In fact, the current pressure that Marquis Luke is facing is just an appetizer!

Because the craziest army in the dungeon hasn’t officially made a move yet! When the endless dungeon army rushes out of the underground world and merges with the hell camp, that is the beginning of terror, death, destruction, chaos… covering the world!

This point, it is estimated that the high-level members of the Alliance of Light already know about it.

And Marquis Luke’s status is not enough, he just doesn’t know it yet!

Otherwise, with the power in his hands, he definitely wouldn’t be able to make such a joke!

But it’s not his turn to remind of this kind of thing…

Shaking his head, Fade Chen didn’t talk nonsense, and got straight to the point. “Marquis Luke, I’ll just say it straight, I’m here this time to borrow a boat from you!”

After some careful research before, they finally determined that the guiding places of the two orange volumes in his hand were all among the five sea nations in the Second Sea Region!

In the world of Hero Ashan, there are a total of seven sea areas,

The area of ​​the sea area is about five times the area of ​​the territory!

Among them, the three major areas are restricted areas!

It is full of crises of destruction, natural disasters, mysterious forces, and endless ocean field units! It is no exaggeration to say that in these three restricted sea areas, even if the crown of the gods penetrates into them, life is in danger!

At the very least, the crimson crown must be escorted along the way,

Only then can we be a little safer!

And the crimson crown here refers to after the second awakening!

It’s dangerous to go to the forbidden sea area if you don’t have the second-awakened crimson crown!

Therefore, the three restricted sea areas are the main world of the hero Ashan world, which is notoriously inaccessible, and strangers are not allowed to enter! It is also a blind spot in people’s vision. No one goes there to make fun of themselves.

Fortunately, this second sea area is not a restricted area.

Otherwise, his plan to go to sea will have to be delayed for a long time!

The second sea area, also known as the Emerald Sea Area, is the domain of the overlord of the sea, the powerful country – the Emerald Empire!

The Emerald Empire controls about three-fifths of the Emerald Sea Region, and a little more territory! The remaining one-fifth belongs to another sea overlord! Less than one-fifth of the last one belongs to the five sea nations!

The five nations on the sea are Stormwind, Gemstone, Thunderbolt, Umegel, and Red Flame Blade!

The five countries on the sea are all ordinary countries, but their comprehensive strength should surpass the Unicorn Principality by a lot! Probably equivalent to three, or even four elemental kingdoms in the Forest of Lorraine!

And the comprehensive national strength of the Unicorn Principality should only be two, or even less than two elemental kingdoms!

In fact, generally speaking, ordinary countries on land,

The overall strength is no match for the sea…


This is because development at sea is much more difficult than on land! The sea is vast, and seven out of ten are sea areas, which also makes it quite difficult to attack and defend. It’s an inherent disadvantage!

Moreover, the sea is vast and full of dangers! All kinds of monsters! All kinds of deep-sea monsters! And after the death of the strong, the incarnation of the ghost ship, the devastating natural disasters and so on!

These are all synonymous with horror, fear, and difficulty!

For the maritime kingdom, they must have a stronger force in order to protect their territory. Therefore, for ordinary countries with the same territorial scope, ocean countries are definitely stronger than land countries!

But the sea is not without its advantages!

On the contrary, the advantages of the sea are extremely desirable! Follow up!

The various resources in the sea are at least ten times that of the land! Especially in the dangerous deep sea, super large gold mines, resource points, and even special resource points are everywhere!

It is no exaggeration to say,

In the seven sea areas, apart from the restricted area, any sea area has enough marine resources to support the military development of at least two, or even three empire-level, powerful countries!

And the marine resources in the restricted area,

Even worse than ordinary sea areas!

“Borrow a boat? Earl Tsing Yi Wuhen, you want to go to sea? where to go ”

At the same time, upon hearing the words and seeing the situation, Marquis Luke narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

Borrowing a boat is no small matter!

Generally speaking, ships can be divided into civilian ships and warships. That’s all for civilian ships, which is nothing. But now that a majestic Earl of the Alliance came to borrow a ship in person, it must not be as simple as a civilian ship!

And if it’s a warship,

This matter is not so ‘simple’!

Because even the lowest level of a first-class warship is worth as much as the apex crown! And the sea warships owned by their Luke family are only at the second level at most.

“I’m going to the Second Sea Region, the Storm Kingdom in the Emerald Sea Region!”

Fade Chen didn’t hide anything, and said directly.

“The Kingdom of Stormwind, one of the five sea kingdoms?”

Marquis Luke froze for a moment, then shook his head and said. “Sorry, Earl Tsing Yi Wuhen, I can’t help you with this matter.”


Fade Chen froze for a moment, and frowned slightly.

“From our place to the sea, all the way to the southeast, you need to pass through at least two seas, five kingdoms, and two secondary seas before you can enter the territory of the second sea, the Emerald Sea!”

“And this process, calculated at the sailing speed of a first-class warship, will take a year!”

Speaking of which, Marquis Luke looked towards Fade Chen, his eyes flickering.

“But. A first-class warship simply cannot support such a long voyage!”.

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