“Indeed it is……”

As soon as Orianna said this, Fade Chen nodded immediately,

Some agree with her statement.

The current situation in their Green Dragon City is that they have high-end force, but the rest of the backbone force, the basic force, is very weak!

And the consequences and problems directly caused by this,

Even their Green Dragon City, on the road of outward expansion,

will be a bit difficult,

Even with difficulty!

Why? Very simple reason.

You let Ciarina, Sicilino and the others go to conquer the city, kill the apex crown, the god crown, and even the orange leader hero and the red crown, that’s fine!

But you have to let them collect gold mines and the six major resources,

Or explore around,

Attack all kinds of large, medium and small gold mines and resource points,

Isn’t this overkill?

Moreover, to be honest, the backbone of their Green Dragon City, such as the 7th and 8th tier 26 elite units, the 9th and 10th tier powerful units, as well as the white common heroes, blue rare heroes, and purple elite heroes, are real. Too little too little! ! !

It’s simply not enough!

It is impossible for any force to rely solely on the topmost existence.

This development model is completely deformed!

Even if you run into a little bit of trouble, just take a look at your complete collapse from the inside out! The loss outweighs the gain.

In fact, the most ideal state of development for any force is,

The top existence and the backbone go hand in hand!

The basic strength is endless!

Only in this way can a perfect and good virtuous circle be formed. So there is no hidden danger getting stronger and stronger!

And this is also the problem that Green Dragon City is facing and needs to solve!

But, having said that, how to solve this problem?

“Master, I have an idea.”

At this time, Emrido said suddenly.

“Tell me.” Fade Chen looked towards Emrido.

“For our Green Dragon City right now, it should be best to settle for a period of time, and at the same time develop and recruit some backbone forces as much as possible! Stabilize and strengthen our foundation.”

“So, my lord, should we consider recruiting the major field arm tribes in the southern area of ​​the Forest of Lorraine?”

Emrido said.

“Recruiting the tribe of field troops?”

Fade Chen was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he said. “Keep talking!”

What is a tribe of wild troops?

In fact, like Bitulas and the others, field troops commanded by heroes or special troops, the tribes they gather together are called tribes of wild troops!

“As far as I know, not only in our southern region, but in the entire Forest of Lorraine region, there are many wild tribes of different sizes and strengths!”

“Among them, there are blue rare heroes and purple elite heroes.”

Emrido has comprehensive ideas,

Therefore, the speech is also very fluent, and the conversation is casual.

“Let’s not talk about the entire Forest of Lorraine area. Right now, we in Green Dragon City can’t get involved, but in the southern area, I think we in Green Dragon City can still fight for it. Recruit if you can, recruit if you can! ”

“At the same time, we are trying our best to cultivate our own low-level heroes as soon as possible!”

“The two go hand in hand! In this way, the problem of shortage of manpower should be solved.”

Emrido said.

After a pause, Sicilino said again. “In addition, I suggest that the person responsible for the recruitment work be His Highness Sicilino, which would be more suitable.”

Fade Chen’s eyes flickered for a while, and then he looked at Orianna and Cicilino and asked.

“What do you two think?”

Orianna hesitated, looked towards Sicilino, and said. “I think this method is feasible! Recently, I found some people with more potential among the low-level units of our Green Dragon City. Give them some time, maybe they will be able to get back together soon.”There will be some people who can awaken! ”

And the meaning of this sentence, Fade Chen understood in seconds.

In the world of Hero Ashan, having potential and awakening means the possibility of becoming a hero!

Moreover, compared to the difficulty of evolving a high-level unit into a unit hero, the difficulty of evolving a low-level unit into a unit hero is actually not as difficult as imagined!

Especially the white common heroes and the blue rare heroes!

Relatively speaking, their chances of being born are not too low.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen also looked towards Sicilino.

He also thinks what Emrido said is right. It is more appropriate for Siciliano to do this recruitment work. One is because Sicilino is tactful and sophisticated, and the other is because of the deterrent power of the Green Dragon Hero and the Crimson Crown!

As a green dragon hero, when facing the field units of the forest barrier camp,

It can increase the chances of recruitment!

Easier to successfully recruit.

“Okay…” Sicilino rolled his eyes, knowing that he couldn’t get away with this drudgery, so he didn’t struggle at all. “Master, please rest assured, I will take care of this matter.”

“Thank you, Sicilino.”

Fade Chen smiled, looked towards Cynthia, and said. “Cynthia, I’ll leave it to you at the entrance of the dungeon. If there is any trouble, report it immediately! Also, if possible, you can help me test the phoenixes in the phoenix’s lair!”

“Trying?” Cynthia was taken aback for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully, and said. “I understand Lord Lord, if I have the opportunity, I will try it.”


Fade Chen nodded, looked towards Emrido and Ram, and said. “Emridor, Ram, the two of you are the same as before, temporarily responsible for guarding the safety of Green Dragon City.”

“Yes, my lord!”


“Let’s adjourn the meeting. Let’s act separately…”

Fade Chen nodded, and went offline to rest.

Having nothing to do, he ran to the most popular and lively game forums on the Internet to have a look.

Who knows if you don’t see it, you will be shocked!

I saw the most conspicuous and designated position on the top1 of this game forum,

A book titled “The Beginning of a New Chapter? The devil is coming! “The post hangs high there. Whether it’s popularity, follow-ups, or comments, it’s all extremely astonishing hundreds of millions or millions of levels. .

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