Hero Cultivation

Chapter 49 - I'm A Boy

"I'm a boy"

The cursed words which not a single soul wished to hear at that moment had been uttered by the creature which Julius had woken up from its slumber. Such dreadful news shouldn't have been experienced by anyone yet Julius had become victim to them. Even Jun didn't know how to deal with the trauma and his coping mechanism became to just laugh at the situation as there was nothing else he could do. It was just a sad tale to hear.

"Y-you're a boy?" Julius asked as his voice stuttered in fear from hearing what he thought he heard.

Being favoured by the heavens, Julius clasped his hands together as he began to beg that he was just dreaming and everything he heard wasn't real. However, unfortunately for him, he would be lucky for once.

"Yes I am, why do you look so surprised?" the subject asked Julius.

Hearing what had just went on, Jun turned around to look at the poor Julius who looked like he had just died and came back to life while laughing hysterically at his student.

"My apologies for my foolish teacher, let's just get to the serious stuff," said Julius as he tried to restart the conversation with the second last subject from 200 years ago which he needed to speak to.

"I've already introduced myself so what's your real name and subject number. I already know about 3 out of the 5 subjects. Those ones being subjects 2,3 and 4 who's real names are Spike, Rosie and Liam," said Julius as he tried to cover almost everything with a single speech so that the subject wouldn't get startled as to why Julius knew so much about him and the other subjects.

"Alright then, I'm subject 5, and my real name is Steph," the subject replied.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Steph. I hope we can get along. Although, I am not here to waste your time so I'll just get to it already. I would like you to work for me and become one of my generals when I revive this continent and kingdom. You see, I already know about your mission to take down the 9 other kingdoms but you've woken up 200 years after the war ended so there's no need to fight anymore. Instead, help me rebuild this place so that I can create a place where anyone, no matter if they are poor or rich can live a happy and comfortable life," Julius offered at which Steph replied with a quick nod while still bowing to Julius.

"Thank you," said Julius as he smiled while preparing for the second part of taking over a village… that being to talk to the villagers.

"Follow me Steph, this will only take a few minutes," said Julius as he walked out of the home while holding on to Steph's hand.

While everyone was mesmerized by Steph's beauty, Julius quickly took him to what seemed like an open area of the small village which was only a few metres behind the crowd of people before giving Steph his first order.

"You can use greenest grass right? I'm talking about the secret art just incase you don't know," Julius told Steph.

"Yes I do, would you like me to use it?" Steph offered.

"Yes please and make it until the village walls only for the time being then you can expand it once I leave," Julius replied to him.

<<Secret Art: Greenest Grass>>

As Steph activated his secret art, plant life began to bloom in the village as grass, trees, bushes and others of that sort began to form from the ground. Now, the villagers could continue to be mesmerized by Steph's beauty and also the secret art he had used. The only problem was that the villagers thought that Steph was a girl just as Julius had previously assumed which Julius took note of as he was the way all of the male villagers looked at Steph.

"Okay, listen up everyone. This village is my territory from now on. If you want to enjoy the luxury of having all these beautiful wildlife, you better accept what I tell you as the law. As such, from now on, you are to treat me as your king however, due to unexpected circumstances, I cannot rule over you for the time being so Steph will be ruling over you for now," Julius said as he brought Steph in the front to show to the villagers which in doing so got all of the male villagers to side with him. As for the female villagers, they were pretty satisfied with having plant life alone since they had never seen such a thing in their entire life.

"Okay, take care Steph," Julius said as he waved to Jun who was still at the doorway of the house to signal that they should leave.

"Oh and by the way, Steph is a boy," Julius said as he ran towards the jade dragon while Jun also did the same. Jun didn't know why Julius was running but just in case his student did something dumb, he didn't want to stay to bear the consequences.

"Wha-" Julius heard that word from the male villagers as the dragon took off to fly towards the last and final village. Right before the village became invisible for them, Julius saw as Steph waved goodbye to Julius while smiling.

"He's a good kid," said Julius as he also smiled while waving back to Steph while not knowing if his message was received when in fact it had been received right before the jade dragon reached an altitude where Steph and Julius couldn't see each other anymore.

"I feel bad for them, they just had their hearts broken after finding out that Steph is really a boy. I can't imagine how they must feel," said Julius in a tone which conveyed pity.

"Weren't you the first person to fall victim to Steph's deceiving look?" Hun replied to him as he looked back at his student which had a face of denial.

"Whatever makes you happy I guess," said Jun as he turned his head back around and began to direct his pet to the next and final village.

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