Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 221: Since ancient times, confidantes have been so lifeless (fourth, ask for a monthl

Chapter 221 Since ancient times, beauties have been so lifeless (fourth, ask for a monthly pass!)

ps, a new month has begun, and a new journey has begun. If nothing else, my child will be born this month. I may not have too many time codes when I am busy taking care of the child and being a dad. The update speed will slow down at that time, please forgive me.

But now, before the child is born, the outbreak of four shifts every day will continue!

Ask you for a few monthly guarantee tickets for September!

I believe that with my August update, even if you only subscribe to my book, you should be able to get a guaranteed monthly pass, right?

Don't leave it to the end, share the good stuff now!


Chen Yingxiong put the fluttered five-star red flag on his body, then tied two horns around his neck, and said that the national flag was draped on his body like a cloak.

Facing the cameras and reporters surrounding him, he turned around in the air, pointed his back to the camera, pointed his thumbs at the national flag, and motioned everyone to take a picture of the national flag behind him.

The flag of China!

Red dazzling!

Sure enough, the camera reporters were very cooperative, holding long guns and short shots at the arrogant back of Chen Yingxiong, they clicked the shutter, and the flash shot for a while.

Then everyone gathered around Chen Yingxiong, be sure to let him say a few words.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yingxiong's first sentence shocked the reporters present without regaining consciousness for a long time.

He singled his finger and said loudly: "A champion is nothing. We will defend the title again next year!"

Everyone was frightened, and he didn't expect Chen Yingxiong to be unpredictable when he opened his mouth.

Defending Champions League champion!

Since the Champions League restructuring, no team can do it again.

Chen Yingxiong actually said such words.

He was too happy after winning the championship, so he was on the urge to talk nonsense, right?

Just like what a drunk person says can’t be true...

Perhaps when he wakes up the next morning, Chen Yingxiong will deny that he has ever said such a horrible thing.

Seeing that the reporters didn't believe him, Chen Yingxiong curled his lips, put down his hand, and then shrugged. "Forget it, what am I talking about with a group of you? Sparrow knows my heroic ambition! Anyway, you will know it by then, don't care if I didn't remind you in advance!" He waved his hand, turned and walked away.

A group of reporters looked at each other, but they didn't catch up. They haven't recovered yet.

I don’t know if Chen Yingxiong is playing mystery, or if he really has this ability...

The difficulty of defending the Champions League is quite big, but it is not just a word of mouth.

Even if Chen Yingxiong can score 21 goals in a season and win the Champions League top scorer, reporters generally don't believe it. Because if Chen Yingxiong really has this ability, it would not be Bayern Munich and Barcelona competing for the championship last season, but an advance preview of the final. But is there?


Liverpool collapsed the Allianz Stadium.

The Champions League championship depends not on one person, but on an entire team. This season is good luck for Liverpool. Although it was the defending champion in the quarter-finals of the Champions League, Barcelona was able to win the championship last season because of luck, and the strength was not strong. In the quarter-finals, it turned out to be a weak team like Porto. In the semi-finals, AC Milan is no longer the red and black giants that could dominate in the past...

Liverpool may not have such good luck next season...Just like Barcelona, ​​if they were so strong that year, even Real Madrid was suppressed by them and could not turn over, playing in the 2009-2010 season as the defending champion of the Champions League. In the Champions League, Mourinho’s Inter Milan was eliminated in the semifinals. Then Inter Milan participated in the 2010-2011 Champions League as the defending champion of the Champions League and was eliminated by Chen Yingxiong's Naples.

Therefore, it is very rare to want to defend the title.

There are countless heroes who have been planted on the road to defending the title. They don't believe that Chen Yingxiong can be an exception.


Where would Chen Yingxiong pay attention to the views of the reporters. Whether they believe it or question it. Anyway, he left the words here. Whether he spoke big words or not, it will naturally be known after a year.

He just wants to celebrate the championship with his teammates now.

For these Liverpool players, many have won the Champions League, which is the highest honor of a European club, for the first time, so they are very excited.

Chen Yingxiong took second place, and he was still very excited.

Because he wants to surpass Messi's number of honors, even if he wins ten such championships in the future, he will not get bored.

Someone may ask: "Is it interesting to use honor, score, and all data that can be used?"

Chen Yingxiong will answer very seriously: "Interesting, very interesting, very interesting!"

In fact, this feels like reading the number on the deposit. Do you think it's interesting to see more and more deposits? I think 99% of people find it interesting...


Watching Liverpool's players celebrate their victory on the pitch.

The Liverpool fans in the stands also sang the song "You Will Never Walk Alone" again.

Pavlov stretched out his hand to Phil Jackson next to him: "Congratulations!"

He was a little envious. As long as Chen Yingxiong does not leave Liverpool, he can foresee that such scenes will certainly not be less among Liverpool fans in the future.

It's just this kind of opportunity, I am afraid I will never enjoy it.

The Champions League, after all, is still a toy for the rich.

Phil Jackson did not simply shake hands with him, but hugged him: "Thank you, Sergey! Thank you!"

Pavlov smiled: "Enjoy this moment, Phil."


When the whistle sounded at the end of the game and the Liverpool players and coaches on the sidelines rushed into the stadium, there was a burst of cheers at the home of Liverpool old Hartson.

Old Hutson got up from the sofa, clenched his hands into fists, and waved at his daughter: "I've never been so young, Vivienne! Hahaha!" He laughed, his cheeks flashed. It was blushing.

But when Vivian saw this, she looked at him more carefully and at the same time motioned him to calm down.

"Don't worry, Vivienne." Old Hartson said to her, "I feel good. Don't worry, in order to see the day the hero wants me to promise, I will live well. But now, please let me enjoy Enjoy this night..."

His son Hutson Jr. laughed beside him. Football, as a kind of power of faith, was fully reflected in his father.

Who could have imagined that this passionate, red-faced old man had a withered face a few months ago, and he might die at any time?

For others, a fierce football game is detrimental to heart health. But for his father, football is the best heart booster!


As the Liverpool players celebrated, the awarding table was erected.

As the runners-up, the Barcelona players first came to the stage to accept the award, but each of them looked gloomy. Even Guardiola has no expression on his face, his face is dull.

The commentator was chattering endlessly to comfort the Barcelona fans in various ways, saying that although they did not win the championship, reaching the finals for two consecutive seasons is already a very impressive result. Four finals in five years and three runner-ups. , A champion, this kind of performance is great enough...

But what they don’t know is that what they think is great is Barcelona’s scars. They made it to the final four times and only took away one championship. The other three served as foils. In the eyes of the Barcelona players, this cannot be explained. They are great, which can only show that they have failed.

The second child of ten thousand years, what is there to be proud of.

Messi took the silver medal from Platini, who was smiling and comforting him. Platini touched his head and said to him: "Don't be sad, Leo. Your performance is good enough, just a little luck." It's just bad...I'll start over next year..."

These words, Messi did not listen to a word.

Fortunately, he didn't forget to be polite, shook hands with Platini mechanically, and turned away blankly. As soon as he left, he bowed his head and took off the silver medal, and then held it in his hand.

Silver medals have been hung on his neck twice. He is not rare for silver medals. He wants gold medals.

Platini turned to look at Messi's sad back, shaking his head and sighing helplessly.

Then go to comfort the next Barcelona player.

He felt sorry for this team from the bottom of his heart. In his opinion, Barcelona is a model of today's football and should be the future development direction of football. They represent the most beautiful, artistic, and greatest football of this era. It is not easy for this kind of football to appear in the increasingly utilitarian modern football world, so each of us should take care of them carefully so that they can continue to play this kind of football. It's just so utilitarian now. If you can't win the championship, no matter how beautiful football is, you are in danger of disappearing. Therefore, he hopes that Barcelona will win the championship, and not just one, but many, many, so as to drive a wave of football in the world of football, so that more teams will imitate Barcelona, ​​grasp youth training, and focus on cultivating talents. Nian Ruyi insisted on his own style, playing such a beautiful football on the pitch.

But since ancient times, the fate of the confidante has been so bad, the fate of this team in recent years really fits the description of this sentence perfectly.

They have reached the finals four times in five years, which is already quite remarkable, but it was like being a victim of evil, they actually only won one championship...

If they were still not convinced last year, this year... alas!

Neither of them had attacked the opponent against Liverpool, and was not able to fight back at all in a 4:2 fight.

It seems that after Xavi's retirement, Barcelona is really not as good as before.

What this team needs most is not Messi, but a brain like Harvey!

Guardiola was the last to come on stage to receive the medal.

Platini gave him a warm hug, and then said to him in his ear: "Pep, you have done a good job, you have to stick to it, on behalf of UEFA, thank you and Barcelona."

Guardiola still felt very heartwarming for the support of the UEFA president, and he forced a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Platini."

Platini patted Guardiola heavily on the shoulder and sent him down, his eyes kept watching Guardiola step down.

Then he turned around, with a change of expression on his face.

A serious face.

Prepare to welcome the rise of the champion Liverpool.



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