Hero Cultivation

Chapter 36 - Secret Art

<<Secret Art: Thousand Swords>>

Feeling threatened by the intentions that Jun had, Julius instinctively activated his new learned secret. Once activated, exactly 1000 silver blades appeared all around Jun.

While both of them never intended to harm each other, they had both used up their secret arts. As would be expected, Julius used a couple of his blades to deflect the weapon which Jun had thrown at him and once Jun had seen that, he gasped in surprise as he deactivated his weapon which made it disappear. Seeing as Jun had deactivated his secret art, Julius followed suit as he made all of the thousand blades turn to dust.

"Y-you're okay," said Jun as he stuttered while looking at his student which he thought had suffered permanent brain damage from having been exposed to a dragon tier scroll.

"Well, that's what it looks like," said Julius with a giggle. Remembering how scared he was that his student would never recover, Jun quickly rushed to Julius before karate chopping his head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Julius asked once he had gotten hit.

"You're lucky that I won't kill you by my own hands! Do you know how much you scared me?!" Jun demanded as he stopped himself from further hitting Julius incase he himself would cause brain damage on Julius by letting out his frustrations.

"Come on master, it was just a prank," said Julius which further angered Jun but he stopped himself as he had more important questions.

"Anyways, how did you manage to learn a dragon tier secret art without having to suffer any of the consequences?" Jun asked. Even Julius who didn't understand everything that happened knew that he should probably make up a lie as him taking in the dragon tier secret art without any real consequences had something to do with the pill he was forced to take as a kid and probably had a connection to magic as well which if anyone learned about, Julius would get killed.

"I hate to say it but just like always, it's confusing. Once I activated the scroll, I was teleported somewhere where I didn't know anything about it. Suddenly a large dragon appeared and began to mock me however while it was speaking, I passed out for no reason and woke back up in the real world," Julius lied.

"That's very interesting indeed. But, it's most likely the second entity inside you. It probably struck a deal with the dragon to absorb all the damage while you can continue living normally but you'll also be gifted the secret art," Jun said as he tried to come up with a reasonable explanation as to what had happened.

"I guess that's close enough to what actually happened. Since he still doesn't know much about it, I should continue to play along," Julius told himself as he nodded in agreement with what Jun had said.

"So…. can you give me more dragon scrolls so that I can absorb them?" Julius asked with a blank face as if he had asked for something normal.

"I can't allow this boy to grow too powerful too quickly. It could change his attitude towards training. If he really is able to absorb any type of scroll through that method without suffering any consequences, that would mean he would have an endless amount of secret arts at his disposal and they wouldn't even take any stamina out of him since he used the dangerous method. I'm correct in doing this, I won't allow him to get his hands on the box of scrolls. And no matter what happens, I can't allow him to learn of the 'library of the limitless'," Jun said to himself before answering Julius' question.

"I know you won't like my answer but I cannot give you any more scrolls for the time being. This is due to the fact that we don't know how much the second entity can take before you're forced to take the damage from the scrolls," Jun lied.

"However, I'm willing to make a deal with you. If you're willing to wait until you complete all your training and you've reached your maximum potential, I'll be willing to give you the entire box of scrolls along with the highest tier scrolls which I have vowed to keep hidden," Jun said as that was his only hope of making sure that Julius doesn't steal the scrolls for himself as activate them. While there was a small chance that his second entity would eventually break, Jun knew that after seeing the glowing state multiple times, it could probably take in every scroll in the world.

"I need to get this boy training more often. Specially when the war starts, I'll have no choice but to give him the scrolls anyway. Once that happens, if he's not prepared, he could be a threat to the world but also to himself," Jun told himself as he got a serious face.

"However, if he's ready by the time that comes, maybe I could take him to the library…" Jun thought to himself before cutting himself off so that they could start training as soon as possible.

"Hey Julius, would you mind activating your ability once again? I want to see how proficient you are at using it," Jun requested of his student.

"Ya.. sure I guess," Julius replied before pointing his right palm outward towards the side of the mountain top.

<<Secret Art: Thousand Swords>>

Once activating his secret art, a thousand swords began to form out our nothing but light as the particles came together to create the exact same shape as the other swords.

After but merely a moment, there were 1000 blades which all looked the exact same as one another.

"Good, now try to make them move and create a perfect circle by making them turn and stay connected," said Jun as he thought that would be a difficult task for someone who had just learned a secret art.. To his surprise, Julius created 10 perfect circles which consisted of 100 blades each which went to show how skilled he was at using his secret art.

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