“It’s the strategic hero who can upgrade Tier 5 Griffin to Tier 6 Royal Griffin? Of course I remember, wait…” Fade Chen was taken aback suddenly, and looked at Chen Qing in surprise. “You’re not going to get him done, are you?”



Chen Qing was bouncing around Fade Chen with a proud face, looking like I’m awesome:

“Brother, do you think I’m good? Since I heard what you said last time, I’ve been circling behind his buttocks for more than half a month. It’s in the bag! And…”

A mysterious and excited look flashed across Chen Qing’s face, and she said to Fade Chen.

“What do you think his system comprehensive evaluation is?”

“Blue rare hero?”

“more specific!”

“C-level? B-level? Could it be A-level?!”

“Not at all, it’s S-level! S-level!!!” Chen Qing interrupted him and said excitedly.


Now it’s Fade Chen’s turn to be ‘shocked’!

S-level blue rare hero?

Just a strategic hero talent that can upgrade a Tier 5 Griffin to a Tier 6 Royal Griffin, shouldn’t be so powerful, right?

“That’s right, it’s the s-level blue rare hero! Griffin Rider Trainer!”

“Brother, you don’t know. After subduing him, I was stunned! It turns out that we all underestimated him before. He has another identity, that is, the Tenth Legion of the Unicorn Principality, under the command of the Griffin Legion, the Sun Griffon Members of the Eagle Knights!”

The more Chen Qing talked, the more excited she became. Her mouth was beeping like firecrackers.

“I’ve never heard of the Scorching Sun Griffon Knights before, but after a careful study a few days ago, I realized that I picked up a treasure this time. They are really powerful!”

“The Sun Griffin of the Sun Griffin Knights is a tier 7 unit! And the Sun Griffon Knight is a 8th tier unit! And they are all special, hidden units! Very powerful!”

“That is to say, that guy’s real ability is that he can train an eighth-level unit called the Sun Griffon Knight?”

Fade Chen touched his chin and asked.


Chen Qing nodded quickly, and continued. “And he has strong leadership skills! As long as it is a griffin, a royal griffin, a sun griffin, and a sun griffin rider, he can directly increase the damage by 20%!”


Fade Chen gave a thumbs up and asked again. “What about the cost? And the time required?”

“No money, but I need to provide griffins, royal griffins, or flame griffins, as well as tier 3 arms trainee flying knights, or tier 4 flying knights! Depending on the arms, the training time will be different! ”

“Anyway, the fastest is one every two days. If it’s the slowest, it will probably take ten days and a half months. I threw the Tier 6 Griffin in my hand to him to help me train. It seems to take five or six days.”

for free?

Fade Chen froze for a moment, then shook his head and smiled.

“You’re lucky this time, you got a great deal!”

In the world of Hero Ashan, there are roughly two types of strategic talents for unit upgrades!

One, buy time with money!

That’s the kind of Cialina.

As long as there are enough gold coins and various resources, she can train more than seven hundred eighth-level silver Pegasus knights in one year.

Second, offset money with time!

That’s the kind of hero her sister Chen Qing has conquered this time.

No money, but the training period will be very long!

The highest efficiency is probably only a quarter of the former.

As for who is stronger and who is weaker between the two…

Well, it’s hard to say, the specifics have to be ‘divided’.

But if it was Chen Fei himself, he would definitely choose the former. Because he is not short of gold coins, nor is he short of resources. Even if it is really missing, it is easy to get it.

Therefore, everything is based on the maximum effect at all costs!

But for ordinary players, they are more suitable for the latter. Because there will be less economic pressure, and the water will flow for a long time.

“Of course!”

Chen Qing nodded quickly, and then said mysteriously. “Actually, the name of the hero I conquered Oyina this time is the name of the hero I conquered. I still have a competitor!”


Fade Chen was taken aback.


Chen Qing smiled all over her face and said mysteriously. “You’ll never guess who she is!”

“Who is it?” Fade Chen asked.

“The deputy head of the Sixth Army of the Rose Legion, the sister Bailu Narcissus who is known as the Narcissus and the Narcissus Goddess!”

Chen Qing jumped up excitedly and chirped. “Brother, are you very excited and excited? Sister Narcissus is the three major goddesses of the Rose Legion! She is also known asShe is one of the successors of the Rose Empress, whether it is strength, appearance or figure, she is the perfect top1! If you beg me, maybe I can ‘accidentally’ introduce you to her! ”

“Secretly tell you, I think sister Narcissus is more beautiful than Lin Weiyue! I promise!”

On Chen Qing’s face, there was almost a sign of ‘You’re going to bribe me’.

Fade Chen was speechless for a while, rolled his eyes and asked. “She invited you to join the Rose Army?”

The Rose Legion is one of the top ten guilds, and most of the members are women. If they can join in, it will only benefit her sister Chen Qing and not harm them.

This is indeed good news. .

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