Chapter 285

At this time, looking at Rowling who was waiting for her own response, Rod asked:

“If a badly injured giant falls at your feet, it’s the kind of giant we saw earlier. I asked you to kill him with magic. Can you do it?”

After listening, Rowling didn’t hesitate much, and immediately replied: “It’s done.”

“Then, replace this giant with a human? It’s not the kind of warrior who wants to kill you. It’s just an ordinary human. Can you do it?”

As if thinking of this scene, Rowling’s face suddenly turned pale, and some doubts appeared on her face.

“why would……”

“Just to give an example, but this is a question you have to think clearly.”

This time, listening to Rod’s question, Rowling didn’t know how to answer.

Rowling knew that once she said her true thoughts, it would definitely not meet Rod’s expectations, but in the same way, Rowling didn’t want to deceive Rod, pretending that she could do this, so she didn’t know how to answer.

From Rowling’s expression and her actions that she did not answer, Rhodes had actually got her answer. Whether it was necessary for Rowling to speak out was no longer important.

Rod understands that it is not possible to change Rowling’s mind in a short period of time. Rod hopes that through these behaviors, Rowling can change in a subtle way.

As he continued to move forward, Rod noticed that after asking the original question, Rowling was very depressed, as if he had lost his previous vitality.

The reason why Rod always pays attention to Rowling’s state is that Rowling always holds Rod’s hand. Even if he feels a little depressed, Rowling still does not weaken the strength in his hand. On the contrary, in Rod’s feelings, Rowling has always been Holding his hand, it increased a little strength.

For Rowling, even if he plucked up the courage to ask, he still did not get a response from Rhodes, and Rhodes did not give him a satisfactory answer to his question.

The only thing that comforted Rowling was the hand still held between the two. The anxiety or debt in her heart caused Rowling to increase the strength in her hand. Perhaps only in this way can Rowling feel that the connection between the two has been maintained.

At this time, in Rod’s perception, a special change appeared around him. Beside Rod, through the hands that he and Rowling clenched tightly, the connection between the two seemed to be closer.

Based on the perception of blood relationship, Lord knew this directly. Feeling the state of Rowling at this time, when Rod just wanted to say something, Rowling’s answer came in his ear.

“You can do it… if you ask it.”

Hearing Rowling’s words, Rod realized that she must have figured out something, so she didn’t ask any more, just nodded, which is considered to be an understanding.

Rhodes did not know how many changes had taken place in Rowling’s thinking, and the determination to make such a change, but Rowling’s answer undoubtedly let Rhodes know that his previous guidance had already played a role.

Rowling’s words express more of the changes in her heart. Rod knows that in the subsequent battles, no matter what actions she makes, Rowling will not have any bad thoughts.

Under Rhode’s guidance, Rowling had already approved what she said, and even if Rhode did such a behavior, she had no position to stop Rhode.

But in the same way, since Rowling agreed to this, Rod also needs to respond to Rowling’s original question.

“So, in the future battles, pay attention to protect yourself.”

Rod simply answered Rowling’s previous question, which was regarded as a recognition of her answer.

After receiving Rhode’s response, Rowling’s depressed mood finally improved, and the expression on her face gradually improved.

At this time, Rod felt that Rowling had been holding her hand tightly before, but it had already loosened and did not hold it as tightly as before. Even so, the connection between the two has not diminished due to the relaxation of strength, on the contrary, it has become closer.

Continuing to travel a distance, taking the undead creatures under him, Rhode returned to the cave where the Titan giant’s bones were stored.

After allowing the remaining undead creatures to wait outside the cave, Lord took Rowling into the cave.

As early as when he left the ogre tribe, under Rod’s control, the ghost dragon rose to the sky to monitor the movements of the group of ogres behind. Among them, the main target of the ghost dragon was the cannibal. Demon priest.

Once the ogre priest is found to have any changes, or the situation that Rhode said is made known to any other ogres, the ghost dragon will directly attack it.

As Rhodes expected, the ogre priests also knew the power of ghost dragons, so they didn’t dare to make any changes. After returning to the tribe, the ogre priest did not go to find the hero ogre, nor did he talk to any ogre, but went straight back to the fortress where he lived.

For a while, the ogre priest seemed to be caught in a difficult choice, no matter how he made the choice, he could not get the result it hoped for.

For the ogre priest, the only thing that can be accepted is that Rhodes gave it three days, and within these three days, it was enough for it to make a decision.

After understanding the situation of the ogre priest from the spiritual imprint of the ghost dragon, Rhode returned his attention to the cave in front of him.

Compared with the outside environment, the inside of the cave is extremely quiet. When it is inside, even the sound of the wind stops completely, making it extremely deep.

What Rhodes needs is such an environment.

Rod deliberately gave the ogre priest three days of thinking and action time, but not to take care of its feelings and let it think clearly.

Taking this opportunity, Rhodes intends to teach Rowling how to meditate deeply.

Rod had practiced deep meditation, and in this way, he improved his spiritual attributes a lot.

Deep meditation requires stricter conditions. For beginners, in addition to human guidance, deep meditation must also be performed in a quiet room, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved, and it will even damage their spiritual attributes. .

Before that, Rhodes had taught Rowling the method of meditation. After a simple meditation, Rowling increased her mana a lot, but because there was no suitable environment, Rowling had never meditated deeply.

In the process of coming in to look at the bones of the Titan Giant, Lord noticed that the quiet environment here is extremely suitable for deep meditation. When Rod was in Eri, he also chose this environment.

In order to solve the internal situation of the ogre tribe, in these three days, Lord was able to teach Rowling to meditate deeply.

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