Hero Cultivation

Chapter 286 - Spells

Due Julius having managed to defeat the new round of enemies which were a group of mates capable of casting spells, Julius assumed that he had surpassed anything that the dungeon could possible throw at him and as such he had grown to be quite overconfident in his abilities which would be his downfall in his next battle as once them aged had been defeated, a mini boss of sorts appeared at in front of Julius. It was a short goblin with a hunched back and carried a long blade at least twice the size of itself and looked rather weak and feeble which caused Julius to slowly walk up to it with an arrogant posture as if he was going to sting the goblin which in the end was quite the deadly mistake as right as Julius had gotten I range, the goblin teleported right behind Julius and tried to slice his head off without wasting even another moment.

"Get down! Now!" Duke Drake yelled at Julius which was rather a shock as he had barely been able to speak to Duke Drake ever since he had gotten into heaven as there was no particular reason to do so. They were both the same in that they were new to the world. Even if Duke Drake knew the area, he was still a beginner like Julius and was just as weak as him when he had started. In fact Duke Drake was weaker than Julius now as while Julius was training, Duke Drake simply stood where he was and didn't make any progress to his overall strength which was in the end his downfall as he had allowed himself to get lost in the laziness caused by him being too strong in the human realm and as such could not work for what he had wanted and simply expected it to be given to him just because that was the way he was grown up.

Nevertheless, due to his ability to sense things which were approaching Julius as it would also affect his life, Suke Drake was barely able to warn Julius so that he could get out of the way of the attack and as such stay alive. If not for him, Julius would have most likely died.

Even though Julius had been able to barely escape with his life from that attack, it didn't mean his troubles were over as over the next couple of n'inities, the goblin who he was facing would report many more times and nearly kill Julius. Julius had only managed to dodge 2 attacks with his own capabilities and all of the other dodged were only possible because of Duke Drake telling him how to position his body as there was a slight delay between when the goblin would teleport behind Julius and when he would attack which was as barely enough but still allied Julius to escape without any injuries. This continued for a couple more minutes before Julius finally realised what the situation he was in reminded him of.

"This is just like my fight with seven. No matter what I try, I'm too slow to protect myself against his attacks. Why am I like this? Why can't I just win for once? Why can't I perceive the attacks of my opponents?" Julius asked himself right as he finished that sentence, he got sliced in his back as he was too distracted to pay attention and as such fell to the ground from exhaustion. 

"Dammit all, why is a stupid goblin so much of a challange for me? I mean I know I'm not that weak, right?" Julius asked him as he contemplated what all his training did if he still can't defeat a measly goblin.






As the seconds passed, Julius could feel his life fading away as he knew that he would soon be dead; however , instead of feeling sorry for himself, he began to smirk while crying.

"Why am I acting so pathetic? The battle isn't over yet, I still have more to give. The battle only truly ends when one of us is dead," Julius said to himself as he got up from the ground which caused the goblin he was facing to grab a hold of the hilt of his blade and prepared to unsheathe his blade once again.

"Hey Drake, can you give me a hand and he'll recite an explosion spell that'll destroy everything around me like a circle?" Julius requested which Duke Drake obviously agreed to and began to speak for Julius.

"Magical Spell: The Sun's Explosion"

With this spell, Julius was able to cause such a great explosion which the goblin wasn't ready for and as such was hit by it. Although Julius had exited the attack to do a decent amount of damage, he didn't expect it to doa a much damage as it did due to him expecting all of the stats of the goblin to be as well rounded as his speed however that was not the case as the goblin was instantly killed by the colossi on which meant that only 2 of its stats were good. Those being his attack and speed. Other than that, he was pretty weak which made Julius calm down quite a bit as he was unsure for a moment if he was going to make it out of the battle alive due to how challenging his opponent was.

"That's for that," said Julius as he gasped for air while thanking Duke Drake for assisting him. 

"I don't know how much time I'll have before my next opponent shows up but at this rate, I'm not sure I'll be alive to face the final boss. Even if I am, the final boss will undoubtedly be far stronger than anyone or anything that I've ever seen," said Julius and right at that moment, a group of undead dogs appeared before him as they were his next opponents. Their teeth were all made of metal which looks hard enough to bite through even hard rock with ease which was quite frightening for Julius however he didn't have any other option but to fight. If he had wanted to live for even another moment, he would have to find some way to defeat anyone who dared to cross his path which was what he did with the undead dogs as they leapt from all directions at him as he dodged and kicked the first one before next focusing on the one which was closed to him as took a step forward while the dog was still in the air before punching it right in the chest and sending ur flying. As for the other 3 dogs that were still in the air, he tried to cut them all at once using his black blade however he couldn't have seemed to be capable of even cutting on of them so instead he settled on swinging his blade it knock them away instead of killing then as he wasn't even sure if that was possible in the first place.

"Looks like their specialty is defence. I have an idea on how to defeat them but I doubt it'll work since there are so many of them," said Julius as he began to fight all of them at the same time. All he was looking for was a slight opening where he could target a single one of them and take them out and then he would be able to take out the rest of them one by one much easier since there would be one less undead to worry about for him.

Although it sounded like quite the simple task which no one could mess up on. It was much harder than it sounded. This was because all of the dogs' attacks were synchronised and as such it was impossible to single out one of them without the rest taking notice of it. As such, Julius had to come up with another way of doing things instead of knocking back one of them far away and tubing towards it while the others were following from the back.

"I guess I don't have any other option but to try this," said Julius to himself as he once again contacted Duke Drake so that he could ask him for assistance once again.

"Hey, do you have a spell for creating mist around yourself?" Julius asked as he needed some sort of distraction, even if it was for a mere moment.

"I sure do," said Duke Drake with a smirk as he began to cast a spell once again.

"Magical Spell: Fun Fog"

Using this spell, Julius was able to cloud the vision of the undead dogs and as such, he was able to knock back all of the dogs a lot further than before so that even if they wanted to chase Julius, they would have to move twice the distance that he would move as all of the undead dogs were equally spaced apart.

"Got you where I want you," said Julius as he rushed towards one of the undead dogs.

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