Hero Cultivation

Chapter 270 - Limit Break

Once Julius had explained to the guild leader as to how he had managed to attain such a complex skill in such a short amount of time, the guild leader was left speechless but had a rather odd smile to him which made Julius realise that he had made his teacher proud. In an odd way, it reminded him of Jun who had trained him for so long. He couldn't have gotten as fat as he had without having such a wonderful teacher. Even though in the end things didn't turn out for the best, Julius still found that he was grateful to Jun for all he had done as it was what had allowed him to enter the realm known as heaven and participate in a contest to see who would become the next emperor of heaven.

"Anyway though, even if you can use a complete link with your blade, that still makes you only at S tier. Maybe high A tier since the S tires don't need to stab themselves with a blade or resort to measuring that danger to attain this state even if it's for a short period of time. Nevertheless, you should be very proud of yourself, in just a few days, you've managed to rise amongst the ranks of this guild. You have the potential to become a rather terrifying beast," said the guild leader with a rather sinister smirk as he would be capable of bragging as not only had he had the one and only SSS class member from all of the guilds in heaven but now he had access to a new member which had the potential to reach SSS. Even so, the guild leader saw the possibility to be nothing more than a dream. Even with his quick progress, the guild leader believed that SSS class was only a place meant for a single man to reach and for him to stay there as it's sole member.

"So what is it that you wish to accomplish now?" the guild leader asked with a rather complex face. He didn't know which direction to take Julius as there were multiple ways that he could have gone, however seeing the look in Julius, he realised that he was in quite the rush which he didn't plan to stop as it would stunt the growth of his skill and power.

"I want to improve both my skill and power. To be honest though, my priority is to increase my skill. I can focus on power later because-'' Julius began to speak before cutting himself off as he had realised that he almost told the guild leader about how he was participating in the contest to become the next emperor of heaven.

"Hmm, you seem to be hiding something from me," said the guild leader as he sought to get the information out of Julius.

"No I'm not. I have no reason to hide anything from you," said Julius with an awkward smile as he realised that the guild leader had caught on to what he was hiding.

"Just tell me, it's alright. I won't judge you," said the guild leader which made Julius sigh with disappointment as he had been found out by yet another person.

"I am participating in the new heaven emperor contest," said Julius, which made the guild leader laugh.

"You're joking right? That's not possible, no way. Only the most elite people or royalty were allowed to participate. Judging by how you entered my guild, you were rather weak and you also looked dirt poor. That makes it so that it's impossible for you to participate in the contest," said the guild leader as he began to laugh before slowing down as he began to realise the final and last possible way that he could have been participating in the contest.

The guild leader slowly took a glance at the head of Julius only to realise that his fears had become true. Julius didn't have wings behind his head which indicated that he was in fact not born in heaven as was instead a human from the lower realm.




"How could you deceive me like this?!" the guild leader asked in a rather annoyed and offended tone as if he wasn't the one which had welcomed Julius with open arms without asking not even another question.


"I never hide anything from you. You were simply too blind to see that I was a human. How is it my fault that you didn't notice? It's not like I tried to hide it in the first place," said Julius as he lied. While he didn't make an effort to disguise the fact that he wasn't originally from heaven, he also tried to make sure that no one realised where he was actually from. He knew that as long as he didn't make a big deal about it, everyone wouldn't pay attention to his head and simply assume that he was from the one he faced just like the rest of them. Seeing this go down though, Julius felt that it was his time to leave. He had already attained much more than he needed from the guild and would go off elsewhere to seek out more knowledge.

"Wait!" the guild leader yelled right before Julius could leave through the door. 

"I know, I realise that you wouldn't want a human anywhere near your guild. I'm leaving now. You don't need to repeat your voice or exhaust yourself by yelling only to get the same outcome," said Julius as he left with a bored expression as if he didn't care what would happen.

"No, that's not what I want. I want you to stay," said the guild leader, which was rather difficult for Julius to hear as he ever since the second he had arrived in heaven, he was forced to hide his identity as anyone who was found out to be human was either beaten or exiled. Even though there was little to no difference between the two species, the people from heaven thought of the people from the human realm to be nothing but mere small insects which shouldn't even be given a second glance. However, just like bugs, if the humans got too close, they were either beaten or killed just like another insect.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Julius asked as he had believed that he had heard the wrong words as he couldn't have believed that he had heard come out of the mouth of the guild leader which not only a member of the society in heaven but a higher ranking official than most with him being the leader of one of the strongest guilds IN their whole world.

"I said I want you to stay. I understand that I overreacted which I would like to apologise for however you have to understand it is the way I grew up. It's been ingrained into my memory and will take quite a while for me to get rid of that notion however I'll try my best to suppress it until one day I can fully say that I have erased that ideology from my head," said the guild leader to which Julius was caught off guard by as this was the first time he had seen the guild leader being vulnerable which he never believed he would see. 

"So what do you say Julius? Want to give this another shot and see if we can make it work?" the guild leader asked with a smirk to which Julius smirk saw back before rushing back so that the two could return to their regular training, even though it was nothing but normal. 

During the following days after the two of them had agreed to train, Julius began to experience new things in his body. He could feel himself getting ever so light. He felt as light as a feather which allows him to move faster than ever. He could perceive attacks which were coming at him with such precise accuracy that it was scary to even think about.

"Wow, you're actually getting pretty good at this. Although it's not like your 100% complete blade link, this is still quite good. You managed to enhance your base speed so much lately. From the looks in your eyes as well, you're much closer to attaining a permanent complete link although it might be my eyes playing tricks on me so I don't know how accurate that information is. Nevertheless, you're making great progress. Only a bit more left and you'll enter a league of your own. One where you won't be contested by even a single soul. You will be given the freedom to do as you wish," said the guild master as he tried to inspire Julius which wasn't a need as Julius had already set his mind to his goal and would achieve it at any cost.

"My apologies for asking, however I've been wondering about something for quite some time. If you don't mind me asking, who is the single man who is in SSS class?" Julius asked which caused the guild leader to smirk.

"Took you long enough to ask," said the guild leader.

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