Hero Cultivation

Chapter 51 - Too Strong

<<Secret Art: Divine Fist>>

The red haired boy used a secret art which if it had made contact with the normal Julius, it would've killed. That was why in that moment, Jun stepped in to stop the attack.

Jun quickly stepped in front of the secret art which set the red haired boy's hand on fire which was white due to the temperature of the flame. Knowing that his only way to survive let alone counter the attack would be for Jun to use a secret art of his own.

<<Secret Art: Dragon Shield>>

Once activated, a large green shield with scales much like the jade dragon's appeared in Jun's hand and allowed him to block the punch. However, just as the divine fist made contact with the shield, Jun's dragon shield ended up breaking into pieces, that wasn't all though. To add on, the fist made contact with Jun's wrist which was right behind the shield as it was what was holding up the dragon shield.

Julius watched as the white flaming fist made contact with his master's wrist and was forced to watch as the fist broke then twisted his master's arm.



*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Julius' head began to spin as he heard beeping in his head which was that of a bomb which was about to detonate. In this case, a bomb was truly about to detonate. Unlike any bomb though, the one which was about to explode in that moment had one clear objective.


Both Julius' eyes began to glow white as his second entity completely took over his body. Julius walked over to the red haired boy and grabbed him by his head and began to levitate as he dragged him to a far off place. Julius didn't even bother to look at Jun who was on the ground, bleeding from his injuries as the area which took most of the damage turned charcoal-black from being burnt.

"Let go of me!" the red haired boy struggled as he attempted to forcibly make Julius let go of him. Although Julius hadn't used a secret art, they were still flying which just brought up more questions since that shouldn't be possible.

Once they had reached their desired location, Julius dropped the red haired boy from the sky onto the ground which he got up from with no problem. As for Julius, he himself descended from the sky a few metres away from where the red haired boy way.

"So you want a duel? I'll give you a duel but you won't live to tell the tale," said the red haired boy as he prepared to activate his secret art once again.

<<Secret Art: Divine Blade Rainfall>>

Just as the red haired boy activated his secret art, dozens of not hundreds of circles began to appear in the sky, each one which had a middle that resembled the night sky. From those circles appeared large silver blades with ancient text on them, much like the one blade that Spike had summoned when the villagers tried to attack Julius. However, unlike that tile, there were multiple more blades than just a single divine blade.

The red haired boy just arrogantly stood there was he watched his divine blades appear out of the spatial circles he had created.

"You see that?! That's the power I have! You should have never challenged me, now, you'll die and then your teacher comes next," the red haired boy said as he laughed.

"M-My teacher?" Julius asked as his voice changed from his own voice to the second entity who's voice was much more sinister. However in that moment, the two entities merged and their thoughts began to align as the second entity began to believe that it wanted to save Jun. As such, it prepared to use one of its deadly attack.

<<Secret Art: Julius' Judgment>>

<<Silent Death>>

A beam of light began to appear which started off where Julius was standing and continued to expand until it would reach the red haired boy which it planned to kill.

"How?! That was supposed to be erased along with the 10th kingdom! How could he have gotten possession over it?! It was the one thing which should've been erased… the final scroll of the heaven tier scrolls! Damn you all, you failed your job and now this generation has to face the challenges which you worked so hard to erase!" the red haired boy began to spout nonsense as he began to run away from Julius as fast as he could so that the white light wouldn't touch him.

After barely escaping from the white light which would've killed him, the red haired boy turned around to see that the white light had stopped spreading and now he would be able to finish what he started.

"You must be exhausted from having to use such a difficult secret art. It really is over for you now, my blades are prepared to kill you so you can begin saying your last words," said the red haired boy as he began to walk back towards Julius while he had his hands raised up in the air as if he was going to use them o control his divine blades which in fact he was going to do exactly that. However as he looked at Julius closer, he noticed that Julius wasn't even the least bit fazed. It was as if he hadn't even begun to fight seriously.

"Okay then, let's see how to you like this," said the red haired boy as he grinned while making all of his divine blades rain down upon Julius. Even with the thousand blades secret art, he wouldn't be able to block it. Even if he wanted to use a higher level secret art, he would need to wait for its set up time which would finish only after he had taken all the damage from the divine blades. Julius was really cornered, even with his second entity, he didn't know if he could survive the attack… until a thought came to the second entity as it began to strengthen its fingers tips and made a claw like shape with both of them before placing them on the ground abruptly.

<<Magical Art: Dimensional Twist>>

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