Hero Cultivation

Chapter 99 - Yes

After a few hours of travel, Julius had finally made it back to his own kingdom as the caravan came to a sudden stop. Once realizing that he had arrived at his desired destination, Julius got out of the caravan before waving goodbye to the driver.


"Guess who's back!" Julius yelled out proudly as he entered the guild building in the middle of the night.

"So did you change your mind and finally realize that you can't take on a whole guild on your own?" Ozel asked as he laughed. Hearing his words, Julius brought forward the large pouch of gold which was half the size of his own body which left Ozel with his mouth open wide. Now, Jun was the one that was laughing.

"So tell us what happened," Jun demanded as he finally calmed down his laughter.

"Well, they weren't as strong as guild master Ozel made them seem. I just used the one attacking secret art I know and kept repeating it until they realized that it was pointless to continue fighting me.

"Secret art? I always thought you were a battle cultivator. I wouldn't have guess that you were a meditation user instead. Or you just might be a battling cultivator which learned some basic secret art. Say, which secret art did you use?" Ozel asked, expecting Julius' reply to be a monkey or tiger tier scroll.

"It was pretty simple, I just used thousand swords secret art which I learned through the instant absorption method," said Julius with a smile.


"That's a dragon tier scroll, I thought you were a battling cultivator?" Ozel asked.

"I am," Julius replied.

"But you also said that you used a dragon tier scroll which must mean that you're a meditating cultivator," Ozel countered.

"I am," Julius replied.



"Yes." Julius replied with an innocent smile.

"Ozel I'm not supposed to tell many people this but Julius is a double cultivator. He can cultivate through both methods and he can absorb scrolls through the instant method and doesn't get affected at all. That's why I told you to let him go to the battle," said Jun which left everyone in the room speechless.

"So why are you telling everyone of this?!" Ozel asked as he panicked.

"It's not like anything bad will come of it. Plus, even if the news spreads, it'll take quite a while for the news to reach Henry," Jun mumbled to himself so that no one could hear him.

"Oh right, what was this blade you gave me?" Julius asked Cece as he showed the black sheathed blade that he had received from Cece.

"You didn't use it in the battle?! Well I guess you didn't need it anyway. Just hold on to it, you would make better use of it than anyone else here," Ozel replied.

"I still don't know what it is though so can you just tell me instead of making me think of a possible answer on my own which I won't find out the real answer until I'm on the brink of death?" Julius asked with a concerned face.

"Okay fine, it's not that serious. I'll tell you so just stop panicking. The blade in your hand is a monster core infused blade. In truth, it's thought that it's infused with two monster cores. It had been secretly passed down for many years between a mysterious group of people until it ended up in the hands of the previous guild master of this place. After he passed away, he left us with this blade to pass on to someone who could put it to use. In truth, no one has been able to unsheathe the blade since it had been placed on it-" Ozel explained and while that was happening, Julius who had been holding the blade so that the sheathe would face the ground, caused the sheathe of the blade to fall off like it was butter. The blade itself was a stainless steal silver blade however it was infused with many gem like rocks which were most likely cracked parts of the monster cores.


"Where can I get one of him from?" Ozel asked Jun wondering where he found such a person which would be able to break the expectations of everyone constantly. Seeing what had just happened, Ozel began to laugh in disbelief as it was all he could do.


As everyone continued to laugh at the sight which Julius had caused due to him doing something which no one had ever been able to do without even trying, Julius himself changed his expression.

"Hey what's with that look Julius? You look sick? Come on, you just took down a whole guild on your own, it's time we celebrate!" Ozel demanded and when he got no response, him along with Jun began to get worried as tears began to flow out of Julius' eyes.

"It's heart is beating." Julius said right before he passed out and in that moment his sword's sheathe returned back on the blade as if it was a magnet.

"Where am I?" Julius asked himself as he woke up in a familiar place.

"Welcome back Julius,?? it's been some time since we last talked. How have things been?" the white glowing figure asked.

"Oh it's just you. What happened to me in the real world? What was with that blade? It felt like it was alive," Julius said in a shaky voice.

"That's because it was alive. All monster cores are just the souls of the monster that was killed that managed to stay in a solid form due to the strength of the monster's will. That's why weaker monsters don't produce cores," the white figure explained.

"But still, I can't feel the heart of the monster that has been infused with the dagger that Zo gave me but I can feel it on this one," Julius complained.

"Well that's obvious. The blade was produced much before the modern way of creating monster core infused weapons.. However don't let that make you think that it is a weaker blade as it has much more power in it than you could ever believe," the white glowing figure replied.

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