk about him in such a manner when he wasn't around. For the first time in a while, Julius was jealous of someone. Someone that had something he couldn't have. Power.

Hearing the story ignited a sudden fire inside the heart of Julius which was ready to battle to the death which was why he had gotten up from his seat as if he was ready to take on missions to dungeons so that he may become as strong as King.

"Rest easy boy, you'll have your turn to go wild in this world when the time comes. Just relax for now," said the guild master with a laugh as he continued to talk to Lyla.

"With all due respect sir, u would really like to train so I may become a valuable member if your guild do it would be in my best interest to a dungeon as fast as possible so that I may not only improve my strength or skill. I might even somehow manage to train both," said Julius to which the guild leader began to laugh.

"So it's a mission you want? A mission is what you'll get, one of you go get this kid a mission and send him off, I believe he has a death wish. Even though he's so young, he doesn't want to enjoy even a second of his youth. Even so, it's not my place to speak and he can do as he wishes," said the guild leader to which one of the members got up from the table which was surrounded by the other members who were trying to speak to their latest member, Julius. After the member had gotten up from his seat, he went up to the wooden board with a large number of paper notes which described the information for each mission which would include how much money the reward was and where the destination of the mission was. After recovering the paper, Julius didn't ask any questions and simply began to run as fast as he could before finally stopping to catch his breath and enact his plan.

"Hey Drake, can you teleport me to the place of this mission," said Julius to which Drake agreed however Julius didn't know where he was headed and as such was met with a surprise.

When he was reported towards his desired destination, he was greeted by a rather odd person who seemed to be wearing a straw hat shaped like a cone and walked with a single stick as a blade.

"Stop right there!" Julius yelled out as he had assumed that the man he was looking at was his target. That was because the mission he was given was to slay the Juno gang and more specifically to eliminate their leader; however , since Julius had pleaded right in grinding off someone, he assumed that the man he was seeing was the leader of their gang and prepared to kill him.

"Die!" Julius yelled out as he drew his blade and tried to slice the man that was in front of him.

"Such unrefined movements. It's as if a pig was given a blade by the ruler of this world himself. It's such a wonder to see someone as unrefined and unsuited for the blade to wield something so beautiful. So tell me child, how did you come across his blade?" the man asked to which Julius simply ignored him and leapt forward to attack once again which was blocked by the stick that the man in front of Julius was holding.

"What's the point of carrying a blade if you don't even know how to slice a mere twig with it? All you know is brute force. I don't understand why someone like you had to find this blade. Perhaps it's luck or something else. Nevertheless, my point still stands. You're far weaker than you realise. All of this arrogance. I don't understand where you could have gotten it from. It's as if you have lived a different life before this as a royal and now you have to get accustomed to living like a normal person for the first time," said the man that stood in front of Julius.

"Hey come on, why are you so mean?" Julius asked to which the man simply brought his hand forward to handshake Juslius which Julius agreed upon and tried to shake the man's hand. Right as the two's hands made contact though, Julius instantly fell to his knees. He didn't realise it yet, however the way that his enemy was holding his palm was what caused Julius to instantly get to his knees out of sheer desperation.

"You see, you're still far too weak. You do not quite understand the ways of battle. Your heart seems to always be racing, as if it needs to go somewhere with urgency. Just relax for once. Allow yourself to calm down and take a look around you. The world is truly beautiful. Do not be consumed by blood lust," said the man to which Julius just listened without replying as he was in no position to argue with him.

After a while, the man let go of Julius' arm and left without saying another word while hoping that Julius had understood the message which he was trying to convey to him.

"What was that about?!" Julius asked himself as he walked towards a nearby village as he was commanded to hunt down a leader of a gang and needed to eliminate him as fast as possible.

When Julius had arrived inside the village, it looked completely empty. As if not a single soul had been there before, however even if Julius' senses weren't at their peak, he could still sense the presence of those around him. He knew everyone was hiding in their homes but he didn't know why. 

"Are they really that scared of an outsider such as myself?" Julius began to ask himself before stopping as he was interrupted by someone.

"Hey you over there?! I don't remember seeing you around these parts, who are you?" a man with a long thick moustache which extended horizontally before taking a sharp turn vertically until the bottom is his face. He wore a bandana sort of headgear which was unwrapped and covered all of his hair. In his hand was a battle axe and he made sure that Julius knew that he wasn't afraid to use his weapon.

"I guess I've found my target," said Julius with a grin as he would get a chance to let off some steam.

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