The battle between Holy Knight Kona and Hell Lord Fernan did not end as quickly as Fade Chen imagined. Because the battle between them is not like a decisive battle, but like cat and mouse!

Hell Lord Fernand is that cat,

Paladin Kona is that mouse!

Let the prey die in despair, enjoying the fun of abusing people like a cat playing with a mouse. Hell Lord Fernand seems to like doing this. In fact, Hell Heroes are almost all of this kind!

Compared to the brutality, ruthlessness, and destruction of the dungeon camp! Push all the way. The hell camp prefers to play with the fear of the prey, enjoy the despair of the prey, and make it wither in despair!

But he soon lost the fun,

Because, paladins have no heart of fear!

At least in front of the evil and chaotic Hell Heroes, they are brave and fearless, and they regard death as home!

26 “You believers in the light, you are such joyless prey!” murmured Fernan, the lord of hell, and finally ruthlessly harvested the life of the holy knight Kona! Kill it.


At the same time, the holy light bloomed, and the soul of the holy knight Kona ascended,

In nothingness, she stared at Fernand coldly with heroic and fearless eyes and said. “The light will eventually wipe out the evil! You filthy creatures from hell, I, the holy knight Kona, will definitely kill them all!”


At the next moment, there was a muffled sound, and the holy light disappeared.

The soul of the holy knight Kona also disappeared, and returned to the resurrection point of the heroes of Dunmur.

“Hehe, ridiculous prey!”

Facing Paladin Kona’s last ruthless words, Fernan sneered, he didn’t care, and directly threw Kona’s body into the blood pit at the gate of hell.

Gulu! grunt! grunt~

The blood in the blood pit was boiling and bubbles were constantly being produced, making it extremely permeable.

At the same time, the space channel of the gate of hell is about to stabilize!

“The gate of hell is about to be formed…” Fernan looked at the passage of the gate of hell that was about to be stabilized, his eyes were filled with brutal blood and excitement!

The gate of hell is the gateway and foothold for their army of hell to invade and attack the main world.

Once completed, most of his pre-war preparation tasks will be considered complete!

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!



Fernan’s expression changed, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt an extremely dangerous and terrifying force attacking him! It made his heart tremble, his whole body tensed up, and he felt like he was about to suffocate…

During this process, his whole body seemed to be sounding the alarm. Shaking violently!

“Aegis of Flame!”

With a cry, Fernan almost unleashed his natural skill – Flame Aegis!

However, it’s still a step too late!


The terrifying power is like a storm of destruction, as fast as thunder and lightning!

In an instant, it pierced towards Fernan’s chest.


This force burst out of Fernan’s body, directly blasting a big hole, the powerfulThe shock wave ruthlessly landed on Fernan’s body, causing him to fly backward like a cannonball!

It hit the ground covered with sulfur and magma,


Immediately, the ground under his feet rumbled, dust was flying, and there were constant earthquakes!


A furious roar sounded, causing a huge burst of flames to soar into the sky in an instant on the violently earthquaked ground! In the raging flames, Fernan the hell lord transformed into a giant flame elf. It was extremely huge, taller than a mountain. At a glance, it seemed to cover the sky and the sun… That size is probably tens of thousands of meters high!

I’m afraid ordinary people would be frightened and fooled in such a scene!


But at this moment, an earth-shattering dragon chant appeared!

In the sky, a dark green figure began to grow crazily!

100 meters, 1000 meters, 10000 meters…

It didn’t stop until the dark green figure grew bigger after the huge body of 20,000 to 30,000 meters. And at this time, it has become a mythical monster that is more terrifying, larger, and more devastating than that hell lord Fernand!

Obviously, this is none other than Xialina who has been waiting for an opportunity and has already found the best opportunity to make a move!

“Green, Green Dragon Hero?!”

Fernan’s pupils shrank and his face changed drastically.


At this moment, Xialina roared and spread her wings. Immediately, the world was in turmoil, and a hurricane rolled up! A violent force like a tornado appeared and rushed towards the hell lord Fernan.


Fernan’s expression changed drastically, and he quickly fought back. However, as Ciarina expected, his power is not very powerful under the double suppression of the rank and the power of the law of the plane.

At least for Xialina,

This is just the level of ‘destined to be her defeat’!


Boom! Rumble! rumbling…

The terrifying tornado submerged Fernan in an instant!

In the midst of this destructive power, even Fernand, the lord of hell, was like a helpless sandbag. He was blown to one side, rolling around, and crawling around in a very embarrassing situation!

And at the same time, Xialina struck out again, with a big move! .

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