Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 6 Chapter 260: The problems faced by the reserve legend (second guarantee)

The 260th chapter the problems faced by the reserve legend (the second guarantee)

The second season of the legendary Liverpool reserve team began with the game against Reading. Sanctuary

Reading was relegated from the Premier League to the Premier League in the 2012-2013 season. In the following years, he has been ups and downs in the Premier League without relegation, but he has not been able to return to the Premier League.

Although Reading changed the head coach and players, the team's style has not changed no matter how it is changed. Still tough, the traditional English style of play makes the team's skills and tactics look rough, but it's better mixed in the lower leagues.

The English Champions League is the best in terms of physical fitness, and only people with excellent physical fitness can survive here.

In the Premier League, Reading's style was very tough. They once had a game to abolish the record of two Chelsea goalkeepers, which shows their brutality.

Now in the English Champions League, where physical fitness is important, they are even more comfortable and have brought their roughness to the extreme.

So the Liverpool reserve team faced such a team for the first time, and it was not a good opponent.

The actual game process also proved this point.

Although at the beginning of the game, Liverpool scored a goal by Chen Yingxiong.

But soon the Reading team got a godsend.

The Liverpool reserve central defender Stevenson tripped the Reading forward in the penalty area. The referee showed Stevenson a yellow card and sentenced him to death, awarding Reading a penalty.

Liverpool fans booed over the Anfield stadium. Everyone was very dissatisfied with the penalty. They believed that Reading's forward was a flop and Stevenson was wronged.

Even Martin O'Neill loudly protested to the fourth official from the sidelines.

However, the penalty cannot be changed.

Liverpool eventually lost a penalty to the opposing team.

Reading levelled the score overnight.

Stevenson, who made the mistake, looked very frustrated. The latest chapter of the church

Regardless of whether he touched the other party or not, this account still has to be counted on him.

A hand slapped **** his shoulder.

It is Chen Yingxiong.

He didn't say anything, just patted Stevenson, and then ran away.

Sometimes, too much speech is not a good thing, and speaking with action is the most powerful.


Reading is indeed very tenacious and rough, but their style is somewhat different from Liverpool today.

In their rough and tyrannical style of play, Liverpool was a little timid.

Perhaps the players of these reserve teams cherish their chance to fight side by side with Chen Yingxiong for fear of injury in the game. If you are injured, luck will only affect the game in the reserve team. If you are unlucky, you may miss the match with Chen Yingxiong.

"Fighting alongside Chen Yingxiong" should have become the motivation of the players, but I didn't expect it to become a mental burden for everyone at this time.

Liverpool basically rely on Chen Yingxiong alone to support the team.

He scored the team's first goal, second goal, and third goal.

And what about Reading? Also scored the first goal, the second goal, and the third goal.

Even the commentators were very upset with the performance of the Liverpool reserve team.

I think this Liverpool reserve team is not strong enough, and if you rely on Chen Yingxiong alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to go further in the game.

Martin O'Neal always stood on the sidelines, frowning. I am worried about the situation on the court.

But fortunately, Redding is very strong, but they don't have Chen Yingxiong. The Liverpool reserve team is weak, but there is Chen Yingxiong.

This factor ultimately determines the outcome of both parties.

Chen Yingxiong scored a free kick in the seventy-seventh minute. This was his fourth goal of the game. This goal also won the game for Liverpool. The latest chapter of the church


Although they won the game, Liverpool's performance was not satisfactory. Martin O'Neal criticized his players after the game, thinking that their performance was too weak.

After all, playing for a British championship team like Reading at home, even if it is a reserve team, shouldn't be so miserable.

In addition to the criticism from Martin O’Neal, the media is full of accusations against the reserve team, as well as reflections on Liverpool’s reserve team plus a Chen hero model.

"In my opinion, this reserve team is far from last season's reserve team. They seem jerky and inexperienced... I think the reason why Liverpool succeeded in creating a reserve legend and winning the FA Cup last season, Everyone just focused on Chen Yingxiong, focusing solely on the reserve team, but ignoring a deep-seated factor. Prior to this, the composition of Liverpool's reserve team has been relatively stable, with few and infrequent visits. That reserve team has been training together for a long time, and there are many players who have retired from the first team. The overall strength is actually not weak, and they are experienced. They just lack a key person, just like an assembled car The only difference is the engine. And the hero is this powerful engine. After he joined it, the reserve team immediately burst into huge energy, and finally won the FA Cup championship is a matter of course... So in fact, the reserve team itself Level is crucial.

But this reserve team, due to the outstanding performance of the reserve team last season in the FA Cup and League Cup, attracted the attention of many teams and left the team one after another. This season Liverpool recruited a large number of newcomers from the youth team into the reserve team. These players lacked enough experience. They are all 10** years old. After all, the youth team and the reserve team are at two different levels. They can cope with the youth team's game, not necessarily the reserve team's game, let alone directly leapfrog the first team-Reading is the main force in this game. . I think maybe Martin O'Neal should think about whether he wants to stick to the pattern of last season. Last season was successful. To be honest, luck accounted for a large part. The reserve team appeared at the right time. But this season, the situation is completely different. It is impossible to simply apply the successful model of last season to this season. This may have serious consequences... You know that Liverpool’s open goal this season is the seven crowns. How can it be possible to win the League Cup and the FA Cup with such a group of young boys? Not to mention the semi-finals, just like this performance, maybe even the second round will not make it through! "

The criticisms from the media are loud and the analysis is top-notch. After everyone saw it, they felt that they were right. The situation is different. How can they still want to repeat the legend of the reserve team?

Isn't it too small to look down on the heroes of the world?


Martin O'Neill has similar concerns. Because the level of this reserve team does not look as good as the previous one.

He found an opportunity to discuss this issue with Chen Yingxiong alone.

He euphemistically expressed the question whether he should continue to insist on this approach.

Chen Yingxiong gave him a very affirmative answer.

Then he threw out his inner worry, which was actually what the media said, but he thought it made sense.

Although Chen Yingxiong also believes that what the media said makes sense, he would not do so. Because that means he surrendered to the media, so he didn't do it.

"The problem of strength can be solved through training, and I don't think the quality of Liverpool's youth training is so bad. The players drawn from the youth team are strong, but they lack experience. I think the experience will take place over time. It's alright."

"But, that's it for playing a Reading... Then what if I meet a real Premier League team?"

"Before that, try to train them." Chen Yingxiong shrugged. "It doesn't work anymore, I will shoot."

What he said was an understatement, as if he could handle it casually.

But this kind of self-confidence didn't make Martin O'Neal disappointed. He just shook his head: "It's always up to you, that's not the way to win in football."

"Oh, anyway, I believe my teammates, they will do their best to keep up with me. This is only the first game, there is no need to make a fuss with the media, boss. Let's watch a few more games."

Martin O'Neill felt that Chen Yingxiong was right. This was the first game. Many mature teams may not play well in the first game. Such as the World Cup, the European Cup, these situations are very common. Maybe this team is not necessarily slow to heat up?

In this way, the two ended the conversation.

O'Neill was still a little hesitant, while Chen Yingxiong was really as confident as he said.

It really doesn't work, there is him.

He is the ultimate weapon of the Liverpool reserve team, the super ace, the ultimate solution. In fact, he was not surprised or dissatisfied with the performance of the reserve team in the last game. What this team is like, as a person who has been training with the team for a period of time, he knows very well. It's normal to be beaten by Reading to almost lose. It is unrealistic to expect a rookie team to kill the Quartet in the first game.

Even with the reserve team last season, at the very beginning, everyone didn't focus on him. Do you think the only role of those reserve team players is to help Chen Yingxiong get up to eleven people on the field? Which team really changed from the semifinals.

So it's normal for the reserve team to behave a bit poorly at the moment.

Just give them trust and give them time, and they will perform better and better. Because Chen Yingxiong can feel the power of dreams from these players who are younger than himself.

They just lack the opportunity to demonstrate these powers, so I give them such an opportunity.

In fact, before not knowing it, Chen Yingxiong has undergone some changes. Now he has learned to consider problems from the other side's perspective, consider others, and try to help those in need. He is gradually maturing, and although he is still very sexual in some cases, people who know him will recognize this-he is changing from a boy to a man.


When Chen Yingxiong and Martin O'Neal communicated alone, the Liverpool reserve players stood honestly on the training ground, and were scolded by reserve coach Clarke.

"Look at what you did in the game yesterday! It's horrible! If I were you, I would definitely not be able to eat and sleep well when I go home! It's just Reading, a British championship team, let it be You were so busy, then you met stronger opponents, met Premier League teams, met Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester City... what do you do when you meet such a team? Raise your hands and surrender?!"

"Have you all forgotten your promise to the hero? You have to work hard to keep up with him! Now you know how fast he ran? Don't be lucky! You think your hard work in the past month is enough Open your eyes and see, this is the cruel reality! If you don’t work harder, if you don’t clenched your teeth, if you don’t show your determination, you will become the burden of heroes in the game. , Drag him back! Now, you must fully realize your mistakes, and then work hard for me... No, it's hard training! Improve yourself! The hero has already told me that he must go to Wembley with you !"



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