“Brother, is the faction really that powerful?”

Chen Qing only felt that her world view was subverted at this moment.

Although she also knew that the power of the camp was very powerful before, but because she was too weak and her level was too far behind, there was no way for her to have an accurate and clear understanding of the power of the camp.

I only know that it is very powerful, but to what extent is it?

have no idea!


There is no real concept.

And now, what Fade Chen said finally gave her a rough and clear understanding of the faction’s forces!

Rough and clear,

It seems to be contradictory, but it is not contradictory. can exist at the same time.

Because not to mention Chen Qing, even Fade Chen’s understanding of the forces of the faction is only a drop in the bucket and a glimpse of the leopard. As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is your enemy. But if you don’t even have the qualifications to be an enemy, or even be looked down upon, how can you talk about understanding?

“Not only is it true, but the faction is far more powerful than you think!”

Fade Chen hesitated to speak, 26 frowned slightly. “But what I’m worried about now is not this, but…”

“Brother, are you worried that they will use this as a threat to force me to join the camp of the Holy Temple and Castle, or use the Hall of Light to do some small tricks?” Chen Qing immediately understood, her face suddenly became solemn, and her eyes flickered.

As a matter of fact, in the world of Hero Ashan, there are countless cases in the player circle where one completes a personal hero transfer task, becomes a hero of a unit, and is invited to join, or even forced to join a faction.

Because it’s not about campThe strength of the forces is extremely strong, so they will dismiss and be uninterested in low-level heroes.

On the contrary, as long as it is a hero, no matter what rank it is, even a white ordinary hero is a scarce resource! They will all be snapped up by major forces!


It’s very simple.

It is impossible for any force, no matter how big or small, to rely solely on the one or two people at the top. It’s like a precision instrument, with only one or two core points, but it can’t function normally just relying on these two core points.

There must be countless small parts assisting, cooperating, and working together in order to operate normally, and even get better and better. Good development.

This is especially the case with the bigger and more powerful forces. Their spread is very large, and it is impossible to do everything by yourself in many places. You must have someone to share it for you, so that you can cover everything, otherwise it will be just an empty shell.

This is also the value of low-level heroes.

However, is it really a good thing for a player with a hero status to join a faction?

“This should be regarded as a blind spot in the player circle. No, it can’t be said to be a blind spot. Except for me, as long as any player can join the faction, even if it is controlled by others, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.”

Fade Chen said.

Compared to faction forces, the player circle is so weak that there is no sense of existence! Not worth a penny. In this case, even if the opponent just wants to use you and make you work for them for nothing, it is a good thing for the players.

Because even a little bit of residue left between the teeth of the forces of the faction is enough for the players to eat to their fullest!

To put it bluntly, it’s still a matter of strength. The player circle is too weak, so that the faction’s random deduction of some garbage can make them rich, and even burst their stomachs.

Moreover, the circle of players is too weak, and there is no need for the faction forces to be afraid of them.

Therefore, there is no need to deliberately suppress them.

However, this theory does not apply to Fade Chen. As far as he is concerned, even though his strength is far weaker than that of the faction, there are many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many people who are weaker than the faction… But at least, now he can already see the hope of rising.

It’s also equivalent to having enough food and slowly starting to swell your ambitions.

Thoughts also naturally increased one after another. As a result, he became less willing to be used by others, work for others for nothing, and even be strangled by others, unable to control himself.

Especially in the world of Hero Ashan, whether it is an ordinary unit or a hero’s soul, it is really, really important!

The ownership of the soul determines the right to resurrection!

That is to say, whether you can continue to be resurrected after dying in battle depends on your lord’s thought!

If you dare to betray the lord, or if your lord simply dislikes you and wants to punish you, he only needs to kill you once and not revive you, then you are really dead!

Unless you are willing to start all over again and betray your lord, however, your level will be cleared, your soul will be greatly injured, and even your hero rank will be damaged and dropped!

All in all, the price of betraying the lord is extremely high!

And now Chen Qing is also facing this problem. If the Templar Castle camp wants to invite her, or even force her to join, will she agree or not? !

Thinking of this, Chen Qing became a little at a loss, and asked Fade Chen.

“Brother, how do you think I should choose?”

“Reject.” Fade Chen shook his head, his eyes flickering. “The weak have no human rights. But if you are really too weak, there is no need to think about this matter. But we are different. Now that I am behind you, you have to think more about everything.”

“As we often say, the world of Hero Ashan is not a virtual game world, but a real world! In other words, one step is wrong! If you are choked by the forces of the faction, it will be extremely difficult It is possible that, like the Unicorn Principality, it is beautiful on the surface, but in reality it is like walking on thin ice, and you can only work for others forever and ever. Would you like to do that?”

“Of course I don’t want to!”

Chen Qing immediately shook her head, nodded and said. “Then it’s decided like this. If they threaten me with this, even if they give up changing jobs, I can’t agree to them!”

“Don’t panic, don’t panic, it’s just a 9-level special hidden unit hero transfer task, even if you get it, it’s just a transition!”

Fade Chen smiled,

Immediately, he narrowed his eyes and murmured resolutely.

“Our ultimate goal is only one, and that is the crimson crown!”.

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