And after Zacken told everything they knew,


Dead silence!

Shrouded in the entire palace!

The Storm King XI and the old mage Oak looked at each other, and finally the former said in shock. “You mean, the crimson-crowned sea unicorn is not his own… but hatched from that sea unicorn egg!”

“Yes, father!”

Immediately, the expression of Storm King Eleven became a little ugly.

There is no doubt that a sea unicorn egg and a living scarlet crowned hero are definitely two different things.

If he had known it would be like this, he would never have dared to let Ri Boman intervene in this matter… From a mere sea unicorn egg, he became the living scarlet crown hero now!

This concept is different!

If things really get serious, neither he nor the Storm Kingdom can bear the price at all! But now…



The Storm King XI cursed angrily, and slapped the chair with a slap. His face was gloomy, and he was even a little confused!

“Father, that is the Crimson Crown after all, and you should also know that this Green Dragon City is far more than just a Crimson Crown hero! With the strength of our Storm Kingdom, going against them is completely like hitting a stone…”

Zach couldn’t help but said.

Now he was afraid that his father would not be able to figure it out, and would do something wrong in anger. If that was the case, in his opinion, catastrophe was imminent for their Storm Kingdom!

This matter is no joke!

You must know that just from the news from the Scarlet Star Kingdom, there are two green dragon heroes in this Green Dragon City! The origin of the two crimson crowns! In addition to the current sea unicorn crimson crown, there are three!

What kind of concept is it that a faction has three crimson crowns at the same time?

Even powerful countries dare not imagine such a luxury!

If this is an enemy of the other party, what is it if it is not courting death?

There is no way out at all…


Storm King XI opened his mouth, and the corners of his eyes twitched. Although he knew what his son said was right, there was still resentment in his heart, and he felt very aggrieved…

What is an egg hitting a rock?

He is the king! King of the Storm Kingdom…

“Ok, what do you think about this matter?” He looked at the old mage Oak. He trusts his subordinate very much, and the other party’s intelligence is very high. In his mind, he belongs to the role of a think tank!

And now he is a little confused, he doesn’t know what to do, so he can only ask the other party for help…

“My point of view?”

The old mage OkhunHis turbid eyes flickered, and he said lightly. “Your Majesty, I thought that now we can only go one way to the dark!”

“Orc Mage!”

As soon as this remark came out, Zach’s expression changed, and he exclaimed.

“Shut up!”

The Storm King XI shouted sharply and interrupted him. Then he saw him looking towards the old mage Oak, and asked with a solemn face. “Oc, tell me what you think!”

“This is just my guess, but I feel that the Green Dragon City Lord has already regarded us as enemies!”

“Of course, it’s not important. What’s important is…Your Majesty, please take a look at this!”

The old mage Oak flicked his fingers, and magical elements emerged one after another, turning into a detailed and clear map in front of their eyes!


The Eleventh Storm King froze for a moment and said. “This is the map of our Storm Kingdom?”

“not quite.”

The old mage Oak shook his head, pointed at the map and said slowly. “This is a map of our Five Sea Kingdoms, the Red Star Kingdom, and the coastline of the Holy Continent!”

“The Red Star Kingdom?”

The Storm King XI was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, he fell into deep thought, as if he had thought of something.

But at this moment, the old mage Oak had already continued to speak. “The alien space of Starfish Kingdom is here…”

He pointed on the map, and suddenly a flashing cross star appeared somewhere on the map.

At the same time, the old mage Oak continued to speak. “Also, now that the Starfish Kingdom has surrendered to Green Dragon City, Seventh Prince, Your Majesty, do you know what this means?”


Zach opened his mouth,

But he felt a hand on his neck… suddenly became speechless.

Because he realized what the old mage Orc said,

And this also made him completely unable to say what he wanted to persuade!

At the same time, Storm King XI slowly sat back with a blank expression… After a long time, he murmured with an ugly face. “This means that Green Dragon City has the ambition to dominate the sea!”


The old mage Oak nodded and said solemnly. “Since the Green Dragon City has accepted the surrender of the Starfish Kingdom, even if they didn’t have such thoughts before, they should have it now. The first enemy they face is the Red Star Kingdom, and the second enemy is us!”

The Five Sea Kingdoms are adjacent to the Red Star Kingdom!

And the Storm Kingdom among the Five Sea Kingdoms is also adjacent to the Red Star Kingdom, and even directly borders the Red Star Kingdom!

In other words, as long as the Red Star Kingdom is destroyed and replaced by the Starfish Kingdom ruled by the Green Dragon City,

Then next, the second unlucky person will become their Storm Kingdom!

Because the territories are bordering each other, this is a problem that cannot be avoided or changed! Unless they can withstand the attack of the Starfish Kingdom, it will become like the current relationship between their Five Sea Kingdoms and the Red Star Kingdom…

But the problem is that Green Dragon City has three crimson crowns, how can they stop it? It’s simply impossible!

Even if it is possible now, in the future, after the three crimson crowns grow up, they will definitely have a dead end!

In other words, ever since Green Dragon City made the Starfish Kingdom move, Storm Kingdom and them have become immortal enemies! Unless they are willing to bow their heads and submit to Green Dragon City…

But this is obviously impossible!

After all, he hasn’t even fought yet, so how could he admit defeat first? So, before the starfish kingdom grows bigger, they must do everything possible to attack each other, or even get rid of them!

Thinking of this, Storm King XI took a deep breath and looked at the old mage Oak with a gloomy face.

“¨Oke, you go to meet Lord Norlanster for me, and tell him the whereabouts of the Green Dragon City Lord! Then go talk to the people of the Red Star Kingdom, after all, once the Starfish Kingdom grows bigger, it will collapse first Yes, it’s them! I believe that idiot Elander won’t be so stupid, he will accept our ‘goodwill’!”

“Yes, Your Majesty…”

Hearing the words and seeing the situation, Zachon hesitated to speak, but finally gave up with a face full of despair.

Because he knows that he really can’t control this matter… Ju.

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