
“Congratulations to the player Tsing Yi Wuhen, who successfully triggered the orange collection “Jewel Islands” quest. The quest line is starting to unfold, please wait a moment!”


“The mission line is complete…Congratulations to the player Tsing Yi Wuhen, who successfully triggered the special hidden serial orange book collection mission, “Artifact-Gem Dragon Divine Power”. The mission difficulty level is SS. Mission time: unknown. Mission cycle number 1/?.”

“Special reminder: The ss-level special hidden serial mission is extremely difficult and extremely dangerous! Please be extra cautious and pay attention. If you give up automatically, it will be regarded as a mission failure!”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Tsing Yi Wuhen’, who successfully triggered the special hidden serial task, the first task of “Artifact-Gem Dragon Divine Power”, recapturing the gem dragon bracelet. The content of the task is to go to the habitat of the North Sea giant monster under the sea, Recapture the sacred object lost by the jeweled dragon family—the jeweled dragon bracelet! Single-ring task difficulty, SS level, task time: none.”

“Note: The more units you kill in the field, the faster the mission will be completed, and the higher the degree of mission completion!”

“100, do you accept the mission?”

Suddenly Fade Chen was shocked all over, his pupils shrank, his face changed drastically, and he blurted out!

“SS-level special, special hidden serial missions?!”

At this moment, he was really stupid. The SS-level mission alone was scary enough, but this is actually a special hidden serial mission? Are you kidding me? !

“The holy altar is my greatest treasure, and it is also a gift from the Lord Dragon King to our clan… If you want to be baptized by it, you must pass our test!”

The Grand Elder Gemstone Dragon’s face was calm,

At the same time, he stared at Fade Chen with deep and old pupils, and said lightly.

“I’ll take it!”

At the same time, Fade Chen had also stepped out of his shocking and shocking emotions,

I saw him nodding his head fiercely, gritted his teeth and said!

Although this SS-level special hidden serial mission means that it is extremely difficult! The risks and dangers are huge!

but! Risk and danger also coexist with opportunity and rise! Any task of high difficulty means that the task rewards are generous! Even ascending to the sky in one step…

In other words, this should be the biggest opportunity among all the tasks he has received so far!

Once successfully won, it will rise immediately and soar into the sky! A one-time hug!

So he has no reason not to gamble on this one!

The big deal is that the mission failed. He’s not someone who can’t afford to lose…

Besides, with his current strength, although the ss-level mission sounds bluffing, it is not as far away as it looked when he just walked out of the forest of Lorraine and stepped into the sea!

As long as he is fully prepared and not being stupid, he believes that this SS-level special hidden chain mission, he Chen Fei, he Green Dragon City, is absolutely qualified and capable to win it!

“very good!”

Hearing Chen Fei’s answer, a smile appeared in the eyes of Grand Elder Bao Baolong.

The Dragon Clan has always been brave and mighty, and at the same time, they don’t like people who look forward and backward, and are timid. Therefore, Chen Fei’s current attitude and decision have gained some appreciation from him!

“Young man, let me tell you some information about those ugly North Sea giant monsters!”

“Okay, thank you Great Elder…”

Fade Chen immediately nodded his thanks. He knew that these information should be attached, because as a test, it is completely unnecessary to say, just let him find out by himself!

But now, being able to know some information in advance saves him a lot of effort!

“Starting from here, about 60,000 nautical miles to the northeast, there is a medium-sized magic fog sea area, and under the deep sea of ​​that medium-sized magic fog sea area, there is a North Sea giant monster and the giant monster’s habitat! ”

“This giant monster of the North Sea, what is a giant monster? Is it the crown of a god?”

Fade Chen asked.


The Grand Elder Gemstone Dragon nodded slowly, his eyes flickering. “The giant monster of the North Sea is the 14th-ranked marine unit of the gods, and the giant monster is the 13th-ranked marine unit of the apex! They are the totems and pillars of an extremely powerful marine civilization many, many thousands of years ago! But The latter, this powerful marine civilization fell under the chaotic history and cruel time, disappeared and became the dust of history!”

“However, although the North Sea giant monster and giant monster are now rare in number, they have not completelyAnnihilation! If you search carefully, you can still find their traces in the sea…”

Speaking of this jewel, Elder Long changed the subject, looked at Fade Chen, his eyes flickered and said. “You have a distinguished sea unicorn with the crimson crown, so in fact, it is more suitable to ask him about the giant monster of the North Sea. Many years ago, the giant monster of the North Sea challenged the Qilin family’s sea king several times! As The once formidable enemy, on the contrary, will understand each other better!”

Fade Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately.

“Thank you Great Elder for reminding me, I understand what to do…”

“very good……”

The elder Baoshi Long smiled and said to Fade Chen. “Young man, believe me, as long as you can take back the sacred objects of our family from those ugly giant monsters of the North Sea, the reward will definitely not disappoint you! Especially the baptism of the holy altar, which even the real Even the crimson crown powerhouse will be tempted!”

Even the crimson crown will be tempted?

Fade Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly his breathing became a little short…

It seems that this ss-level special hidden serial mission,

He must be sure to win! .

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