Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 190: Bring out the evidence (first ask for a monthly pass)

Chapter 190 Take out evidence (first ask for monthly pass)

Chen Yingxiong’s sentence "Bring out the evidence" made Richard Gill, who was still eloquent before, suddenly silent, and the audience on the stage was also holding their breath, wanting to see if Richard Gill could come up with evidence. At this moment, they suddenly became nervous, and the scene fell into an embarrassing silence. ""

Just when the host Michelle Peschart was planning to come out to make a round and ease the atmosphere of the two sides at a furious fight from the moment they met, Chen Yingxiong got into trouble again.

"Why? Can't you show evidence? What's your name if you can't show evidence?"

Richard Gill didn't look at Chen Yingxiong at all. He pointed at the camera lens and at the audience at the audience.

"Everyone, I am a person who knows China very well. I have studied China for many years. I have a deep understanding and understanding of the dark side of this country..."

Chen Yingxiong's voice came up again: "Can't you hear me, Mr. Richard Gill? Is there a problem with your ears, or a problem with my voice? But I think everyone can hear me. ...It seems that there is a problem with your ears." At this point, he turned to the host Peschacht. "Why don't we find someone who can sign language to translate for Mr. Gil? But I don't know if Mr. Gil can understand sign language... or we can write it!"

After speaking, Chen Yingxiong directly picked up a small blackboard on the armrest of the sofa and wrote on it with a marker: "Please show evidence to prove that I took the forbidden drug, Mr. Richard Gill."

After he finished writing, he showed what he had written to everyone, to the host, to the audience, and of course to take a close-up of the camera lens.

The scene saw Chen Yingxiong seriously treating Richard Gill as a deaf, and all laughed.

After showing it for a while, Chen Yingxiong showed the blackboard to Richard Gill.

In fact, when Chen Yingxiong said and did so, Richard Gill was still eloquently telling everyone about the black history of Chinese sports, what doping, what to modify the age, what to use fraud and match-fixing...

Hearing what he said, he seems to have a good understanding of Chinese sports. What he said is not a random fabrication, but a real thing.

But obviously everyone’s attention is not on his words. Everyone is not interested in the black history of Chinese sports. Everyone is concerned about whether Chen Yingxiong really has to take the banned drug...

This can be seen from the roar of laughter-during this period, everyone's attention was on Chen Yingxiong from beginning to end, and no one listened to Richard Gill's words.

That anger in Richard Gill's heart.

I've been on so many shows, when did someone play like a monkey?

"It's very rude to interrupt others! Chinese!"

When Chen Yingxiong heard him say this, he was not angry, but a bright smile appeared on his face. The latest chapters of the church

"Great, so you are not deaf? Then you just pretend? There is a Chinese idiom called'pretend to be deaf and dumb', which is really appropriate to describe you. But you know under what circumstances you need to pretend to be dumb. Are you deaf and dumb? It is when you have a guilty conscience. So obviously you have a guilty conscience and you are blind to my problems..."

Chen Yingxiong pointed to Richard Gill and said.

Jill said angrily: "You interrupted me, you are very impolite! Are Chinese people as impolite as you?"

Jill is not stupid. Since Chen Yingxiong mentioned the evidence from the beginning, he knew that today's show might not be so good... and he was still not able to leave, because everyone knew that he was a loser.

So the only way he can now is to anger Chen Yingxiong, make him lose his mind and calmness, and let him wave his fist. As long as he hits himself, he will occupy the moral high ground, and then he can remember the topic and attention of Chen Yingxiong's hitting people. As for the trivial matter of evidence of doping, who will remember?

Anyway, Chen Yingxiong must be stinky anyway.

Therefore, he says "you Chinese" and "you China". He studies China and knows that Chinese people are a group of people with strong national self-esteem, and they are always particularly sensitive to issues involving the country and the nation.

And Chen Yingxiong is also a Chinese, he does not believe that this will not irritate Chen Yingxiong.

Besides, Chen Yingxiong was already irritable, and he was a master at a single point.

He suddenly admired his eagerness again.

With a smart person like me, how could it be possible to lose to a mere Chinese player?

But he obviously didn't know that three days ago, the same person had planned to anger Chen Yingxiong, so that he could have an excuse to punish Chen Yingxiong.

But he failed. In the end, Chen Yingxiong faced deliberately making things difficult, holding back his anger, and calmly shot the football from the same place three times in a row, in the same way and angle, and scored a goal that created a new history. .

No one knows the inner world of the referee.

So Richard Gill did not learn from this incident.


Facing Richard Gill's mouthful of a Chinese and Chinese, Chen Yingxiong seemed to have not heard it, and the smile on his face became even greater.

When he heard Jill say, "You interrupted me, you are very impolite!" He spread his hands and said innocently: "But now you interrupted me, Jill. Mr."""

There was another roar of laughter in the audience.

In this invitation to the audience, Chen Yingxiong played a trick. He wanted the program group to ask for more people who support him, mainly Liverpool fans.

This program is a special program. Chen Yingxiong used the money to smash the program production team. Since he is an investor and he paid the money, the program team will naturally listen to him. Whoever he wants to invite, then he will invite it. No one will have trouble with money. In addition, this program mainly interviews people in the Asia-Pacific region, so at any rate there should be less prejudice and will not deliberately target Chen Yingxiong.

Therefore, when he has witty words and coups, there will be a burst of joyous laughter in the studio hall on the spot.

In the laughter, Jill retorted: "But you interrupted me many times before! This is not polite! You Chinese are not polite!"

He continued to pour dirty water on the Chinese, trying to anger Chen Yingxiong.

He didn't think that Chen Yingxiong stayed unmoved, knocked on Erlang's legs, and said leisurely: "Oh, Mr. Gil, you now have a mouthful of'not polite'... So you know the word polite, but you really know polite What do you mean? When I broke the record, you jumped out and accused me of taking stimulants without any basis. Is this what you call polite? Mr. Gil?"

Hearing Chen Yingxiong questioning him so much, Richard Gill blurted out: "Who said I had no basis?!"

He regretted it just after speaking.

Sure enough, Chen Yingxiong turned his hand out again and reached out to him: "Then show me the evidence, Mr. Richard Gill."

Uh... the topic seems to have come back again.

The audience laughed again.

"I've been telling my grounds...you Chinese are the best at making fakes, and you are also good at phoning at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games..."

"Is the man who jumped from the helicopter at the opening ceremony of the London Olympics turned out to be the real person of Her Majesty the Queen? Stop talking nonsense and show evidence." Chen Yingxiong continued to spread his hands to Jill.

"Then are so many doping cases in Chinese sports fake?"

"Data from the International Anti-Doping Association proves that at least 200 athletes in the United States have used banned drugs, which is much more than 35 people in China. When it comes to taking doping, Americans have all gone to the forefront of the world. May I ask. Why don’t you question that the achievements of American athletes are problematic and unclean? Phelps won eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics. Did you question his performance at that time? My urine test failed to find out. The question is, can you be more authoritative than the urine test department? Show the evidence and don't try to change the subject." Chen Yingxiong is not reluctant, and in the end he will definitely ask Richard Gill to show evidence and let him even change the topic. Less than.

Richard Gill was pressed tightly by Chen Yingxiong, and no matter how he provoked him, Chen Yingxiong did not get angry, and answered politely, making himself very passive.

Forced to be anxious, he had no choice but to run out of the killer's trick-free heart testimony.

"It doesn't mean that you haven't been checked out! It's just because..."

Chen Yingxiong interrupted him once, or said it in unison with him.

"...Now that the technology is underdeveloped, it is impossible to detect stimulant ingredients. Right?"

Chen Yingxiong yawned: "I'm almost annoyed by what you said these days. I thought you would come up with something new, but I didn't expect it to be exactly the same."

He said to Richard Gill who was dumbfounded.

"You admit that you have no evidence in disguise, right?"

"Who said I didn't, you Chinese..." Richard Gill was still stiff.

This time Chen Yingxiong did not speak, just a gesture of reaching out to silence Jill.

"Bring out the evidence." Chen Yingxiong tilted his head and looked at him, and said in a mocking tone.

Jill remained silent.

"Look, you acquiesced, you have no evidence..." Seeing Jill opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, he immediately said: "Evidence, evidence, Mr. Jill. Evidence."

Jill closed his mouth and said nothing.

A huge sense of frustration was growing in his heart. He didn't expect to fight his tongue, and he didn't even fight the opponent...

And he did not succeed in angering Chen Yingxiong at all.

He didn't understand why Chen Yingxiong, who was always hot-tempered in media reports, was so calm.

Chen Yingxiong quickly let him see his hot temper.


Chen Yingxiong stood up slowly on the sofa. This was the first time he stood up tonight.

He stared at Richard Gill who was silent.

Oh shit! Your mouth is finally quiet. Did you know that Lao Tzu endured you very hard?

You don't say anything anymore, right? Are you pretending to shrink?

Okay, now it's Lao Tzu's turn!

Seeing Chen Yingxiong stand up, Richard Gill raised his head in a panic, but he was very happy in his heart--is he going to do it? Hurry up! Come on! I promise not to fight back!

But what disappointed him was that Chen Yingxiong didn't mean to come up and beat him, but looked at him condescendingly.

"Don't think I don't know you, and your careful thoughts. Isn't it just that I am a Chinese and I created this new record, which makes you very uncomfortable? Don't talk about sports ethics...you people are not worthy Talk to me about ethics, don’t you like one bite of "You China"? I will tell you that any dog ​​in China is more ethical than you! Lao Tzu's urine test results are no problem, and the most authoritative department recognizes me. Are you innocent, you come to question? Which onion are you? Then I can question that you are not your mother's birth? Don't ask me for evidence, I also question that you are actually a hybrid of humans and animals! Now our technology can't check Come out, but with the development of technology in the future, it will definitely prove that you are a bastard!"

Chen Yingxiong, who had been polite and courteous before, has suddenly changed his temperament and became aggressive since he stood up. The appearance of his spitting saliva with his open mouth is really worrying. Will suddenly eat Richard Jill in one bite...

Richard Gill did not expect Chen Yingxiong to beat him, instead he was bloodied by Chen Yingxiong's mother. He was startled and angry, and pointed at Chen Yingxiong and said, "You...you, you! You curse!"

"I'm scolding a bastard, not a human, don't lift yourself up." Chen Yingxiong said contemptuously. "Furthermore, what did I say wrong? We really can't prove that you are not a product of human and animal hybrids, but this does not mean that you are not? Time will prove everything, so don't deny your identity easily, and don't forget your ancestors. ."

"If you are not convinced, you will show evidence. I am waiting for you, and I will leave it here. As long as you can show evidence, I will apologize to you! But can you show it? "

Hero Chen stared at Richard Gill and said.

Jill was trembling with anger, but he was helpless because he really couldn't show evidence.

Chen Yingxiong glanced at this guy who had been completely defeated by himself, and finally said: "Then, let me speak in advance. I will definitely become the greatest player in the history of English football. Waiting for that time, you are welcome to find faults. .But remember to use that **** above you..." Chen Yingxiong pointed to his mouth, "...when spraying manure, remember to find the evidence first."

After speaking, Chen Yingxiong nodded to the host Michel Pescha, then turned and left the live broadcast.

It was the first time that Michelle Peschart hosted such a "talk show", who had almost no sense of presence in the audience. Chen Yingxiong firmly controlled the situation on the court from the beginning, and then Richard Gill. Blocked in the corner, he used a "evidence" to beat Richard Jill, but Jill had no power to fight back...

He glanced at Richard Gill, who was shaking all over while sitting on the sofa, but he didn't sympathize with him at all.

Who made him heat up someone who shouldn't be offended?

When he used to do talk shows for Chen Yingxiong, he knew very well about Chen Yingxiong's nature. If he opens up and smiles, then he may not really show you good, maybe he is thinking in his heart **** you...

Such a dangerous person, I am not willing to provoke him, even if he is also an Englishman...


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