Hero Cultivation

Chapter 64 - Arcade

Julius continued to play the arcade game which allowed him to hit the animal figure which looked to be metal. After almost breaking it with his first strike, Julius weakened himself as he continued to play the game so that he wouldn't accidentally cause too much damage. Obviously, Julius didn't even miss the animal even once as his speed was much higher than that of someone who didn't train. He was able to quickly perceive where it would come out from then move his hand in that precise spot then repeated that process. This went on for what seemed like 30 minutes as the game only stopped once the player missed and it would keep increasing the speed until the player lost. Even so, Julius' speed far surpassed that of simple technology constructed by humans and was easily able to match the movements of it. At one point, Julius even yawned in boredom. After going at it for 10 more minutes, Julius put down the hammer as he had gotten bored of the game and turned around to face Jessica and Emily however when he did so, Julius realized that his skillful display at the game he was playing had managed to gather a lot of people around him.

"Hello?" Julius said wondering why so many people were there as he looked around for Jessica and Emily which were in the crowd baffled as some random kid who had never even seen an elevator let alone played an arcade game managed to go on a game for 40 minutes while others were barely able to keep up for 5 minutes at best.

Once Julius gave up on his own free will, everyone began to applaud him as they watched the endless amount of tickets which came out of the machine. Julius had even managed to catch the eyes of some of the workers and yet, he didn't understand why they were all there.

Seeing as Julius finished playing that one game, Jessica and Emily quickly stepped up to take him to another game after he took the tickets which he won.

"Umm, am I supposed to take those things with me?" Julius asked.

"Yes Julius, those are your rewards for managing to keep up with the game for this long. Most people aren't able to play for this long which is why a lot of people are staring at you," said Jessica as she watched Julius pick up his tickets.

"Those tickets are what you use to buy prizes once you're ready to leave the arcade. I'll show you how to do that later but what do you say to playing another game for now?" Jessica continued as she led him to another game.

Julius continued to play game after game for about 30-40 minutes each and only stopped when he was bored. There was not a single game which he couldn't play to a point where it baffled all the spectators. Julius ended up getting treated like a king in there as he managed to gather so many people around him which watched him with disbelief. However once Julius finished one of his games, he noticed that Jessica and Emily where no where to be found.

Not wanting to cause a scene, Julius didn't call out to them but instead began to look for them on his own until he found them talking to 5 guys off in the distance where there weren't many people. Julius just assumed that the games in that area weren't popular but nevertheless he walked towards Jessica and Emily to ask them why the had left him there on his own.

Without saying so much as a word to the other guys, Julius faced Jessica and began to speak to her as he interrupted one of the guys that was speaking to her.

"Hey why did you leave me all alone there? You know that I'm not familiar with this place!" Julius complained to her.

"Who's this runt? Get out of here, can't you see that grown ups are talking?" the man which was talking to Jessica said in an angry tone.

"Jessica, do you know this man?" Julius asked her, totally ignoring the man which had talked to him. Hearing Julius' question, Jessica shook her head in disagreement.

"Don't ignore me while I'm talking to you," said the man which had been ignored by Julius before holding Julius by the head and forcibly turning him around before preparing to punch Julius.

"Does he really think that he could beat me? A regular human with no status point training and no cultivation thinking it could defeat me? I should mess with him," said Julius as he raised his hand forward in a fist like motion, making it so that his fist collided to the man's fist.

"What's with this kid?!" the man grunted as he pulled his hand back after hitting something which was harder than an iron wall. Seeing this take place got the attention of the other 4 men which looked like they were going to try to take Julius on all at the same time.

"Wait hold on! Before you attack, please take note of what had just happened. Your friend tried to punch me and I countered yet he's the one that can't feel his hand. So think long and hard before you attack me," said Julius which upon hearing his words, the 4 of them bowed in apology before taking their friend who broke his arm to the hospital.

"What was that? Is your hand made out of metal or something?" Emily asked.

"Hmm not really, let's just say that I've been training my whole life for a competition which is why my body is this strong," said Julius as he clearly lied but Emily and Jessica didn't bother asking any more questions.

Seeing as it was getting late, Jessica took Julius towards the exit of the arcade which he got to cash in all his tickets and ended up with many large stuffed toy animals which Jessica and Emily helped him carry back to the meeting place where at the same time, Jun and Stacy were making their return from a long day.

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