Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 187: I want to be the greatest (the second one asks for a monthly pass)

Chapter 187: I want to be the greatest (the second one asks for a monthly pass)

Before this game, many people were guessing how many goals Chen Yingxiong could score in the game. ("") The vast majority of people think that if Chen Yingxiong can score three goals, even if it is great, a big four is impossible. As for the five goals, they didn't even think about it.

But who knows, Chen Yingxiong actually scored five goals in the game!

Five yuan for independent high school!

The last time he scored five goals in a game was in the 2012-2013 season, in the away game against Manchester City, he scored five goals.

When the commentators saw the football flying into the goal, they didn't know what to say.

Because they had used up all the praise words in their minds two minutes ago.

Now I can't think of anything different from before.

At this time, they felt that their words were poor.

Some people even can only utter meaningless roars to vent their inner excitement.

There are also people who are smarter, knowing to find a special sounding excuse for their poor words.

"In front of the hero's five goals, I think any words are pale and weak! So please allow me... applaud him!"

Sure enough, there was a clapping sound on the TV...


After scoring a goal, Chen Yingxiong rushed to the bottom of the most crowded stands of Newcastle United fans, and then made a hug gesture. He wanted to embrace those boos, because the boos gave him endless motivation. This is the celebration he thought of when he warmed up before the game, and he almost had no chance to appear, and now he finally used it. but……

The fans of Newcastle United and other teams in the stands were shocked by Chen Yingxiong’s five goals, and some were overwhelmed. So the boos in the stands were sporadic and did not sound to the satisfaction of Chen Yingxiong. Boos and curses.

How can this work?

He looked forward to the distorted expressions of those fans because of shock and pain, but now he can't see it!

All of them were dumbfounded, and the expressions on their faces looked dull. (《》)

Not good-looking at all.

Chen Yingxiong frowned, and then hooked up with his open hands, indicating that the fans' voices should be louder and more vigorous.

If this action is applied to one's own fans, it is an action of dancing fans to create the atmosphere of the home court.

But if it is used on a hostile fan... it would be a naked provocation!

Sure enough, the fans of Newcastle United and other teams recovered from their shock. They were awakened by Chen Yingxiong's provocative action and were also angered. They cursed and booed wildly at Chen Yingxiong.

Chen Yingxiong continued to hook and raised his arm upwards.

The sound is not loud enough, louder, louder...

He didn't expect this group of people to cooperate with him so much, so he naturally wanted to see where the limits of their voices were.

So he kept waving, and the voices of the Newcastle United fans and others in the stands also kept rising.

Chen Yingxiong is like a band conductor, directing a large-scale symphony orchestra with many personnel.

The fans of Newcastle United are very obedient to follow Chen Yingxiong and only keep raising their voices.

Then the overwhelming boos and curses suddenly became quieter.

Because many people's voices have lost their voices—they are husky and speechless.

Chen Yingxiong looked up at the stands. He saw many people coughing over their throats with their hands. He knew that he had succeeded.

Then he lost interest in continuing to tease these fans, turned around and returned to the court, hugging and celebrating with his teammates.

The fans of Newcastle United and the fans of the team were played by him like dogs, and then kicked away by him.

Those Newcastle United fans who reacted angrily want to continue cursing Chen Yingxiong, but their voices are already speechless. Many people feel that their throats are unbearable even if they just swallow a mouthful of saliva.

They may not be able to speak normally for several days. (《》)

This is the end of fighting against Chen Yingxiong.

Treating comrades as warm as spring, and treating enemies as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves. This is Chen Yingxiong.


For this fifth goal, many people are not surprised, many people don't even care.

Newcastle United players don’t think there is any difference between conceding five goals and conceding four goals. Alan Padu doesn’t think about "this **** pervert" anymore. He sits on the coach’s bench, calmly. Accepted this result-what if you don't accept it?

On the Liverpool coaching bench, Martin O'Neal was very excited.

He got up from his seat and put his head in his hands.

Can't believe my eyes.

He also didn't expect Chen Yingxiong to be so powerful. He could break out in this game and score five goals directly, not only tying the record, but also raising the original record by two goals!

Sixty-two balls!

How many people can do in today's football?

What Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo could not do at their peak, let alone no one can do it.

It can be said that Chen Yingxiong's record will be maintained for many years. This is the pride of Liverpool.

He is now particularly grateful that when he chose to coach this team when his future at Liverpool was still uncertain, he could witness so many miracles and he became one of the participants.

Coaching Liverpool is perhaps the most important choice of his coaching career. Although he was drunk by Chen Yingxiong's light, Martin O'Neal didn't care. What happened to Chen Yingxiong's light? The whole Liverpool is drenched in Chen Yingxiong's light, but the term is a little better, called "hero dependence". Regarding the issue of dependence, O'Neal has long since figured out. Chen Yingxiong can make Liverpool depend on it. That is his ability. Why doesn't Liverpool depend on it? Don’t use people who can use it. Isn’t it right to use people who are very unbearable in order to get rid of dependence?

Therefore, those who criticized him in the media for Liverpool suffer from "hero dependence", he has never looked down upon it. I just rely on it, can you still bite me?

As long as I can win, I will care what the rest of you say?

Unconsciously, Martin O'Neal has also begun to move closer to the style of Chen's heroes.


After the game restarted, everyone was surprised to find that Chen Yingxiong did not die because he had scored five goals. He was still looking for a chance to score!

Isn't he satisfied with five goals?

How many goals does he have to score to give up?

Many people thought with some horror.

They found that Chen Yingxiong, who scored 62 goals in a season, was not the most terrifying.

The most frightening thing is a Chen Yingxiong who will never be able to fill up and get no satisfaction. Because this means that he may still surpass the 62-goal record he has created, and he may continue to set the record!

This is the most powerful.

Everyone says that "there is no end to surpassing oneself", but how many people really did it?

Chen Yingxiong is using the words of a practical practitioner.

Beyond yourself, there is no end!


But it is a pity that Chen Yingxiong has not been able to continue to score goals.

He seemed to run out of luck. In the next game, he hit the goal post twice, which caused an exclamation in the commentary and made many people sweat.

In the end, when the game ended, Liverpool beat Newcastle 5-0 in the away game. Chen Yingxiong scored all five goals and became the most dazzling star of the game.

As soon as the game ended, Chen Yingxiong was surrounded by reporters-these reporters no longer had the patience to wait in the mixed zone. They rushed into the stadium and surrounded Chen Yingxiong.

On the court, Newcastle United could not surround Chen Yingxiong, but the reporters succeeded.

On the third and outer floors, reporters surrounded Chen Yingxiong. No matter which direction he broke through, Chen Yingxiong could only see the surging crowd.

"Hero! Hero! Tell me about the feeling of breaking the record!"

"Hero... Is there anything you want to say about setting a new record?"

Everyone extended their microphones towards him.

Chen Yingxiong lifted the sleeve of his jersey on his arm to show the camera his new tattoo here.

"I am greater than great!"

Chen Yingxiong's tattoos are arrogant and self-confident, even a bit conceited. But can anyone accuse him at this time?

No, because he is indeed qualified to be arrogant and capable of arrogance.

"I know that many of you are unhappy with me for setting this new record, but it is my biggest wish to make you unhappy. So I am very happy." After showing his tattoo, Chen Yingxiong said. "And to make you even more unhappy, I decided to do one thing-I want to become the best and greatest player in the history of English football! As a Chinese with yellow skin and black hair!"

Chen Yingxiong showed the tattoo on his arm again.

"This is my declaration!"

A group of British journalists were furious, but they still had to pinch their noses to interview. Who made Chen Yingxiong now in the limelight?

Whenever no one pays attention to him, he has nothing to pay attention to, so reporters can naturally arrogantly stand up in front of Chen Yingxiong.

"Well said, hero! Well said!"

Some of the reporters cheered loudly and slapped their hands.

It was the Chinese reporter who applauded Chen Yingxiong outside the Melwood Training Base that day, and he shouted in his native language.

Chen Yingxiong cast his gaze on him, then smiled at him.

A Chinese reporter asked: "Hero, at this time, do you want to say something to our domestic fans?"

Hero Chen raised his hands and cheered: "Enjoy!"

After that, he stopped accepting interviews with reporters. He began to walk towards the entrance of the passage. Although the reporters surrounded him, no one dared to stop him. He could only follow him and pushed to the entrance of the passage. .

Then Chen Yingxiong saw that the reporter who had been applauded was right in front of him, and he went up and raised his hand.

The reporter also knew what this was going to do. He also raised his arms. Because he was not tall, he had to extend his arms as much as possible.

Two people high-five to celebrate.

Then no one stood in front of Chen Yingxiong anymore. He swaggered into the passage, walked away without looking back, and finally disappeared from the reporters' sight.


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