a few days later,

The forest of Lorraine, the Grand Canyon of Wakanda, the first level of the underground world corresponding to the entrance of the underground world…

Withered, parched earth,

The gray-black scorched earth where hot magma flows,

An underground entrance leading to the land world stood there quietly, and the surroundings seemed extremely silent. There was nothing else but the howling wind that kept whistling past.

And at the same time, in a certain dark corner not far from here, a huge dark purple monster with a pair of furious, ferocious, bloody… poisonous eyes was staring at that… The entrance to the underground world,

There was no movement for a long time.

It’s like a lifelike sculpture without life…

In this way, almost another day and night passed before the behemoth in the dark corner seemed to be unable to hold back anymore. It walked out of the darkness, as if it wanted to approach the entrance of the underground world~.

But he still seems to be hesitant and hesitant… Besides, if you look carefully, who is this giant, if not the dungeon lord who escaped alone earlier, the poisonous manticore hero Yalulisi?

“Damn! Damn! Damn…”

“Those damned guys, why did they come here suddenly? If it weren’t for them, we should have already successfully captured the habitat of the firebird and phoenix by now! Damn it… it’s really only a little bit close!”

Yalulisi’s face was ferocious, and he kept roaring, as if he was extremely disturbed.

But very quietly,

It seems that he is afraid of being discovered by others!

In fact, after he escaped from the habitat of the firebird and phoenix a few days ago, he ran all the way here without stopping! He knew very well in his heart that after the defeat, he was now the only survivor!

Therefore, he must take the news back and report it to the Dungeon Lord! Otherwise, once bigger problems are caused, his fate may be even worse than that of Sibiya and Impadolos who have already died in battle!

But now he is very hesitant and hesitant!

Because he knows very well how terrifying the speed of Yisalai, who is a firebird hero of the red crown rank, is! To put it bluntly, it is at least ten times his level, to put it bluntly, it is simply not at the same level as him!

And because of this,

If we say that everyone’s situations and positions are exchanged now, he will definitely not sit back and watch the other party flee.

Conversely, the other party is also the same!

So, now he is very afraid that the other party will intercept him at the underground entrance!

Once this is the case,

If he rushes over again rashly,

Then it’s really no different from throwing yourself into a trap!

But, but, if he doesn’t break through, he actually has no way out now!

First of all, he also knows that there is only one entrance to the underground world that connects to the terrestrial world of the Forest of Lorraine nearby. If he didn’t go from here, he would have to break into unknown areas of other underground worlds, looking for a new underground world entrance leading to the land world.

But doing so also has great disadvantages,

even dangerous!

First, although the area of ​​the first 30 floors of the underground world is indeed called a paradise,

But in essence, this place is actually a war zone. It is the war zone for the forces of the major camps and the camp of the dungeon! It is also a war zone where the forces of the major camps fight with each other, and even inside the dungeon camp, the major powerhouses fight each other…

In other words, once you rashly break into the unknown area of ​​the underground world, you may encounter countless situations, such as natural disasters, extremely powerful field troops, powerful enemies from various factions, or even independent lords, etc.!

Such a choice is undoubtedly extremely dangerous!

Second, even if you can return to the terrestrial world from other locations unharmed,

But the problem is that it’s not the Forest of Lorraine anymore!

After all, the land world belongs to the Alliance of Light camp. If one is unlucky and breaks into the entrance of the underground world controlled by the Alliance of Light camp, he can only die!

Besides, there is another point, to a certain extent, it is also very important,

That’s the time!not enough time!

Because even if he is really lucky, not only did he find other underground entrances to the land world, and there is no other danger, but in terms of time, it will be infinitely extended!

This is the biggest problem!

The most urgent thing for him now is time!

Everyone knows that if a fighter is caught in the blink of an eye, it will not only be meaningless, but it will even be caught by the enemy in turn, and then deal a fatal blow! So now he has no choice but to choose to force his way…

Passing through here, breaking through this barrier, and returning to the land, he can join the army of the dungeon,

. . . . 0

By then his crisis will be completely resolved!

Although Sibiya and Impadoros died in battle, there are still many of them, and they also have the great His Majesty Aoyin! So it is impossible for them to lose this war…

Thinking of this, the poisonous scorpion lion Yalulisi finally made up his mind!

My whole body moved violently,

Directly rushed towards the underground entrance and exit!

This distance is not short, but under his strenuous running, it actually took less than a few minutes to reach the finish line! And at the same time, Naya Lulisi was already in ecstasy!

“They didn’t come to stop me?”

“Arrogant, or arrogant, self-righteous?!”

“Hehe, no matter what, you played. When I go back and report to His Majesty Aoyin, all of you will die!”

At this moment, the poisonous scorpion lion Ya Lulisi roared and sneered ferociously!

Phew! In the next moment, the movement of his feet was not slow, and after a vigorous pounce, he broke into the light curtain at the entrance of the underground world. Back to the land world.

But it was also at this moment that the ferocious sneer on the face of the poisonous scorpion lion Yalulisi,

At this moment, she froze directly on her face! Mountain.

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