Hero Cultivation

Chapter 273 - Switching Sites

"I agree. Perhaps I've allowed you to rank up too quickly. It seems you still don't understand the very basics of battle," said the guild leader with a rather disappointed facial expression before stepping up and holding the shoulder of the B class member.

"Listen, your days as a B class member are over. You're going back to the C class. You have quite some ways to go before I can once again consider you a class B. It seems my judgement skill was indeed lacking, however not in the way you had predicted," said the guild leader before turning towards Julius and tapping him on the shoulder.

"Come now. You did marvellous," said the guild leader which brought Julius back from his seemingly unconscious state where he was solely focused on killing the man that was trying to attack him.

"Hey guild leader, seeing what you observed, what class would you place me in?" Julius asked to which the guild leader answered with a confused expression.

"Don't worry about that too much for now. Right now, your class is undecided since you aren't ready to be fully assimilated into the guild. You see Julius, you have far too much potential for you to worry about ranking. Personally, I believe that with just a little luck, I might be able to sneak you into SS class or even by some miracle get you into the seemingly gated SSS class. However it all depends on how much work you're willing to put in. Even as your instructor, I can only do so much for you. The progress you make solely depends on how hard you're willing to work," said the guild leader to which Julius nodded as he understood what the guild leader was saying.

"Hey Julius, how about we take a little trip?" the guild leader asked as if the two were going on a quick walk even though it was far from that.

"Sure I guess. I mean I live under your roof so I doubt I have much of an option," said Julius as he followed the guild leader outside the guild building and the two began to walk around the city which the guild building was located in before the two had walked so much that they had made it to the entrance of the city which separated the city from the outside world.

"Why are we here?" Julius asked with a rather confused expression as he didn't understand why he had been brought out so far from the guild building especially since it was getting dark and under his assumption, they needed to return back soon.

"Oh it seems you've not understood my intentions. You see, we're no longer going to be limiting you to training inside the building of the guild. You're growing at a rapid rate and to make sure that you don't get bored too quickly, I've decided to take you out to the forests outside the city to train. You see, I believe you could use some experience. Moreover, I believe it'll also benefit you in your levelling up journey since the way you level up is determined by how much experience you attain which should technically still be possible to attain through the killing of monsters inside forests. Although that will depend on which kind of monsters you encounter," said the guild leader as he explained what he had planned ahead for Julius however instead of Julius being surprised or angry at the guild leader like he had expected, Julius simply shrugged and had already accepted the plan that the guild leader had made for him.

As such, the two left into the woods near the city which the guild was located in to which the guild leader instructed Julius on how to control his movements. To create smooth and perfect cuts. He taught him to use his blade so that it would lend him its strength.

"Make a single strong cut. Never hesitate. If you do that, your blade will believe that you do not trust it and as such it will have no reason to create a bond with you. Even if you're both at a 100%, depending on how you treat your blade, you will be able to draw out a certain amount of its power so it's important for you to build a good connection with your blade in the army stages. Make sure I treat your blade well so that it will do the same to you when the time comes," said the guild leader to which Julius was starting to have a headache due to how much stress he was placing on his body. He needed to follow so many instructions that he didn't know he could accomplish all at the same time.

After all, it took a lot out of him to barely accomplish one of the tasks individually however seeing as how he needed to perform them all at the same time while actually using the blade with the intent to kill, it was a near impossible task which was causing Julius to start giving up. However at some point, something strange began to take place.

By this point, it had been 3 months of nothing but relentless blade training where he would need to draw out all of his power just so that he would manage to accomplish the bare minimum. However on one of these days, instead of thinking about how much pain he was in, Julius simply got lost in thought. He didn't see what he was doing and his body simply did everything on its own. It was as if it was readjusting to the blade's needs without putting Julius' head under the stress that was placed on it previously. Now, Julius could train as he was supposed to without having to think. This was because the blade had gotten comfortable enough to allow a slow bond to start forming between the body of Julius and the blade. As such, the thinking part of the process was taken out of the equation. Instead, all that Julius needed to be worried about was that he needed to be left standing. This was because even if all the work was being done subconsciously, it didn't matter as it would still drain Julius out of his stamina. As such, by the end of the day, Julius would be out of breath without even knowing it as he didn't think that he was doing much productive work when in fact his body was being placed under harsh conditions while his mind wandered off somewhere else.




"Wow, you seem like a whole different person. I mean I leave you alone for just a week and you turn out to be a completely different person," sis style guild leader as he stepped up to Julius who was busy swinging his blade in the air while making perfect cuts in the wind.

"Huh what do you mean? I'm not really doing anything special. I'm just doing what my body wants. I doubt it's actually productive which was why I was waiting for you to return. I wanted you to correct my form and tell me what I am doing wrong," said Julius to which the guild leader began to laugh while rolling on the ground.

"It seems you still don't understand Julius. You see, you've begun to form a bond with your blade. It had opened to you completely," said the guild leader with a kind smile on his face but Julius was simply confused as he hadn't felt any change in his body or the way it functioned.

"You know what, since you don't seem to believe what I am saying, how about you give it a try? Try to cut that tree over there using your blade with the intent to kill," said the guild leader with a smirk to which Julius nodded and walked near the tree as he had no reason not to try what his teacher told him to try.

"Well here goes nothing," said Julius as he closed his eyes and pulled his blade back before bringing it back forward with such devastating force that he even blew back some trees that were near him with just that force and it would prove why it was capable of that as with just that swing, the blade activated and caused its true power to unleash as half of the entire forest ended up getting turned to ashes while being covered by a thick layer of lava.




"I guess you were right. It seems like I've managed to grow. Although I'm pretty sure I can push way past this. I need a bit more training before I can finally unleash its true power. I still feel like I need to build a stronger connection with this blade. I don't know how to explain it but I just need to do so," said Julius as he calmly analysed his situation while not understanding what he had just done.

"This is power which rivals those in the S class.. He's progressing too quickly," said the guild leader to himself.

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