Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 212: Cheering after losing the ball? (Third, ask for monthly pass)

The hero of the penalty area Volume 1: The hero appears, people pay attention to the 212th chapter and cheer after losing the ball? (Third, ask for monthly pass)

Seeing Pepe hit the football goal, Guardiola was stunned for a moment, only to realize that Liverpool's goal was not Chen Yingxiong, but Pepe!

That Pepe from Real Madrid!

Pepe, who is particularly enthusiastic when he hit Barcelona!

Then he was very angry.

He was irritated not because it was Pepe who scored the goal, but because he suddenly realized that the loss of the ball would make his plan deviate-his team will no longer be able to fall back leisurely in the midfield, and then Pulling Liverpool's defense, waiting, and looking for an opportunity, the blow was fatal.

Because there is no time and no conditions for Barcelona to do this.

They must tie the score as quickly as possible!

Liverpool is the best team to play after the lead, as can be seen from their performance in the Premier League in the past few seasons. They attacked at the beginning, and after scoring a goal, they played their defensive counterattack in a spare time.

Then Liverpool will not have to worry about Barcelona falling back and forth outside their defense zone. No matter how Barcelona falls, they stick to their defensive position, do not attack easily and do not mess, then Barcelona will find no space. If you can't find a time to attack, you need a strong center, but whether it is Villa or Messi, it is obviously not suitable for this job...

Therefore, in order to avoid the game slipping into this abyss, the team must equalize the score as soon as possible to force Liverpool to continue the attack.

But if you want to score a goal quickly, there must be more forward passes, and the overall rhythm of the team must change, to be more like and forward, rather than cross and back. In this way, the rhythm of the game will be brought up, and Liverpool must be happy to see it happen!

But no way...

Damn it!

Guardiola felt uncomfortable when he thought that all of this was caused by the loss of the ball. Before the game, he patronized and thought about how to stop Chen Yingxiong from scoring, especially in the corner kick defense tactics, he put Chen Yingxiong as the top priority. He completely forgot that other Liverpool players are also capable of scoring, especially The two headers of Scotter and Pepe were excellent...

He has fallen into a misunderstanding without knowing it. The influence of Chen Yingxiong was too deep.

He shook his head, pulling his thinking out of this influence.


After the game restarted, Barcelona really launched a fierce offensive to Liverpool's goal, while Liverpool reclaimed the defense and fought a defensive counterattack.

Only this time, they greatly underestimated the power that erupted from Barcelona, ​​which was driven to a dead end!

How can this team say that it is the powerful force that once swept Europe, even if it is not as good as before, the difference is limited.

When Barcelona attacked in full force. Liverpool's defense is a bit shaky!

Martin O'Neal is not sitting on the coach's bench as if sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. He got up from his seat and stood on the sidelines with his hands around his chest, frowning and staring at the court nervously.

He did not expect that the power of Barcelona's all-out attack should be so great!

Before the game started, Barcelona also had an offense. But without scoring a goal, he felt that Barcelona's offense was nothing more than that, not as powerful as in the video. Either the editing method enhanced the impression of Barcelona's offense, or the current Barcelona is not as good as the previous one...

But now he knows that he was wrong, this Barcelona is still strong!


After losing the ball, Barcelona once made the fans who supported them sigh and look frustrated.

But now they are all resurrected on the spot as if they had believed in Brother Chun. They cheered wildly in the stands, and the Barcelona fans in front of the TV were not inferior at all.

The air above the Gazprom Arena suddenly belonged to Barcelona.

The Liverpool fans naturally booed along with Zenit's fans. But helplessly, the situation is stronger than that of people. At this time, Barcelona's offensive is too fierce, and everyone has a faint worry in their hearts, so that the boos seem to be less powerful.

Under Barcelona's fierce offensive, they finally evened the score seven minutes after losing the ball.

This is a very typical Barcelona-style goal.

The continuous passing and fast cross-runs finally stunned Liverpool's defense, revealing an open space.

Then Iniesta sent a beautiful and precise through ball, Messi appeared just right in the open lane of Liverpool's back line, receiving the ball and rushing into the penalty area.

At this time, the cheers of the Barcelona fans in the stands had almost overturned the stadium roof. Even the combined boos of Liverpool and Zenit fans can't suppress their surging weather!

Messi entered the penalty area. Or face the goalkeeper alone, what does that mean?

Everyone knows!

You know Messi is the top scorer in La Liga this season. He scored a total of 47 goals in the league!

"Messi! Messi! Messi—" The Catalan commentator was excited and the muscles on his cheeks were shaking.

Facing the attacking Reina, Messi made a very calm low shot, and the football slipped between Renard's legs!

Reina only felt cold under his hips, a gust of wind blew by, and the next second, he looked back and saw the football was already in the goal...

"Nice goal! Messi! He equalized for the team! Before the end of the first half, he equalized for the team!"

"It's Barcelona! They are only seven minutes behind and they are back to life!"

"It's really a Barcelona-style goal! After a series of beautiful passes, they finally broke through Liverpool's defense! This game is good!"

The commentators shouted excitedly. They are not Harry Levy, the official commentator of the Liverpool club. They don't need to cheer for Liverpool only, as long as it is something that is beneficial to this game, they are welcome. For example, Barcelona equalized the score, which is bound to make this game better, and it is the best for neutrals like them.


Seeing Messi opened his arms after the goal, his face showed a slightly hideous expression because of excitement, and many Liverpool fans in front of the TV were silent.

This person is still so powerful...

They thought that Chen Yingxiong was already very strong, but Messi was not inferior to him. At least in the current finals, Chen Yingxiong has not scored yet, but Messi scored.

He is in good condition.

This is the most worrying point for all Liverpool fans.

Messi is in good shape and he can threaten Liverpool's goal.

What if this is not his last goal of the game?

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Chen Yingxiong.

There are five minutes left before the end of the first half. Do you want to call his name?

What can be done in five minutes?

If both sides slow down. These five minutes will pass quickly, and nothing will happen.

Five minutes is not enough for a goal.

Suddenly a burst of exclamation sounded from the crowd!

The exclamation soon spread to the stands of the half-seat stadium, where all Liverpool fans were.

After the exclamation, everyone screamed like crazy: "Ying-male -!!!"

Their roar was like a frenzy, sweeping the audience, and even suppressed the cheers of the Barcelona fans for celebrating the goal!

Because all Liverpool fans have seen the tall figure standing in the middle circle, he raised his right fist high!

Every Liverpool fan is familiar with it. What kind of action is this!

This represents a man's commitment. This represents the oath a Liverpool player made to them!

But this time, he didn't let the fans speak out first.

Because the two sides are connected.

I know what you think in your heart, and I will help you realize it.

This is what Chen Yingxiong wants to tell the fans who are screaming.


In this sudden frenzy, Zenit's fans were a little confused, wondering why they lost a ball. The Liverpool fans seem to be very happy.

Are these poor British people confused?

Pavlov caught the cheering Phil Jackson beside him: "I said you are not crazy, right? Why are you cheering after losing the ball!"

Phil Jackson turned around and smiled at him, looking really happy, not pretending, or being confused.

"Hey, forgot to tell you... Did you see that action of the hero raising his fist?"

Pavlov nodded.

"That means that he knew our wish and made the promise-no matter how difficult it is, he will definitely do it!"

"Then your wish..."

"The lead ends the first half!" Phil Jackson said categorically, but Pavlov was taken aback by surprise.

There are five minutes left before the first half, leading the end of the first half? That means Chen Yingxiong has to score a goal in the remaining five minutes. At the same time, Liverpool's defense can't concede the ball...

He now thinks this group of Liverpool people are really crazy... Want Chen Yingxiong to score a goal in five minutes? This is too difficult! And Barcelona just scored, their morale is now booming, and it's even more difficult to score...

How is this possible?

He did not continue to ask, and Phil Jackson did not care to continue to explain, he returned to the ranks of cheering for Chen Yingxiong.

There was a uniform shout over the Gazprom Arena: "Hero! Hero! Hero!!! Hero!!!"

All the Liverpool fans suddenly robbed Barcelona of the limelight. Everyone in the audience, the audience in front of the TV, and the commentator did not understand why they lost the ball. The Liverpool fans cheered when they reacted. Instead of holding your head in frustration.

This shouldn't be a normal reaction...

Someone also noticed Chen Yingxiong's raised arms.

But they don't know what this means.

Maybe someone knows, but they can't let more people know.

So for the cheers that suddenly sounded. Except for Liverpool fans, everyone feels weird.

Pavlov, as an insider, thinks they are crazy...

However, this weird situation has played an unexpected role-suppressing Barcelona's momentum.

The Barcelona fans saw Messi score a goal and just cheered for a while before they were cut off by the shouts of Liverpool fans.

The momentum of Barcelona, ​​which had been straight up, was hit inexplicably in this way.

For Barcelona, ​​this is really a disaster... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to read the latest chapter list. Your support is my biggest motivation.


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