Hero Cultivation

Chapter 62 - Conversion

As Julius continued to look around at the magnificent modern world around him, he quickly realized that he and Jun were out of place. Although they had made an effort to wear presentable things in their world, they were nothing more than odd ducks in the second world. The other people there were wearing clothing much similar to what Julius had worn when he was sent off to train with Jun.

The common attire was more casual clothing such as sweatpants along with a hoodie and a cap. Others wore shirts and shorts but not a single person wore a suit such as Julius and Jun which made them stand out even more, and yet, Jun didn't look even the least bit bothered as they were in the second world to secretly infiltrate and yet they were standing out so much from the rest.

Right as the two of them had made it out of the alleyway a group of 3 girls approached Julius and Jun who were standing there baffled at what they were seeing. While the 3 girls had initially approached the both of them, they looked to be more interested in Jun who was in his true form.

"Hey there, my friend over here thinks you're cute and-" one of the girls began to speak to Jun before he interrupted her.

"Cute? You dare to belittle me?" Jun questioned her as there was a clear difference in the terminology they two worlds used and yet they spoke in the same language.

"No no, not in cute as in she thinks you're a baby, she think you're good looking," the girl corrected herself as she pointed to her friend which she spoke for who was looking down at the ground with embarrassment in her face. Hearing those words Jun got an evil face as he turned around to face Julius.

"You see that! Now I'm the one who's hogging all the attention unlike the last time where we went to the 10th continent," said Jun as he arrogantly bragged to Julius.

"Umm, Stacy, are you sure you like him? I mean his looks aren't bad but it seems like he's lost it," the girl who was speaking for her friend asked the one which liked Jun. The embarrassed girl just nodded which made her other 2 friends sigh in disappointment as if Jun wasn't listening to them.

"My apologies, this is Julius, I happen to be baby sitting him," said Jun as he pointed towards Julius as he didn't want to reveal the actual reason there was a 14 year old boy beside him. Of course, he couldn't tell anyone that he was raising a monster which will eventually rule the world.

"Oh I see, that's fine then, just give her your number and you can go out another day," the girl who spoke for her friend told Jun.

"Number? Go out?" Jun asked as he had never heard those words used in the context which they were used in that moment.

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" the girl who spoke for her friend told Jun.

"Sorry there much be a miscommunication happening, what do you mean by number and going out?" Jun asked hoping that he wasn't missing out on some crucial information. Hearing his words, the 3 girls continued to grow puzzled as they didn't know where a person as clueless as Jun could've came from.

"Are you seriously saying that you don't have a cell phone?" the girls asked simultaneously.

"No???" Jun replied hoping that he wouldn't get yelled at.

"Look mister, if you don't like me just say so. There's no need to lie this much," the girl who liked Jun finally spoke. Hearing all this go down, Julius finally stepped in as he couldn't take listening to them continue to exchange in meaningless conversation.

"My apologies for the convenience but as the baby sitter for my family, he is not aloud to carry what you call a cell phone. In fact, this is the first time which the two of us have been allowed to go outside due to it being my birthday wish. So please try to help him out," said Julius as he tried to end things as quickly as possible so they could start on the mission.

"Oh wow, are you really a baby sitter for a rich but strict family? That's understandable, so would you like us to help you buy a phone or would that be against the rules?" the girl which liked Jun asked.

"It wouldn't be a problem. I'm sure that my employers would find it in their heart to allow me to posses such a thing. Although I must ask, would it be okay to pay in gold coins?" Jun asked.


"Oh wow, so he's rich-rich," the 3 girls all thought to themselves realizing that Jun was so wealthy that he didn't pay for things with actual money and instead used gold itself.

"Umm, well it would be better for you to go exchange the gold for real money so you don't get scammed," the girl which liked Jun said, her name being Stacy.

"Sure, let's go do that then," said Jun as he happily agreed as the 3 girls began to lead the way.

"Why do I feel like I'm being forgotten about?" Julius asked himself as he reluctantly followed behind Jun and the others.


After arriving at the store which exchanged gold for money, Jun went up to the counter and placed the pile of gold coins in the pouch which he had received from Allan before speaking to the cashier who he along with the 3 girls were speechless.

"Sorry, it's probably not much," Jun apologized which continued to baffle the people around him expect Julius of course as they wondered how much wealth Jun had.

"Sorry sir but this seems a little too suspicious, I'm going to have to call in my boss to examine the pieces which you brought here," said the cashier before going toward the door behind him and calling an elderly man who came out without even bothering to care as he believed that what Jun brought was fake gold coins.

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