Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 171: Tie the record? Can and can't (second, ask for a monthly pass)

The 171st chapter tied the record? Can and can't (the second one asks for monthly pass)

Liverpool slaughtered Hull City on the road. (《》)

In the next 37th round of the league, Martin O’Neal even more intensified. This time he completely ignored the first-team substitute players and used the combination of the reserve team and Chen Yingxiong to play against West Ham United at home. .

The meaning of preparing for the FA Cup final is already obvious.

However, after the last game, West Ham United did not dare to look down upon this team, even though Allardys was very upset with Martin O’Neal’s arrangement. But he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy-it would be really embarrassing to lose to such a team by a big score.

In the last game, Hull City lost to Liverpool at their home court, and it has become a laughing stock for many people. It is said that they can't even play with a patchwork of miscellaneous teams. No wonder such a team could not stay in the Premier League.

The cautious and all-out West Ham team met with the same all-out Liverpool reserve team.

The morale of the reserve team has the upper hand, but the strength of West Ham has the upper hand.

In the end, the two sides drew 2:2.

Chen Yingxiong scored twice in the game.

He also scored 57 league goals in a single season-the same number of league goals last season.

The draw between the two teams after the game and the performance of the Liverpool reserve team were all forgotten by the media. At this time, Chen Yingxiong was the only protagonist.

The media throughout England, China, and even Europe are talking about Chen Yingxiong's 57 goals.

With one round left before the end of the league, he only needs a hat-trick to tie Dixie Dean's record.

Sixty goals in a single season!

This is really an inhuman record!

You know, when Dixie Dean created this record, football was still very imperfect, with almost no tactics to speak of. The defense was completely chasing football. The modification of offside tactics also promoted the production of goals, so It's easy to score a goal. In the latest chapter of the Temple, big-scoring games often appeared at that time. In the several seasons before and after the 1927-1928 season he set a record, many goals were scored. Blackburn forward Ted Harper, the top scorer of the 1925-1926 season, scored 43 goals, and the next season's top scorer Jimmy Trotter scored 37 goals. The top scorer of the 1928-1929 season was Sunderland's David Halliday, who scored forty-three goals. Vic Watson scored 41 goals in the 1929-1930 season and the 1930-1931 season. Tom Varlin scored forty-nine goals, and the best scorer of the next season is still Dixie Dean, who scored forty-four goals.

But now is different. By this time modern football has developed, the defensive tactics have been perfected and the offside rules have become more and more stringent. In addition, the physical fitness of the players has been greatly improved, the defensive ability has increased, and the difficulty of scoring goals. It is getting bigger and bigger.

Under such circumstances, can Chen Ying still score 60 goals in a season?

You must know that even people like Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have scored 55 league goals in one season. This is their ability at their peak.

They have never had such a result since.

Can Chen Yingxiong do things that even these two people can't do?

Of course, Chen Yingxiong is better than them, because Chen Yingxiong has surpassed the two of them in the number of league goals scored in a single season. After all, they only scored fifty-five goals at most, and Chen Yingxiong was before that. Fifty-seven goals have been scored.

Now he is only three goals away to tie the amazing record set by Dixie Dean.

The English media have been discussing this topic all day long. There are two main factions. One group thinks that it is impossible for Chen Yingxiong to tie the record of Dixie Dean, and the other group thinks that it is very simple for Chen Yingxiong to tie the record, just a hat trick. Up.

The arguments of both sides are very reasonable. After all, it is very difficult to tie the record, even if it is a hat trick in an ordinary game, let alone a game under such a lot of pressure. But where is Chen Yingxiong's strength? How many times in the past, he has surprised people. "" When you think it is impossible for him to do it, he has to do it, and not only do it, but also do it beautifully!

Chinese media are also discussing this matter, not just the media, but Chinese fans and netizens are also discussing this matter on the Internet.

However, most of the Chinese compatriots cheered and cheered Chen Yingxiong. Not many people questioned him or doubted him. In other words, it is also a compatriot, how can you tear down one's own station?

European media are also paying attention to this matter.

Their perspective is not that Chen Yingxiong can tie the record. Because Chen Yingxiong is actually good enough.

The number of league goals in the two consecutive seasons has reached 57. If it's just a season, some people say it's luck. Although the strength is very strong, it is not so strong. Just like Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, who scored more than fifty goals in the league, the performance of everyone is the same. When cheering for them, they also pointed out that such a crazy number of goals is impossible. Every year. Sure enough, the following season, their number of goals decreased. Although there are more than forty in each season, the over fifty-odd situation has never appeared again.

Therefore, when Chen Yingxiong finally scored 57 goals last season, many people exclaimed Chen Yingxiong's strength, but they also felt that this result was due to luck. He can score 57 league goals this season, does not mean that he can also score 57 league goals next season...

Unexpectedly, in the next season, Chen Yingxiong will really do it! And completed the goal one round ahead of schedule.

This silenced those who thought that Chen Yingxiong was lucky—luck, what kind of luck was it to make people score 57 goals in two consecutive seasons?

In the face of Chen Yingxiong's strength, they had to bow their heads. It was strength. It was a powerful strength that allowed Chen Yingxiong to score 57 league goals for two consecutive seasons.

So does he still have the strength to tie the legendary 60-ball record?

Everyone's eyes were on Chen Yingxiong, on the last game.

In the last game, Newcastle played against Liverpool at home.

This is not an easy game to play, because Newcastle ranks sixth this season, the results are very good, and they still play at home. Fighting power is doubled than away.

If Chen Yingxiong wants to tie the record, he has to perform a hat-trick in the game. If he wants to break the record, at least he will have a big four.

The difficulty is so high that it makes people stunned.

It's no wonder that many media think it is difficult for Chen Yingxiong to tie the record, and it is even more impossible to break the record. Therefore, everyone says "to tie the record" and never say "to break the record".

If you just need to score twice, many people are confident in Chen Yingxiong. Because Chen Yingxiong has a nickname called "Mr. Double Scored", it shows that he is really good at scored twice.

This season, if not counting the scores in the hat-trick, Chen Yingxiong has already completed twelve scores, accounting for nearly one-third of the entire 38 league matches. This is a very terrifying result. Up.

Hat tricks. He has completed six times this season. He also completed six times last season. This is the best in history. So in terms of tying records, there are still many people who hold different opinions, thinking that Chen Yingxiong can be bigger. Their reason is this data.

But to break the record...

Chen Yingxiong didn't even hit his fourth birthday this season.

So everyone felt that it would be too difficult to complete the fourth birthday in the last game, and no one mentioned it at all.


In the game against Newcastle, Martin O'Neal did not let the entire reserve team add a hero Chen to the away game. He joined several reserve players and also allowed the main team of the first team to start.

This is not to say that he is afraid of Newcastle, or that he intends to create a hat-trick opportunity for Chen Yingxiong at all costs.

It’s because this is the last game of the first team before the Champions League final-there is nothing wrong with the first team in the FA Cup final-in order to give the first team players who have not played in the two league rounds a chance to play, look for Looking for status, the first team in this game must play.

At the same time, he also considered the FA Cup final, so he did not use all the first team players, but retained some of the reserve players.

In this way, he took a patchwork team north to Newcastle to challenge the local champion Newcastle United.


"I know the hero is only three goals away from tying Dixie Dean's record. We won't let him get his wish. It's great to score 57 goals for two consecutive seasons, but if you want to score 60 A ball? Wait for next season!"

Newcastle United head coach Alan Padu said in an interview with reporters.

He didn't say this to deliberately anger Chen Yingxiong, he must say so, because he really didn't want his team to be the foil for Chen Yingxiong's record-setting.

No one wants it.

For the record-setting party, this is a great historical moment, worth remembering forever, and then being repeatedly spoken out.

But for their opponents, it is embarrassing, because when others talk about the record set by Chen Yingxiong, they will never forget to say: "He set this record in the game against Newcastle United. ..."

Who wants to be recorded in history like this!

Not only is the head coach of Newcastle United unwilling, the players of Newcastle United have also said that they will not let Chen Yingxiong get his wish.

"At critical moments, I don't mind using fouls to stop him!" Newcastle's main central defender Stephen Taylor bluntly said that he will use some unsportsmanlike moves to stop Chen Yingxiong.

The reporters were a little surprised to hear him say this. Although everyone did this, it is still very rare to say so nakedly.

They asked: "Even if you take a card for this? A red card?"

Taylor nodded vigorously: "Yes! No matter what the price, I will not allow him to tie the record in front of me!"

Seeing Taylor's decisive look, many reporters took a breath.

It seems that this game is not easy to play for Chen Yingxiong, and it is definitely not easy to play!


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