Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 197: Although embarrassed, do not lose the ball (fourth, ask for a monthly pass!)

The 197th chapter is embarrassed, do not lose the ball (fourth, ask for a monthly pass!)

During the long break, the atmosphere in the Chelsea dressing room was not very good. ""

The players were very upset about losing a goal in the first half, but it was all okay. After all, it was Chen Yingxiong who scored the goal. What made them even more uncomfortable was that they launched a fierce counterattack after losing the ball, but there was no way to break the gate of the Liverpool reserve team.

But they still don't think this is because the opponent has the strength, they think this is their own tactical problem.

Although the counterattack at the end of the first half was fierce, it was only relative to the previous one.

They feel that it is not violent enough. If they want to be more violent, they have to press on the whole line and last a long time.

But tactics are not allowed.

Ed Wocart asked the four defenders not to move.

In this way, the team's offense lacks willingness and hierarchy.

Chelsea players think this is the fundamental problem.

They are like fighting Liverpool in shackles.

This way, I can't give full play to my strength at all.

They hope the coach can adjust his tactics in the second half.

Ed Wo Carter can also appreciate the players' grievances about this tactic.

Because when preparing for this final, when he put forward a cautious tactical request, some players expressed dissatisfaction at that time.

Now in such a cautious situation, the ball is still lost in the first half, it is only natural that the players will react.

If he does not agree to change his tactics, he is afraid that he will encounter a lot of resistance in the locker room and will not be easy to carry out future work.

But if you adjust your tactics... Chelsea might be more ugly-he really didn't dare to underestimate this Liverpool reserve team. It's very simple, because he knows the abilities of his proud disciple Chen Yingxiong too well. He has the ability to turn corruption into a miracle. No matter how unbearable the Liverpool reserve team, as long as he has the ability to win the championship. (《》)

He was caught in a dilemma.

Ed Wocart looked around the locker room, some of the surrounding players were looking at him, waiting for him to give instructions, some of them pretended not to look at him, but were actually staring at him from the corner of their eyes.

This is a silent pressure.

It seems that these people still don't convince themselves...

Not very convinced by Chen Yingxiong.

It is a good thing to have arrogance, but it is not a good thing to use the wrong arrogance to the opponent, whether it is used on oneself or against Chen Yingxiong, it is not a good thing.

He sighed and made a decision.

"In the second half, we adjust our tactics."

He can clearly see the changes in the faces of the players after hearing this sentence.

They are full of confidence and think they can turn defeat into victory in the second half.

Ed Wocart hopes so too, but reason tells him it's not that simple.

But can he choose other things at this time?

"Since they have lost a ball now, it doesn't make sense to continue defending... In the second half, we attacked, pressed on the offense, and put enough pressure on their defense..."

Although knowing that the end of the attack will not be much better. But Ed Wocart still has to try to rescue him, in case... even if there is only one in ten thousand chance, he will try to expand it to one percent.

So in the next time, he still adjusted the tactics of the second half for the players with all his heart, and he couldn't see that he was actually forced to do so...

Chelsea's players listened to the boss's offensive tactics in the second half, while thinking in their hearts: When we beat Liverpool and win the FA Cup, we must convince the boss!

How can Ed Wocart fail to see the caution in the eyes of Chelsea players?

How many teams has he coached, how many people have he met, and what thoughts can he hide from him?

But he didn't break it. For him, it's useless to say more now, only when the results are in front of them... No, the results are useless. ("") Only when they really feel it in the game, they will admit...


In the Liverpool locker room, the players were very excited and excited, but they did not show it, at most they just clenched their fists or squeezed their thighs to see if they were dreaming.

Liverpool's reserve team showed great restraint. It's not like others think, because of a little achievement, you can forget about it happily.

Their minds are very clear.

They were all losers in the cruel competition, and they couldn't enter the first team for one reason or another.

Struggling in the reserve team all the year round, no one pays attention, and few people care. They have learned to put aside unrealistic fantasies, say ugly, depressed and self-sufficient, and lack self-confidence.

So they can't get over it while leading a goal.

This should have been their shortcomings, but now it has become their strengths.

If you change to the first team, maybe you have started to celebrate the championship in advance.

Martin O'Neal looked at the determination in the eyes of this group of reserve players and nodded in satisfaction.

Just looking at this group of people, he didn't worry much about the second half.

Of course he knows that Chelsea will make some adjustments, and maybe he will do all he can.

Although it gave Liverpool a chance to fight back, it also added pressure to Liverpool's defense.

But he believes these people can stand it.

Over the past month, they have been working **** defense. In the match against the first team, they can even make it difficult to score goals without Chen Yingxiong's first team attacking.

Confidence does not come out of thin air, but grows slowly through a month of training.


Everyone was talking about the first half during the intermission. Liverpool led Chelsea by one goal in the first half, which surprised many people.

It is not uncommon for Chen Yingxiong to score a goal. What they did not expect is that the back of the Liverpool reserve team really blocked the offensive of Chelsea's first team. During the second half of the first half, Chelsea's offensive was much stronger than before, but they didn't even concede the ball.

"... But this situation will be changed in the second half. I think Chelsea will definitely make adjustments during the intermission, and their offensive will be stronger. The first half is limited by tactics, and their offensive firepower has not been fully utilized. . But the second half is different... So although I admire the Liverpool reserve team's performance in the first half, I think they will not have such good luck in the second half... They will definitely lose the ball. This is a time to test the hero. It's here-to see if he alone can compete with the entire Chelsea team..."

What the guest commentator said during the intermission can represent the views of most people-although they applauded the tenacious performance of the Liverpool reserve team in the first half, they also think rationally that Liverpool will not be able to continue this. Excellent performance, once Chelsea exerts more pressure on their defense, then this team is bound to collapse!

At the beginning of the second half, as these people thought, Chelsea used the opportunity of the kick-off to launch a tsunami-like offensive towards Liverpool's defense.

It was originally a four-line formation, but Chelsea was crushed into two lines-one of which was Chen Yingxiong alone...

With such a strong offensive, Liverpool's counterattack has basically been suspended.

The next thing that surprised everyone happened little by little...


"Hulke's shot! Brad Jones-a wonderful save! World class!!!"

Brad Jones, the main goalkeeper of the Liverpool reserve team, fell heavily to the ground, but he quickly jumped from the ground, and then he raised his arms and shouted.

His actions aroused the unanimous cheers of the Liverpool fans in the stands.

Just now, he fished out Hulk's shot with a difficult save, almost on the goal line!

"Hulke can't believe his eyes... He holds his head in his hands! He must have thought that he has scored this goal... It was hard to get the opportunity to shoot in the penalty area. The football he shot was anxious and tricky. , But made Jones rush out!"


"Evans blocked Mikel's long shot with his body! The Chelsea players signaled to the referee that he was handball... But the referee clearly noticed that Evans did not have a handball. He really blocked it with his chest. Football! Evans' defense is just a microcosm. In fact, all the players in the Liverpool reserve team are defending so hard. Under Chelsea's fierce offensive, the 45 points in the second half seemed so long... they can hold on to the game. Is it over?"


"Jay Spearing was under a lot of pressure as a midfielder in the half game, because he is an important player in the defense of the center. If Chelsea want to attack from the center, they must pass him first! Hazard... is really agile! He threw off Spearing...no! Spearing chased him up, he grabbed Hazard's jersey, but quickly released it, and then he A kick from the back side... Tackle—the ball! Very precise tackle! No foul! You know, he has a yellow card! But it seems that this yellow card does not affect his defense at all!"


In this way, five minutes later, Chelsea's offensive was in full swing and Liverpool were in a panic, but the score was still 1:0, and Liverpool took the lead.

Ten minutes later, Chelsea's offensive has not diminished, Liverpool's defense is embarrassing, the score is still 1-0, Liverpool led by one goal.

Fifteen minutes passed. After 15 minutes of continuous bombardment, Chelsea's offensive rhythm slowed down slightly, and the momentum weakened. Liverpool's defense was still embarrassed, but the score did not change. It was still 1:0. Liverpool scored a goal. Lead.

No matter what the previous process was, the final result was the same, Liverpool defended in an embarrassing manner, but did not concede the ball.

If you only look at their embarrassment on defense, many people will think this way: next time, the next time Chelsea attack, they will definitely not be able to support the collapse, and Chelsea's goal will definitely come in the next attack...

But next time, next time, how many next time, Liverpool just won't lose the ball.

Their goal has survived Chelsea's offensive frenzy!


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