But at this moment, Efa seemed to have exhausted his blue bars. I saw her backing away from those unicorns and unicorn beast kings while shouting loudly.

“Someone help me, my magic power is exhausted! I can’t use magic skills for the time being!”



Sicilino came flying high with wings, and immediately stood in front of Efa, saying.

“Eefa, you go to the master first. Leave the rest to us.”

“Yes, brother Sicilino!”

Eefa nodded immediately, and with a flash of her figure, she stepped into the air and flew towards Fade Chen. Said a little sorry. “I’m sorry, master, I’ve run out of magic power.”

“Silly girl, what are you doing saying I’m sorry? We can fight this battle so smoothly, you are a great contributor!”

Fade Chen rubbed Yifa’s little face affectionately, and said with a smile.

What he said was not nonsense at all!

You must know that 26 Efa can only rely on her own strength.

Just blocked a total of fifty 11th-level unicorns and 12th-level unicorn beast kings alone!

What kind of concept is this?

It is no exaggeration to say that without this part of the troops, the remaining green dragons and emerald dragons are not weak, but compared with Ciarina, Sicilino, Oren, and Bitulas ,

But it’s not a level of troops at all!

That is to say, in a sense, Eefa used his own power to directly push the army of night elves escorting the dragon blood crystal into the bottomless abyss!

Otherwise, once all fifty 11th- and 12th-level unicorn beast kings participate in the battle, even if they can win, there will definitely be many twists and turns, and the difficulty and process will increase a lot!


“Why lie to you? Of course it’s true.”

“That’s good, hehe…”

Hearing Chen Fei’s words, Yifa immediately giggled happily!

She was afraid that Fade Chen would not be satisfied with her performance,

But fortunately, her worries and fears are completely gone!

“Master, I don’t think they can last long.” After smirking for a while, Eefa looked down at his feet, his eyes flickering.


Chen Fei looked down at the various battlefields under his feet, nodded,

Of the 10 apex crowned green dragons in the night elf kingdom, only three were left after being killed by Ciarina and the others.

As for Bitulas and the others, among the 15 apex-crowned emerald dragons, there are only less than 5 left at this time.

On the other hand, what about their Green Dragon City army?

Except for a few green dragons and Behemoths who were slightly injured, none of them were killed in battle! This can definitely be called the overall situation has been decided, and it is a complete victory!

“The next step is the second step of the plan.”

Fade Chen murmured.

In fact, snatching the dragon blood crystal and killing the apex crown of the night elf kingdom,

This is just his first step in the plan!

All of this is laying the groundwork for the second part of the plan that he had already thought up in advance. It’s just that he didn’t know that he made another move ahead of time, what happened now?

Fade Chen raised his head and glanced at the southeast, his eyes twinkled thoughtfully. As if thinking about something.

Soon, the battles ended one after another!

First, Xialina led the green dragon army and wiped out all ten green dragons in the enemy’s night elf kingdom!

Then, they ran to help Bitulas and other Beamon clan, and wiped out all the emerald dragons!

In the end, they returned together to support Sicilino!

It was almost three times, five divisions, two, and directly with the force of thunder, the last 50 11th-level unicorns and 12th-level unicorn beast kings were all wiped out!

So far, the Green Dragon City has finally won this battle!

And it was a complete victory.

As for casualties? Except for the dozen or so green dragons and Behemoth who were wounded and wounded, none of them died in battle or died! And as long as you don’t die, everything is easy to talk about!

Because in the world of Hero Ashan, being injured is just like eating and drinking.

It’s completely commonplace. Very normal!

Anyway, as long as you don’t die,

Almost equivalent to no loss at all.

“Isiram, let’s go down.” Fade Chen said.


The golden dragon Isilam nodded and flew towards the ground.

At this time, Sicilino, Ciarina and the others had already surrounded the Pegasus knight hero Hulkville and the sword dance elf hero Pelos!


“Master, how do they deal with it?? ”

After the golden dragon Isilam landed, Sicilino asked Fade Chen. “Did you kill it directly?”

As soon as these words came out, Pegasus knight hero Hulkville and sword dance elf hero Pelos both trembled and remained silent.

However, in the depths of their eyes, there was a hint of excitement!

Obviously, to them, death is not terrible,

Because they can all be resurrected!

As long as Fade Chen kills them, their souls will return to the heart of the castle in the kingdom of night elves, and thus be resurrected through the altar of heroes. Although this will cause them to lose a lot of power (downgrade), it’s better than being a prisoner and being controlled by others, right?

However, they think so,

It hasn’t even existed in my mind for a second,

Fade Chen immediately drove them into the cold and desperate reality. Fade Chen shook his head and said lightly. “Let’s keep it first. They are alive now, and they are more valuable than dead!”

The sword dance elf hero Pelos turned pale and said.

“City Master Green Dragon, there is a misunderstanding here…”

“Okay.” Fade Chen didn’t buy it at all, shaking his head and said. “Since I have already attacked you, do you think it is necessary for me now, do you hear what you are justifying here?”

The sword dance elf hero Pelos froze,

Afterwards, the whole person was like a deflated balloon.

“Then what exactly do you want to do?!”.

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