Hero Cultivation

Chapter 88 - Ozel

"Hey Julius, are you alright? Why are you humiliating all of them like this?" Jun asked his student after he had broken the last table in the guild and caused everyone to fear him.

"Because… of her," said Julius as he pointed to the register.

"She's the only one here who actually does any work yet all of these worthless worms treat her like trash," said Julius as he grew more furious.

"I'm home!" said a tall old man as he walked through the doors of the guild just as Julius and Jun had but instead of the guild members disrespecting him, they hid behind him.

"Who dares to defile my home?!" the old man yelled out as his eyes began to light of in flames.

"I-It was him!" one of them said as they pointed at Julius.

"How dare you enter my treasured home and destroy it?! You shall be pay for your crimes with your life!" the old grew furious however the same applied Julius who was glad that the leader of the guild had come and he would have an opportunity to teach him how to actually hun his guild.

"Oh, it's Ozel," said Jun in a casual voice.

"Jun? What are you doing here? Anyways help me kill this vermin that has dared to cause havoc in my home," said the old man.

"Will the both of you shut up!" the girl at the register said as she pulled out a a large double edged sword and pointed it at the old man first before pointing it at Julius which caused the prince confusion since he was just trying to help her.

"Fine, fine, just don't go berserk again," said the old man as he calmed himself down along with Julius who was just confused by this point.

"Wait, what is happened?" Julius asked.

"I'll explain things for you. First of all this old man is the guild master of this place. We used to be friends a long time ago but he got too busy taking care of the guild. Next, the man who bet on you winning is probably one of the strongest, is not the strongest person in the guild but he chooses to hide that power and mask himself by getting drunk all the time. Lastly, the girl. I realize that you probably thought that she was just a weak little girl but that's only because she has dual personalities. She's actually strong enough to kill all of them," said Jun as he pointed towards the members of the guild which had challenged Julius.

"Wait is that true?" Julius asked the girl who had returned to the front desk of the guild which nodded in a shameful way.

"Wait Jun, why are you speaking to this criminal in such a nice tone? He must atone for his sins," Ozel, who was the guild master of the guild asked.

"Because he's my student! I was planning to keep it a secret but since it's you, there's no point in hiding it," said Jun, of course he kept the part about Julius being the prince of the greatest kingdom in the world a secret.

"Y-Your student?! But you swore of training people for the rest of your life. If you're willing to train people once again, please take all of these useless trash bags and help them make something out of their worthless lives," Ozel asked of Jun.

"Sorry Ozel, this one was a special case. He has a knack for learning quickly. It's only been about a year since I took him under my wing and he's almost finished his training. I only brought him here so that he could be assigned dungeons," Jun told Ozel which disappointed the old man.

"Then so be it. I'll allow him to take missions here and-" Ozel began to speak before cutting himself off.

"Only a year?! And he's almost done his training?! Jun, you've got to be lying to me! Are you saying that your training which many people couldn't complete even in 20 years only took this commoner a single year?!" Ozel began to panic.

"Actually, I'll just see for myself," said Ozel as he placed his hand forward to shake Julius' hand which Julius agreed to.

"I seriously hate you Jun. You've once again raised a demon. If only you would take more students or at least teach the rest of us your secrets," Ozel complained before getting back to Julius.

"Anyway, you can join our guild and you'll be safe here. I want deduct any money from you as well since you're Jun's student but I'll make you work until you can't feel your limbs," said Ozel to Julius which the prince nodded quickly to.

"How old is he?" Ozel asked randomly.

"14, but he's almost 15," Jun said nonchalantly.

"So it's been less that 1 year since he's even been able to cultivate?! Well, you're always full golden surprises. Just try not to give me a heart attack. Anyway, I want him to stay with us until he's 18. Which I presume you know to be when the celebration to see his growth is," said Ozel as he brought Julius to the front desk so he could register at the guild. Of course both Julius and Jun agreed to the terms that Ozel had set.

"Cece, register this boy into our guild will you? I'm going to make him start his first mission right away," said Ozel before leaving to talk to Jun.

"Hi there," Cece said with a bright smile which looked a bit forced and she looked more scared than anything.

"I guess that dual personality thing was true," Julius thought to himself before continuing his registration process.

Julius answered all the questions that he was asked which were mainly about what he would do during missions and how confident he was in his abilities. Other than that, he as also asked about his name, age and things along those lines which he answered truthfully Julius was a common name and he looked nothing like the prince of the greatest kingdom in the world so there was little room for suspicion.

"Well, it's great to have you on our team.. Please continue to look after us and we'll look after you," Cece said with a smile on her face.

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