Hero Cultivation

Chapter 76 - Library

After flying in the air for what seemed like hours, the two finally made it to their destination, the library of the limitless.

The building which they had arrived at was a large structure mainly constructed of gold and bronze. At the front of the building were dozens of golden pillars which led towards the enormous double door entrance. The library itself was a large cylindrical building with half a sphere on top of it. To the sides of the cylinder were two square based prisms which were barely attached to the main building.

The moment the Julius and Jun entered the magnificent library, they were taken by surprise to see such a clean and tidy place. Past the double door entrance were multiple guards which kept watch over the place. Inside it was a single librarian which was an old woman with glasses which was reading as book.

"So where should we start?" Julius asked his master after the entered the library once Jun explained who Julius was.

"Shhh. This is a library, try not to be so loud," Jun whispered to Julius but it was too late as Julius had caught the attention of many eyes. Nevertheless, the two of them continued to walk around the 3 story library in search of the books which Julius would read to increase his intelligence.

After going through so many shelves and books, Jun finally stopped searching for books as he had found the first batch of books which Julius was going to read.

Once ready, Jun took his student towards a semi large table where he seated Julius and gave him a large pile of books which were 17 in total before heading off.

"What do I do with these?" Julius asked hoping that it wouldn't be what he feared.

"Read them of course," Jun replied which brought sorrow to Julius. Even though the prince knew that he would have to read books to gain intelligence, he still wanted to refrain from it as he had just realized how much of a gruelling task it would be.

"I wish Liz was here to read these for me instead," Julius thought to himself before opening the first book. Right away Julius knew it was going to take him ages to finish reading even just the first book however, he still started anyway as it was the only way which he knew of to increase his intelligence.

While Julius was busy trying to even finish the first few pages of the first book, Jun headed off to speak with the librarian.

"Excuse me ma'am," Jun said to the librarian.

"Yes?" the librarian replied.

"Could I have a large cart? My student will be in here for a long time," Jun told her.

"Fine Jun, on regular occasions we would refuse but you've proved that you're not a thief or a liar so I'll give it to you. But make sure your student doesn't mess up our books, they're very valuable," said the librarian as she got up from her chair and went behind the door that was behind her.

After a few minutes, she came outside with a book cart which was much different when compared to a regular cart.

"Thank you," said Jun as he accepted the cart and began to once again search throughout the library in all its floors while picking the best books for Julius.

However as Jun finished filling up the cart with books and returned to see his student, Julius had already got half way through the large first book.

"Oh no it's starting," Jun said as panic began to set in on his face. He quickly ran back to the librarian as he would need some assistance for a while.

"Yes Jun, how can I help you now?" the librarian asked in a lazy voice.

"I don't have much time so I'll explain it quickly. Basically, my student has a lot of status points in his skill aspect which allows him to learn almost anything really quickly after he gets a slow start on it at first. He's already half way through the first book which I gave him and he's only going to get a faster. Please gather all your assistants and ask them to look for books which are informative. If they can't find any, just tell them to get whatever they can get their hands on," Jun quickly panicked however hearing those words, the librarian got up to see for her self if what Jun had said was true. As she looked at Julius, she noticed that he was already a bit over half way of the first book in the pile. Seeing that confirmed what Jun had said and the librarian called all her assistants and instructed them as Jun had told her.

Once all of them began to go on different directions to accomplish the task at hand, Jun bowed to the librarian in thanks before going off to drop off the books in his own cart at the table which Julius was at.

Over the few following weeks, Julius continued to read every book which was given to him extremely quickly. Of course Jun made his student stop and made him cultivate through sleep when night rolled around in the secret room at the back of the librarian stand however other than that, Julius' days were spent reading without a break. However Julius wasn't the one which was caused the most harm as that was the assistants and Jun who had spent all day and night bringing books for Julius to read at that moment of the following day.

At some point, the library of the limitless ordered an official closing as no one else could be cared for due to how much time and energy Julius demanded. This was of course possible due to the status in the political world which Julius held. Due to that, Julius was able to get the library all to himself so that he could read without a break.

After 5 long months and 1 week of nothing but reading and cultivation during sleep, Julius Henry had managed to read every book within the library of the limitless.

"I'm finished."

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