Hero Cultivation

Chapter 54 - Psycho

"So you're finally awake," said Jun as he saw Julius' eyes twitch as he opened them to greet the morning sun shine.

"Do you not sleep? I'm actually being serious, I've never seen you sleep since the day I've met you," said Julius with concern.

"Hmm, I sleep sometimes but not for long hours. That's the benefit of cultivating through meditation, you end up not needing to eat for a while, I mean look at yourself, do you even remember the last time you ate?" Jun asked which shocked his student.

"You're right! I can't even remember yet I barely feel hungry… oh wait never mind," said Julius as he collapsed from hunger.

"My bad, I'll go make something for you," said Jun as he ran out of the house and into the forest where he had first sent Julius to get food for himself.

"I guess i overestimated the boy. I should be more careful of how I treat him," said Jun to himself as he went into the forest.

"Wake up Julius! Your fried rabbit chops is ready," said Jun as he woke Julius up from his slumber from exhaustion.

"What..?" Julius asked as he wondered what type of monstrous meal his teacher had made for his. However, there wasn't a need to ask questions as Julius got exactly what he was told. It was fried rabbit meat on a steel skewer.

"Thank you?…" Julius said as he accepted the only meal he could eat. While at first Julius expected it to taste horrible, he was ashamed to look at his master later on as it was surprisingly good. It almost made Julius wonder if his master was capable of using magic to make something look so horrible yet taste so good.

"It's good isn't it?" Jun asked as he smiled proudly.

"Surprisingly… yes," said Julius as if he was disappointed in himself.

"Great! Now that you've eaten, let's get your training started," said Jun as he helped his student get up from from the ground.

"What am I specifically going to do?" Julius asked as he wondered what type of training his master was going to make him partake in.

"Well, we're going to do a lot of focusing on you physical strength and since we want that to jump astronomically, how about… bowlder smashing?" Jun offered to his student as if he had asked a normal question.

"Umm… is that even possible?" Julius asked his teacher.

"Oh that's right. You never really had a chance to explore your own strength since you rely on your second entity so much. How about you try not to let it take over when you're scared and instead face your own challenges head on," Jun offered his student a piece of advice which Julius just nodded in agreement to.

"Okay then, how about we take off for now," said Jun as he walked out of his house as he indicated that Julius should also follow him.

Once outside, Jun continued to walk until he reached the new edge of the mountain top. The previous edge was a bit larger but due to Julius accidentally breaking off a part of it, the edge of the mountain top was a bit shorter.

"We're really high up here," said Jun as he looked down at the bottom of the ground which was barely visible due to the altitude they were at.

"You're right. Even though I'm not scared of heights myself, it's a bit unnerving to imagine falling down from here," said Julius he looked down along with his teacher.

"Yup…" said Jun before pushing Julius off the edge of the mountain.

"That's it! I've had enough of this old man! I'm convinced that he's a complete psycho!" Julius yelled in his head as he tried to find a way for him to survive before he hit the ground and got flattened into a human pancake.

As Julius continued to fall, he began to feel tired as if he was going to go sleep but then, he remembered what Jun had said about not letting the second entity take over. While it wasn't the least but wise to take the advise of the one who had thrown him off the cliff but nevertheless, he wanted to test out what would happen.

Just like he originally thought, nothing happened. Julius just ended up hitting the ground really hard. Nothing special happened which would recuse him from hitting the ground.

"Ow! Wait… it doesn't even hurt," said Julius as he got up from the ground as if he had just done a regular activity.

"You see, nothing was going to harm you," said Jun as he himself landed on his feet from jumping off the mountain top unlike his student which had landed on his back.

"Just so you know, it would be better if you just told me that I would be okay once I jumped off the cliff instead of pushing me without any warning," Julius argued.

"Oh yes, I should've done that and you would've totally agreed to jump off a cliff even though until now, you that that a jump much less than that would kill you," said Jun sarcastically as he mocked Julius.

"Fair enough I guess. How about we start my training already," said Julius as he attempted to change the subject quickly which made Jun sigh.

"Sure, there should be a couple bowlders around here which I left after my students had went off to do whatever they wanted with their lives," said Jun as he began to look around in the forest under the mountain.

"Found them!" Jun exclaimed as he pointed to a couple dozen large bowlders which had their top cut off.

"Why is the top part of them missing?" Julius asked as he stared at the odd seeming bowlders.

"Oh that… I cut the tops of them so they're easier to stack so my students could carry multiple of them at a time," said Jun nonchalantly.

"What kind of monster would be able to pick up even one of these large rocks, let alone multiple of them at a time?" Julius asked himself as he stared at his master with a weird face wondering if his teacher would also turn him into a monster just like his other students.

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