“If there are enough Pegasus knights and gold coin resources, I will train them into Silver Pegasus knights. Maybe we can try to attack the forest holy land in the Wishing River Valley!”

Orianna’s eyes flickered, and she said, “Once it succeeds, we will be able to procrastinate for more time for each 11th-level unicorn! As long as we can procrastinate until Her Highness Ciarina reaches adulthood, any crisis will be resolved immediately!”

But when it came to this, Orianna couldn’t help but smiled wryly. “But even so, the gold coins used to recruit unicorns are still a big problem! I guess it takes at least about w gold coins to recruit a 11th-rank ace unit, a unicorn… Moreover, in the wishing river valley There are only two magic springs, even if we take them all down, we can only recruit the seventh-level Pegasus Knight 8 at once, and the next recruitment time will have to wait until three months later!”

In the world of Hero Ashan, the recruitment refresh time of the 1st-6th-tier mainstream units ranges from every seven days to a natural month.

The core units of Tier 7 and Tier 8,

9th and 10th rank powerful arms,

Their recruitment day is refreshed once every three months.

As for the refresh time of recruitment days for tier 11 and 12 ace units,

It will take more than half a year!

And the recruitment day refresh date for the 13th and 14th vertex crowns and god crowns,

Starting from the beginning is a year and counting upwards!

In other words, within three months, Green Dragon City can only get Tier 7 Pegasus Knights, only 10. Because the recruitment quota for a single Magic Spring every three months, which is commonly known as the output, is only 5!

unless they can find more magic springs, otherwise, the output is already fixed here.

And whether it’s recruiting a seventh-level Pegasus knight from Magic Spring, or Orianna training a seventh-level Pegasus knight to an eighth-level Pegasus knight, it all costs money!

The recruitment price of the 7th-level Pegasus Knight is 3w,

The money to train to the 8th-level Silver Pegasus Knight is 5w,

That is to say, the total cost of an eighth-level silver Pegasus knight is 8w gold coins and 3 crystals. Even their current net worth in Green Dragon City is only enough to be worth three Silver Pegasus knights!

With just this amount of troops, even if there are two green dragons, Ciarina and Sicilino, and the attacking and defensive strength of the 11th-level unicorns has more than two digits in the holy land in the forest, it is completely a big word for’death’!

But at this moment, Fade Chen’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of a way.


“Cia Lina, how many Tier 8 Silver Pegasus Knights do you have now?” Fade Chen asked.

“Two.” Ciarina said.

“Can you train more?” Fade Chen asked.

“We can only train one more…because we have no money in Green Dragon City!” Orianna said ‘very frankly’.

“One is fine, how long will it take?” Fade Chen asked.

“Half a day.” Orianna said without hesitation. With her speed, two 7th-level Pegasus knights can be trained into 8th-level Silver Pegasus knights in one day!

“Then do it right away! I’ll come to you in half a day. Give me all three eighth-level silver Pegasus knights!”

Fade Chen said immediately.


Although I don’t understand what Fade Chen’s plan is, but since the great master has made a decision! She just needs to obey and understand.

In this regard, Orianna’s “ideological awareness” is still quite high!

As for Chen Fei’s plan, it is actually very simple!

That’s selling soldiers!

If it is said that the most valuable and best-selling things on the earth in the previous life were gold and oil,

Then, the most valuable and best-selling thing in this different world is the arms!

A game unit in the world of Hero Ashan!

Secondly, there are major resources in the game, as well as gold coins.

In the real world, it is aimed at various resource transactions, gold coin transactions, arms transactions, and task transactions in the game world.

An extremely integrated industrial chain has already been formed.

For example, the price of game gold coins is around 600-800 in reality. In other words, the real price of a Silver Pegasus Knight costing 80,000 gold coins is as high as 64 million to 80 million!

This is not counting the price of the crystal.

It can be seen how huge and terrifying the market is…

But Fade Chen didn’t want to use these 8th-level silver Pegasus knights to sell money.

Instead, they want to use them to sell gold coins!

Selling Tier 7 Pegasus Knights!

Because as long as the gold coins and Tier 7 Pegasus Knights are in place, he can completely train new Tier 8 Silver Pegasus Knights continuously by relying on Orianna’s heroic talents and skills, the Silver Pegasus Knight Trainer Master!

The key point is the word ‘continuously’!

The horror of strategic talent lies here!

As long as Fade Chen moves fast enough, he can use the method of ‘buy low and sell high’ in a short period of time to pull up a large army of silver Pegasus knights!

At that time, even if he doesn’t have the money to recruit unicorns, the 11th-level unit of the Holy Land in the Forest, with the temporary army of Silver Pegasus knights, it will be enough to hold up the sky for the time being.

In short, as long as Xialina reaches level 15 and becomes an adult, everything will turn around!

Thinking of this, Fade Chen immediately went offline and began to collect information.

“A Tier 8 Silver Pegasus Knight, ordinary players, and even weaker game guilds can’t afford it at all… And I also need a stable and long-term big customer! So, it seems that I have to start from the level of the top ten guilds… …”

Fade Chen muttered, searching for information on the Internet.

Today, the main places where players from the Huaxia region gather in the game are the Unicorn Kingdom, the Greyhound Principality, and the Bull Kingdom among the Eight Principalities.

The same is true for the top ten guilds.

As for the top ten guilds that were mainly active in Greyhound Principality and Bull Principality, Fade Chen directly ignored them.

Soon, three names were written on the white paper in front of him.

They are Soul Dream, Rose Legion, and Divine Alliance…

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