Hero Cultivation

Chapter 79 - Dragon

Once they had arrived at the mountain top, Julius once again began his physical training even though it was useless to him since it didn't provide him with any status points. All it gave him was something to spend his time on while he waited for the scrolls which Jun had demanded to get delivered into their home.

After only just 3 days, a group of men approached the mountain top while Julius was still in the forest, training his heart out. Once the people who had come to deliver the scrolls had left, Jun quickly rushed down into the forest to speak to Julius who was keeping himself busy with running around while wearing his weight augmented attire.

"Julius! Guess what came in today?" Jun yelled out as he rushed towards the forest.

"Did the scrolls come in today?" Julius asked with a joyful attitude.

"Yes they did, you can finally learn the dragon summoning scroll," said Jun as he finally made it into the first to meet his student.

Julius quickly accepted the scroll before unwrapping it then placing it around his forearm so that he could instantaneously learn the secret art. Julius didn't give Jun a second to go over the dangers which the method which Julius was using could pose.

"I guess he never learns. Good luck I guess," said Jun as he watched over Julius who had passed out due to him needed to be teleported to the empty relearn which he would need to face the scroll tier monster. In this case, it was a dragon.

"I guess it would make sense that a jade dragon secret art would be guarded by a dragon," said Julius to himself as he awaited for the white figure to come out of the shadows so that he could eat the dragon guardian and Julius would be able to go on with his day.

"So you wish to take the secret art which this scroll possesses without having to go through the gruelling training? Don't make me laugh!" the dragon guardian of the scroll said to Julius.

"Any time now," Julius replied as he waited for the white glowing figure to come to his rescue.

"What are you looking for boy? This is a matter which goes between you and I!" the dragon yelled at Julius which made it clear that the white glowing figure wouldn't be coming to Julius' rescue.

"Dammit, I knew I couldn't trust you! You betrayed me at the last second! Just you watch, if I ever see you again, I'll rip your heart out and crush it in an instant!" Julius yelled out.

"Who are you talking you?" the dragon asked in a confused tone with its deep voice which managed to gain Julius' attention.

"SILENCE!" Julius yelled at the dragon as he pointed at him to show his dominance.

"What was that?! Do you have a death wish?" The dragon said as it brought its giant claw towards Julius as it tried to kill the prince.

However Julius wouldn't make it that easy as just when the dragon's arm got close enough, Julius pulled his own arm back before clenching his fist and bringing it back forward at the speed of light. While at first when the two figures made contact, nothing happened however as the seconds passed, cracks began to appear all over the dragon's hand which then spread to its body before the monster was smashed into pieces.

"I told you to be quiet," Julius said as his dark eyes began to pierce into the darkness he was in.

*clap* *clap*

"You actually did it! I doubted you for a second but it seems like you really have improved," a familiar voice said in the distance.

"So you ARE here!" said Julius as he turned back around to look at the tall white glowing figure clapping.

"What's with that look? You look like you're mad," said the white figure in a joyful tone.

"I'll kill you! You traitor!" Julius yelled out as he began to leap towards the white figure with his fist clenched as he prepared to end it all right then and there.

"Stop." the white figure said which caused Julius to completely stop moving.

"Don't get too confident just because you killed a small ant. To me, you're nothing but an insect that I could kill if I wished to do so at any moment," the white figure's tone began to change"

"Wrong. You can't kill me. No matter how much stronger you might be, there's a reason why you can't kill me nor can you transfer yourself into another body," said Julius.

"While I was in the library of the limitless, I learned about something. It was the only mention of magic that the entire library had. That being something called soul exchange. There are still people who debate what it is which is why it hasn't been removed from the library of the the limitless. Every other thing there which mentions even the slightest bit of magic has been removed," Julius began to speak.

"Anyway, I learned that to use soul exchange, both parties had to agree for the transfer to work. You see, it seems pretty simple since it's just two souls exchanging bodies but for you, that not the case. You're a 3rd soul! For the transfer to work, both me and you have to agree for the transfer to work. The person who you get transferred into doesn't get a say in this matter. You can try to scare me all you want but at the end of the day, you'll never be able to kill me," said Julius with a smile on his face while still being frozen in time.

"That's only the reason why I can't transfer out of your body. What makes you think that I can't just kill you and die with you!" the white figure replied.

"You see, I'm glad that I did that intelligence training! In exchange for not having a say in what soap goes into them, the 3rd party cannot be harmed by the soul that has invaded their body. Well at least that's my hypothesis which by your expression means I'm right.. I've won," Julius announced with a grin.

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