Hero Cultivation

Chapter 8 - Gifted

"All things said, you should be able to cultivate in your sleep within 1 to 2 weeks at max," said Jun.

"Wait so that was what cultivating is? It's so easy, why do people stop doing it if they can just do it in their sleep?" Julius asked.

"It's not that it's easy, it's just that you're fortunate. Don't worry though, you'll be humbled quite soon when you start learning the other form of cultivation. But first, we need to finish the basics of cultivation through meditating," said Jun before continuing to teach Julius.

"As I said, we're not quite finished yet... do you see a gear looking thing to the top right of your vision area?" Jun asked.

"In fact, I do. What is that..." said Julius as he tried to move his head so that he wouldn't have to look at that irritating small icon.

"There's no point in trying to look elsewhere, it'll always be there. That's the thing you'll use to see at what level or rank you are when you're finished with your cultivating sessions... why don't I walk you through the process. To start off, just move your finger to where it is and tap on it," said Jun as he guided Julius.

"Are you sure this will work?..." asked Julius as he listened to what his master told him. Before Julius could even fully finish his sentence, a large transparent blue screen appeared in front of Julius' eyes.

"What is this?" Julius asked as he quickly moved back as he tried to avoid it in case it was dangerous.

"Well, I can't see what you're looking at but I assume a transparent green screen has appeared in front of you which has white glowing text?" Jun asked his student.

"Yes clearly... wait, you can't see this?" Julius asked his master as he calmed himself down.

"Nope. A person can only see their own cultivation screen. However, seeing as you are able to access your cultivation screen means that the process has worked. Tell me Julius, what does the white text say?" Jun asked.

[Julius Henry]

[Rank: 1]

[SP: 10/1000]

"It looks like I've got a long way to go?" said Julius with a sad look on his face.

As for Jun, he sat still with his hot tea in hand as he didn't move a muscle. After a while, he had a chance to comprehend what he had just heard which caused him to freak out and drop his hot tea cup which broke due to the impact.

"Are you actually serious? You better now be messing with me!" Jun yelled out.

"I'm telling the truth..." Julius replied.

"Oh my days, I have been blessed with such a gifted student after all this time. Maybe teaching that rotten Henry finally paid off. I knew struggling with him would end up with me having such a talented disciple," said Jun as he was overjoyed.

"Why are you so happy?" Julius asked his master.

"What isn't there to be happy about? You should be happier than me yet you look so depressed. Fix that sad attitude of yours," said Jun before returning to his celebration.

"So did I do good?" Julius asked.

"You moron, you're too talented for your own good. I forgot that I need to explain every single detail to you. I guess you take after your father. That idiot could have done me a favour and taught you at least the basics of cultivation," said Jun with an expression which exemplified spite.

"Anyway, to put it simply. You're gaining SP at an extremely fast rate. It only took you a few minutes to accumulate 10 SP. Since the rate at which you gather SP increases over time, you could possibly... no, you WILL be the first person to max out and reach cultivation rank 20 through mediation. This alone could make you a powerhouse. With rank 20 and just a little bit of physical training, you could... take on the 9 rulers themselves," said Jun as a dark expression took over his face before returning to the peaceful old man he was.

"Now that we finished covering this type of cultivation, let's move on to the next.." Jun began to speak.

"Master Jun, how do I close this screen?" Julius asked.

"Oh, there should be an X like button at the top right of the transparent green screen. Just click on it and it should return back to its small gear like icon state," Jun explained.

Just as he was told, Julius followed each of the steps and was able to close the screen and turn his attention back towards his master who would next teach him cultivation through battle.

"How hard can it be? I've already gotten the hang of one of the methods. I was born for this, I won't even need to lift a finger to master the other method. It's really a shame, I'll have to rule the world as its rightful king without having to put in even the least bit of effort. How pitiful. Although who could blame the world, it was my rightful possession from the day I was born," Julius proudly stated to himself as he arrogantly followed Jun outside the house to begin his training of the other form of cultivation.

Once he walked out of the house, Julius finally got a chance to appreciate the view of the man mountains which surrounded him. The mountain itself was so large that it put the kingdom's castle which Julius called his home to shame.

"Wow..." said Julius as he followed his master to the backyard of his house. Even though his house looked to be a bit small, the backyard on the other hand was enormous. It made sense though. Julius rightly assumed that he used his backyard as training grounds to which all of his previous students would train inside. As such, it would only make sense that he would have such a large area to train his students which would later become renowned people.

Although Julius wouldn't need the area which multiple people would need to train, he didn't mind the extra space. It was all the better for him to begin his training in.

With an excited look, he stared at Jun who stared back at him with anticipation as they would have the greatest training sessions the world had ever seen.

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