"Buzz buzz!" Om! Om! Om! Om! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Ow! Om! Om! Om! Om! Om! Uhh! Swastika Swastika.
"Myriad Oaks Divine Art!" Ten Thousand Godly Techniques! "In the Wanxiang Aperture Lane, the oaks are moving towards the spirit."
"Amitabha!" Buddha Ami! Ademi Buddha! Adalvos! Aphrodite! Aphrodite!
Weng Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Ohh!
Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Weng ! Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Weng Om! Om! Om! Om! Om!
Weng ! Ooo! Hum, hum, hum! Om! Om! Om! Om!
Weng Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Om! Om! Om! Om!
Weng ! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Weng ! Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz Buzz, Mi Hou! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Weng Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz!
Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Whoo@@
Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Hum, hum, hum!
Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Buzz Buzz Buzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz!
Buzz buzz buzz! Weng weng weng ! Buzz buzz buzz!
Weng !
Buzz buzz buzz! "Buzz buzz buzz!"
"Myriad Directions Divine Technique!" Myriad Directions Technique! Myriad Godly Movement Technique! Myriad God Technique! Ten Thousand Arts Godly Direction! Ten Thousand Arts to God!
To the Myriad Gods Art! To the Myriad Arts Goddess! To the Godly Myriad Technique! To the thousands of divine arts! To the God of Contributions! To the gods!
Ten Thousand Arts! The Myriad Spirit Arts! The Myriad God Technique! Ten Thousand Arts Direction! Myriad God Power! The divine arts went to ten thousand people!
Ten-Thousand! To the gods! Tens of thousands of karmic sinflames! God of karma, ten thousand directions! Myriad Godly Art! Myriad Directions Deity! "
"Hmm !" Weng wuu wuu wuu wuu!
Weng ! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Weng !
Hum, hum, hum, hum! Weng
Hmm !
Hmm !
Hmm ! Hmm, hum, hum! Hmm, hum, hum, hum!
Hmm !
Whoo@@ Ooo Whoo@@ Ooo Whoo@@ Ooo!
Ow, weng, weng, weng! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Whoa, whine, whine, whimper. Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Whooshh! Whooshh!
Ow! Oooh! Ooo Oooh! Ooo!
Whooshh! Whoo@@ Whooshhh! Whoo@@ Whoo@@ Whoo@@
Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Ooo! Ooo! Mimi, hum, hum!
Ooo! Hmm, hum, hum! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Oooh! Ooo!
Hmm ! Oh my god, !
What a moan! Ooo! Ooo Ooo Mimi, mummm, mummm, mumm! ', mumm... Ooo
Weng ! Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Whoo! Weng ! Whoo! Ooo!
Whoo! Whoo! Hum, hum, hum, hum! "Hmm !"
"Manifestation Divine Art! Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad God Elephant Technique! Myriad God Technique! Myriad Arts Divine Elephant! Myriad Manifestation Deity!
Myriad God Technique! Like a god of ten thousand kung fu! Elephant God's Myriad Arts! Myriad Divine Art! The Myriad Elephants Technique! Elephant Technique – Myriad Gods!
It was the Myriad Manifestation Art! The Myriad Manifestation Art! The Myriad God Technique! Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Manifestation Art! The divine arts were thousands of times more powerful!
Myriad Manifestation Art! Art like myriad gods! The Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Manifestation Art! "A Myriad Manifestations of Art!"
"Hmm !
Ugh, weng, weng, weng! Ow!
Hmm ! Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uhh! Ah, moan, moan, moan! What the heck? Mimuchu! Mimuchuchuhh!
Hmm, hum, hum, hum, hum! Hah! Hum! Hum! Hum! Hum! Hum! Ow! Om! Om! Om! Om! Om! Hmm !
Weng ! Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!
Uhh! Uhh! Ohh! Uhh! Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!
Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum! Ooo! Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum! Ohh! Ohh!
Ohh! Uhh!! Uhh! Ooo! Ohh! Ohh!
Ow, weng, weng, weng! Ow! Ow! Om! Om! Om! Ow, weng, weng! Oh my god! Ow! Ow! Om! Om! Om! Om! Om! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
Ohh! Ohh! Ouch! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!
Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!
Ouch! Ooo Ow! Ow! Om! Om! Om! Ooo Ouch! Ooo Ooo! Ouch! Ooo!
Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Oooh! Ooo! Ouch! Ooo!
Oooo! Oooo! Ooo! Ooo! Oooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!
Uhh! Uhh! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Ooo! Oooo! Ooo! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Ooo!
Uhh! Uhh! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Uuu! "
"Myriad Manifestation Divine Technique!" Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Gods Ascension Technique! Myriad God Method! The Myriad Arts Godly Phase! Ten Thousand Arts Amazing!
Myriad Godly Art! The Xiang Wanwu Godly Art! Ten Thousand Arts of the Lovesick! Myriad Divine Art! The myriad of cultivation techniques! Ten Thousand Gods in the Art of Crossing Worlds!
Myriad Manifestation Art! Thousand Godly Phase Technique! Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Technique Phase! Myriad Manifestation Divine Art! Ten Thousand Godly Techniques!
Godly work! Ten Thousand Gods! Tens of thousands of karmic sinflames! The Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Godly Phase! Myriad Directions Deity! "
"Ow! Oh my god, Mimuhh! Oh my god! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Whoo
Ouch! Ow! Ooo! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!
Oh my god, oh my god! Ouch! Mimi! Hum! Hum! Ow! Mimi! Hum! Hum! Oh my god! Oh my god! Ouch! Mimi!
Ow, weng, weng, weng! Whimper whimper whimper!
Ow, weng, weng, weng! Ow! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
Ooo! Ooo! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Ooo! Ooo! Om! Om! Om! Om!
Pah! Pah! Pah! Pow! Boo, moo, moo! Pop, hum, hum! Pop, hum, hum! Boo, moo, moo! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Whooshh! Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! Ooo!
Ooo! Ooo Om! Ooo Ooo
Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz buzz!
Om! Om! Om! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo!
Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoo@@ Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Ow! Om! Om! Om! Om! Ooo!
Om! Buzz buzz buzz!
Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Boom-hoon! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Ooo Whoo@@ Whoo@@ Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! A hum!
Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz!
Humm, hum, hum! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz buzz! Humm, hum, hum! Buzz buzz buzz! Whoo
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Whoo Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Whoo! "Buzz buzz buzz!"
"What are you doing!?" Ten thousand contribution points! Wanshi Cultivation Technique! Ten Thousand Paths Direction! Ten thousand kung fu! What to do with ten thousand meritorious services!
To Wanshi! To the ten thousand kungshi! To Shiwan Gong! To what? To merit! To work!
Ten Thousand Arts! What was going on? Ten Thousand Directions Technique! Ten Thousand Arts Direction! What skills! What was he doing?!
To Shiwan! Tens of thousands of things! A thousand merits! A thousand merits! A thousand contributions! What do you mean by ten thousand contribution points? "
"Meow meow meow meow meow!" Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whooshh whooshh! Whoo
Oh my god, oh my god! Oh my god, oh my god! Oooh! Ooo! Whooshh! Whooshh! Ooo
Ooo! Oooo! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Oh, ! Whooshh!
Mimi, hum, hum! Whoo@@ Ooo Ooo Ooo Whooshh!
What the heck? Ooo! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Where's Mi? Weng Weng Weng !
Oh my god, oh my god! What the f * ck! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!
Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Ooo! Ooo!
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz!
Mimi, Ooo! Whooshing, whooshed, whooshed, whooshed, whooshed. Whooshh! Ooo!
Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Om! Om! Om! Om! Om!
Mizheng Mizheng! Mizheng Mizheng! Mimi, hum, hum! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Mi Pao peng peng! Mizuho!
Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo! Ooo Ooo!
Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Ooo! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz!
Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!
Mi Mu, weng, weng! Mi Mu, weng, weng! Mi Hou, weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Mi Mu, wow wow wow! Mi Mu, weng, weng!
Ooo! Ooo! Buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Mimi, mummm, hum!
Mi Mu, weng, weng! Mi Mu
Mi Hou! Mi Hou, ! Mi Mu, wow wow wow! "
"Myriad Manifestation Art!" Manifestation Art! Manifestation Art! Manifestation! What do you mean by ten thousand meritorious service? What the heck!
It was like a myriad of things! What the heck! What the heck was this? What the heck! Elephant kung fu! Elephant skills!
What was this like? What do you mean by ten thousand meritorious deeds! The Myriad Manifestation Technique! What an image! Myriad Manifestation Art! What was this?!
Manifestation! A myriad of things! What does it look like?! Manifestation of merit! A myriad of things! Myriad Manifestation Art! "
Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Roar, moan, moan! Roar, moo, moo! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Coo, poof, poof! Hum, hum, hum! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
Weng Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Phew! Phew! Phew! Hum, hum, hum! Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum? Hum! Hum! Hum! Hum!
Phew! Phew! Phew! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! Ooo! Hum, hum, hum!
Hum, hum, hum! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum!
Weng ! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Ooo!
Whoo@@ Whoo@@ Whoo@@ Whoo! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Om! Om! Om! Om! Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!
Weng Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!
Om! Om! Om! Om! Boom-whomp . Om, Om, Om! Om, Om! Humm, hum, buzz! Humm, hum, hum, hum! Humm, hum, hum!
Humm, hum, hum! Humm, hum, hum!
Om! Om! Om! Om! Whoo Om, Om, Om, Om! Whoo Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz!
Humm, hum, hum! Weng Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!
Weng wuu wuu wuu wuu wuu!
Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz!
Weng weng weng weng weng wuu wuu wuu wuu wuu! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!
Weng wuu wuu wuu wuu wuu! Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz! "Buzz buzz buzz buzz!"
This period of incantation was 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 720 incantations from the deep old Buddha! Was this chant really that difficult to recite? A single word of difference would result in failure.
However, Ye Wuhai was even more determined to not be outdone, as he used "Myriad Spirit Arts" to break them all!
"Myriad Manifestations Technique!" Myriad Manifestation Art! Manifestation Art! Manifestation Art! What did ten thousand meritorious service look like! What are ten thousand meritorious services!
A myriad of things! What do you mean by ten thousand meritorious service? What ten thousand contribution points! What do you mean by ten thousand merits! A thousand things about his comeback skills! A million different things!
What do you mean by ten thousand merits! [What the hell is this?!] Shiwan Xiang Gong! The appearance of 10,000 kung fu! What skills! Ten thousand contribution points!
A thousand merits! A million things to do! What do you mean by ten thousand merits! Everything! All sorts of achievements! "What do you mean by ten thousand merits!"
"Buzz buzz buzz!"
"Moo, moo, moo!"
"I'm afraid!"
"They want to celebrate!"
"Myriad Directions Divine Technique!"
"Ah!..." Grandmaster Dharma, finally, could not hold on any longer. Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and waves of green smoke were emitted from his shiny forehead.
"Ya — —" Ye Wuhai leapt up with his sword in hand, and with a "eagle spreading its wings", he pierced straight into the Hundred Blessings (Wisdom, Huai) acupoints of the old Buddha.
Seeing this, the old buddha held his staff up in front of his chest and endured the pain. With a crisp "crack", his walking stick with the dragon head had already been cut into two by the "Absolute Universe Invincible Sword" in Ye Wuhai's hands!
"You evil wolf dressed in buddhist robes! What do you have to say now? "
"Amitabha!" Excellent! Excellent! Ye Wuhai! You really are different from the past! This old monk will spar with you using inner strength. I never thought that I would be defeated by a junior like you. "It hurts!"
"Pui!" You deserve to die! I want revenge for my brother! I will eradicate you, the scum of the martial world! "
"Awesome! Excellent! Before this old monk was converted, this old monk had another request. I wonder if Young Hero Yay can agree to it? "
"Speak!" See what other tricks you can pull? "
"This old monk misses the Songs of the Vajra Sutra once, and has reborn here to enjoy the world. I wonder what Young Hero Yay thinks? "
"Hum, hum, hum!" Ye Wuhai could not help but laugh coldly: "You speak of righteousness and morality, but your heart is like a scorpion's! When you came to this world, you were full of evil. What face do you have to read the "Diamond Sutra"? This is simply an insult to the buddhist classics! "
"When a man is about to die, his words are good! The Young Hero Yay is a man of righteousness, the savior of the world, and the savior of all living things. Do you not want me, the person who is about to die, to chant and see the Tathagata Buddha? I was originally born into the earth, and received the law to pass down my scriptures. When a flower blooms with five leaves, the result is natural. "There is a saying that even death can be allowed to lead by the wind."
"Alright! I'll let you chant! "I'll send you to the Western Heavens after you've praised the scriptures!"
"Awesome! Excellent! In the world, I'm the most respected. Buddha could not do it, but he could not do it either. If the first law cannot be established, then there is no way to not accept it. Lord Buddha's true scriptures were profound and profound. A thick fog began to emanate from him throughout the ages. If all living beings do not understand the purpose of this book, they must read it carefully. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … The Ancestor had boundless grief and desire. A feast of great law was set up in Shuwei. After entering the city to beg for food, he would often follow a thousand two hundred arhats. Sitting close together, he gathered millions of people in the sky. Opening his senses, he pointed straight at the depths of the heart. The true fourth life of the father, is a group of blessed. Emptiness and profoundness were understood, and he praised them with clasped hands. True Law King, True Doctor King, and the sick must meet with good health. Like a precious raft, like a benevolent voyage, the drowned must return home. Talking about Hannya, King Kong, each other's rewards. It was like the vastness of the void, like the vast ocean. His words were sharp and full of meaning. Four words of wisdom, this sutra, by the victory of tens of thousands of talent. The Eternal River Sand might as well have said a word of Boromir. Cast by color, by voice, without form, Cushion is unparalleled. Nothing wins and nothing wins, not even one or two out of ten thousand. The cloud of the five elements opened up, and the spirit of the earth opened up. I remember back in those days, for no reason to recognize color as a demon. As soon as one's heart was empty, one's body would be concealed by the Tathagata. I will bear good roots, and I will have faith in them. Comprehension of the Buddha, the Buddha's Seal, may I become Buddha. Arhat, Fang Li Ji, free and easy. Willing to be like a Buddha without a pause, willing to endure humiliation of the immortals. The last five hundred years were for people, for people, for the Sakyamuni. Good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good. Not to be, not to say, empty life for me to babble. I study and do nothing, but there is a difference between the sages and the imbeciles. Tathagata enunciates the sutra, originally said by the best. Buddhist Dharma, not Buddhist Dharma. As the space shattered, the addicts decided that they couldn't bear to part with it. What was the difference between a baby guarding a yellow leaf? Buddha, that is to say, the heart, the heart is pure and solemn. Where there is no living, there is no living. The mind is pure, the life is real, the reality is intangible. It is true that there is always change and change, and there is no loss in living. Comprehension is not difficult, enigma is not easy, human life is rare and cannot be abandoned. If you will get this meaning, the round sense of Jia Lan face game. To depart from the gods, that is to say, from the Buddhas, there is nothing in the earth. Godly Xiu didn't see sex in the past, but she kept swinging the mirror in the air. I am not frightened, I am not afraid, the high and low are the roads of home. Of course, there was no need to ask about anything. How could father and son even look at each other when they went up the mountain? On the other side of the river, not on the other side, they had always been the same. If the heart has a place to live or not to live, carefully judge with Jun Chong. All beings, all beings, the mortal saints never had a name. The mortals had all become Buddha, but their names were never changed for the sake of their stupidity. If one understands this scripture, the burden of Tathagata is not another. No one is as respectful as the pagoda temple, only because Tathagata is with you. The sin of the previous generation was annihilated, and the supreme Bodhisattva understood it. All Dharmic arts, all Dharma arts. The world will pinch, Shu Shuyi is clearly in me, do not need to ask the Bodhisattva. With five eyes and four empty phases, what did the nine types of living beings look like? Seeing through Tathagata's face from now on, his nose used to be in his mouth. In the end, it was impossible to obtain it with only three hearts. It was unknown where the six thieves were located. The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and tongue were all there. The 32nd phase was not Tathagata, how could a clay sculpture be good? If you want to see it, you have to open your eyes. The Venerable One's words weren't worth thinking about. Occasionally, he would try to get along with Jun Tong. If you say something, you slander it. Have you ever seen such a scripture of righteousness? My hand, the hand of Buddha, seventy percent, forty-nine. It is the equality of the law without supremacy, the buddhist nature of the Yan and Chou. He wasn't obsessed with it, and he didn't understand it. All beings have the Buddha without me, and all beings without me walk with the Buddha. In the South China Sea, on the roof, the only thing to do was to ask for truth from the outside world, but only for the sake of both sound and color, and never to see it for the rest of my life. He could not do it, he could not leave, he knew very little about the mysteries within. It was clear that the moon was in the plum blossoms, and it was already too late to see them. Not dust, not the world, the same as the sea. The mustard seeds were no different from each other. If you know, if you see, if you believe, then it is good. The appearance of the law of vacuum, and Jun injection of the original surface. It was true language, but it was also true language. Tathagata did not reject it, and Tathagata did not reject it. If he didn't take the letter, then it would be the same as persuading Jun Xin not to be suspicious. A good man, a good woman, and a good woman. If you hold a ring, or cultivate a blessing, naturally you will have a good root. His body was like dew, his life like lightning, everything was like a dream. All gains and losses are false, return to the heart of learning do not covet. At twelve o'clock, the works were seen and praised by the Buddha and the Bodhisattva. I hope that the six Daoists will carry their spirits and climb the same river bank as me. "
After he finished reciting the scripture, the entire Baihui acupoint began to emit green smoke, his eyes suddenly lit up, and rays of spiritual light suddenly shot out from his entire body straight at Ye Wuhai, sending him flying ten meters away.
"Ah!?" This wolf really took advantage of the opportunity to chant the "Diamond Sutra" and recovered its power! " Ye Wuhai's hands covered his chest as he used the sword to support his body. His eyes glowered at the old Buddha.
"Hahaha …" The old Buddha laughed crazily and walked towards Ye Wuhai.
"Wuu ~ ~ ~ Wwawa ~ ~ ~ Hehe ~ ~ ~ Gaga ~ ~ ~ ~ Wwawa ~ ~ ~ Wuuu ~ ~ ~"
"AHH!" This wolf could also use soul-shaking technique! Humph! I can use the Manifestation Divine Art to kill this evil Buddha of yours, and destroy your soul! " Thinking to this point, Ye Wuhai used one hundred percent of his internal energy to think of the Manifestation Divine Art with an intention to rest in peace:
"Woo-wah — ha-hah — heh — wah — wah —"
"Ah!?" This little bastard could use the Soul Reversal technique! Looks like this really is' The Buddhist arts are limitless, turning back to the shore '. I'm afraid that this old monk cannot do anything to this brat! "
"The Old Bald Donkey! You should be at your wit's end now, right? What other tricks do you have? I'll let you have your way! "
"Hehehe!" My magic power is deep and profound, so I'll never be able to pull it off! Stinking brat! You take the attack! " After the old Buddha said this, she waved her palm straight at Ye Wuhai.
Seeing that, Ye Wuhai looked at the berserk wolf with disdain, the anger in his heart ignited even more, thinking about how Wu Lin Ying Hao had killed him one by one, thinking about how his second brother Ye Jinfeng's bones had not turned cold yet, he finally brandished the "Mount Kunlun Sword" again, preparing to tear this berserk wolf into ten thousand pieces!
"Ah — —" The old Buddha cried out in pain, both of his hands were cut off by Ye Wuhai's sharp swords.
"Humph!" Your hands are stained with the Central Plains Warriors's blood, even if it were a thousand cuts, it would not be enough to quell the hatred in Central Plains Warriors's heart! I will represent the martial arts world to execute a demon like you who is wearing human skin here! "
As he said that, Ye Wuhai swung his sword. The old Buddha's head flew out and the beach was dyed with blood … This monastic Buddha finally got what was shameful and deserved. Good! The martial artist from the Central Plains had finally died under Ye Wuhai's shining sword!
Ye Wuhai glared at the corpse of the old Buddha deeply, the anger in his heart unable to be suppressed for a long time. This was already the second time he killed this evil Buddha! Everything was still like a dream. At the edge of Mount Hua, he had once killed it with his own hands and buried it with his own hands. However, he never expected that this old buddha who had profound magical powers would actually use Yin-Yang great magic to revive him! To this day, he had personally used the "Taiji Invincible Sword" to decapitate his corpse. Even if he had the ability to change the sun and steal the heavens, it would still be difficult for him to revive again!
Thinking to this point, Ye Wuhai wiped the sword's body clean of the blood on the Fa Shen's cassock, returned it to its sheath, and slowly walked towards his second brother, Ye Jinfeng's, corpse.
Pain, sorrow and guilt shrouded Ye Wuhai's eyes. He knelt beside Ye Jinfeng's corpse and did not speak for a long time. He did not know when it started, did not know how much time had passed, but he had already dug a large hole beside his second brother's corpse with trembling hands! Just like this, Ye Wuhai silently buried Ye Jinfeng's body in the sandpit. However, even though the sun was about to set, with his intuition, he could already feel many people slowly gathering in front of him. Moreover, they were the people who wanted to kill him.
Ye Wuhai was still looking down at the sand where his second brother Ye Jinfeng's corpse was still buried. He used his peripheral vision to sense the people around him, and slowly touched the sword hilt with his hand!
"Ye Wuhai! "You scum from the martial arts world, a lackey of Qidan!" "Shock of Demons Great Hero!" Zhang Kailu shouted as he wielded his sharp sword: "Why are you escorting the Chidan assassin, Aliye Ku'er, back to his homeland?"
"This is a royal secret order!" This is not something that you can handle! " Ye Wuhai coldly replied as he remained kneeling beside the pile of sand.
"Humph! Humph!" What royal decree? You are obviously the traitor of our country, the traitor of Chidan! Thou art harmless! All of you are Chitain's descendants! Today, we will help the Central Plains get rid of this Qi Dan dog of yours! "
"Humph!" What a slander! Nothing is wrong! You call me a Chidan dog, but your Prime Minister's man is a real Chidan dog! One day, your true forms will be revealed! "
"Stop wasting time with him!" He only saw "Five Paths Expert" Chu Dingfang saying, "Let me go and finish him!"
"Alright then!" Zhang Kailu gestured to the surrounding "five elements hero" and "12 stars of Descend" to move to the side to watch the battle, preparing to wait for the opportunity to move forward and kill "Yale harmless".
"Ya ~ ~ ~" Chu Dingfang bellowed, she waved her big arms and charged straight at Ye Wuhai who was on the beach.
At this moment, Ye Wuhai already had his sword horizontally in hand. Seeing Chu Dingfang approaching ferociously, he knew how powerful his "Pressure Point Divine Technique" was, so he used "Ghastly Shadow" and disappeared without a trace. Chu Dingfang missed with one move, she thought to herself, "Not good," and hurriedly used all of her skills to prevent any accidents from happening behind her. As expected, his big sword had already created sparks when he saw Ye Wuhai's long sword behind him.
At this point, as a storyteller, it should be made clear to you that one of Chu Dingfang's big pieces of "Five Paths" is not the thick, long, and long bamboo brush that we think it is. As a weapon, it has evolved into a kind of alloy steel. Even the pencil-pointed, pointed hair was made of hard metal and steel. The key point of Chu Dingfang's "Pressure Point Divine Technique" was in this extremely hard brush. If this divine brush touched a human's body, it would be immobile at best, but dead at worst. Therefore, he should not underestimate Chu Dingfang's brush! It was previously said that there was a traitor of the Hades called "Judge Soulreaper", Yan Kexing, in the hands of the General's Office. During the time of the Hua Shan Crest, he was appointed commander of the Seventh Legion's "Bandit Group" and later died under the joint attack of Mt. Tai and the Hades. The weapon Yan Ke Xing was using, the "Judge's Brush", was similar to Chu Dingfang's brush. It was said that both of them had hidden peerless abilities, but they would not be of use unless it was absolutely necessary. Of course, it was rare for people in the world to see them using their ultimate moves. Not to mention that the "Judge's Soulreaper" Yan Kexing didn't even have time to use his ultimate moves before he had already entered the Nine Heavens. However, apart from him, no one else knew what kind of mysterious trick was hidden in Chu Dingfang's brush!
At this point, let's get back to business. Sand and dust rose into the air, and the iron brush danced with the sound of sword Qi. Five strokes of sword radiance glimmered with a chilling light. The Featherfall Goose's blade arrived, while the eagle spread its wings and roared. The ten thousand swords flew through the air in pursuit of his Fate Soul, the brush shaft spiralling like a wheel.
This easy kill caused Zhang Kailu and the "five elements hero" to be dazzled and elated. However, these six fellows had been grasping blades in their hands, ready to strike at any time! As for the 12 stars, they were like wooden chickens, not moving at all!
Just as Ye Wuhai and Chu Dingfang had slowed down their battle, the "Shock of Demons Great Hero" Zhang Kailu could not help but shout at Chu Dingfang: "You stinking scrooge! Stupid pig! What did your 'Five Pen Expert' do for a living? Why are you still not using your full strength? "
Hearing his shout, Chu Dingfang's heart could not help but tremble, she then suddenly danced with her illusions for a few moves, then shouted at Ye Wuhai: "One move is enough — — Great Wood Master Wang Tu GFDSA."
With Chu Dingfang's attack, Ye Wuhai immediately raised his sword to block. But who knew that Chu Dingfang had already changed her style and shouted, "Second move, vertical stance!" Just as the shout came out, in the blink of an eye, Chu Dingfang's large group of characters and letters had already magically cut out five characters in the words "Eye of Sun Mouth Tian Shan HJKLM" in front of Ye Wuhai.
However, Ye Wuhai's "Taiji Invincible Sword" could be seen from Chu Dingfang's handwriting.
"Three strikes off!" White Moon Golden Man TREWQ. "
Faced with Chu Dingfang's "five big moves", Ye Wuhai suddenly had an inspiration. Using "Manifestation Divine Art", he also drew Chinese characters and alphabetic moves with the tip of his sword — — T and He Zhu stood on two sides of each other, with the head written in reverse; R's white hands looked at the first three or two catties; E's used the bottom of their clothes for some reason;
"Hold back a little more with four moves!" "The YUIOP of Water and Fire."
At the same time, Ye Wuhai made his move — — The main character of the letter is Fang Guang in Year 41, with a high head and a small head. The name of "P" is used to build a foundation, and the name of "Yi Yi Yi" is used to cover the bottom of the road.
"The fifth move has been broken!" "The children have already been born."
Chu Dingfang's brush moved with the sound, and Ye Wuhai's sword blade also responded at the same time — — N Man was already half-full, his left frame was broken, his heart and feathers were broken; B Son's ear was also framed; V Woman's Kowloon Mountain facing the west; C Shatabama was missing its point; X Hei Mother's Heartless Bow and Dagger were weak and young.
At this point, Chu Dingfang's "five big moves" had been exhausted, but they were still ineffective. He could not help but get angry and began to crack his little moves — the first two verses of the day and the first two verses of the day; the middle and the second, the root of the character; the fourth car in the square frame of the L's field armor; the third, the lower frame; and the third, the head of the bone.
Seeing Chu Dingfang's small move under the tip of her brush, Ye Wuhai did not back down at all.
"Yah--" Chu Dingfang gave a loud shout and continued to attack — King G beside the green head, 51--F the earth soldier two dry ten inches of rain, peeling off the bottom of the head, D at the old stone mill of the dog, three sheep, in Longshin, S wants Mu-Tinxi, a small one, A common gooseberry and yellow grass head, frame seven on the right.
After Chu Dingfang finished her attack, a move also came out from Ye Wuhai's sword tip — — WangTu Grand Carpentry GFDSA.
At this point, Chu Dingfang was at her wit's end. The ancient "86 Five Paths of Expert" had been completely used up. She could only use the original moves like: horizontal, vertical, vertical, deflected, restrained, raised, hooked, and broken. But, Ye Wuhai had effortlessly used eight of Chu's most primitive moves on him, the 84th, 64th style, skill to break it! His battle with Chu had broadened his horizons!
Up to this point, there was still no clear victor from both sides. "Shock of Demons Great Hero" Zhang Kailu, who had been spectating on the side for a long time, could not help but shout angrily: "What kind of dog 'five stroke expert'? It was a waste of time. Everyone forward! "
Once the shout came out, "five elements hero", "Twelfth Star Subduing" and Zhang Kailu all brandished their blades in unison as they charged towards Ye Wuhai together with the "Five Pen Expert" Chu Dingfang. In a short moment, the nineteen gold medals and trump cards surrounded Ye Wuhai and engaged him in an intense battle.
All of a sudden, dust rose up from the beach. Sword lights, sword shadows, and the sound of killing shook the sky. Although Ye Wuhai's "Absolute Universe Invincible Sword" could help him walk out of the unique sword techniques of various sects, he still wanted to fight against the Five Elements Formation from all directions, including the gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the combined attacks of the "Five Great Techniques", "God Subduing Twelfth", and "Shock of Demons Great Hero". One could imagine, how could he gain the upper hand? Furthermore, he had just fiercely fought the old Buddha just now and had tried his best to bury Ye Jinfeng. He was physically and mentally exhausted, and now that he was facing nineteen stray dogs from the Prime Minister's Residence, he was already in imminent danger!
Just as these twenty people were engaged in a chaotic battle, something unbelievable happened. A horse galloped over from the distance, in the blink of an eye, it had charged into the battle and separated the nineteen Xiang Fu killers into a group.
After the shout, he saw Ye Wuhai leaping onto the white dragonhorse and leaving with the man.
Who was this person? Everyone might not believe it, but this man was actually the Qi Dan killer, Aliye Ku'er! His mount was the white dragonhorse left behind for Ye Wuhai by the "Flying Dragon" Ye Jinfeng.
However, although the two men who were running away had temporarily gotten rid of the assassins from the House of the Prime Minister, there was an even greater danger in front of them — Black Rush Beach!
"Myriad Oaks Divine Art!" Ten Thousand Godly Techniques! "In the Wanxiang Aperture Lane, the oaks are moving towards the spirit."
"Amitabha!" Buddha Ami! Ademi Buddha! Adalvos! Aphrodite! Aphrodite!
Weng Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Ohh!
Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Weng ! Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Weng Om! Om! Om! Om! Om!
Weng ! Ooo! Hum, hum, hum! Om! Om! Om! Om!
Weng Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Om! Om! Om! Om!
Weng ! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Weng ! Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz Buzz, Mi Hou! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Weng Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz!
Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Whoo@@
Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Hum, hum, hum!
Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Buzz Buzz Buzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz! Buzz Buzz Buzz!
Buzz buzz buzz! Weng weng weng ! Buzz buzz buzz!
Weng !
Buzz buzz buzz! "Buzz buzz buzz!"
"Myriad Directions Divine Technique!" Myriad Directions Technique! Myriad Godly Movement Technique! Myriad God Technique! Ten Thousand Arts Godly Direction! Ten Thousand Arts to God!
To the Myriad Gods Art! To the Myriad Arts Goddess! To the Godly Myriad Technique! To the thousands of divine arts! To the God of Contributions! To the gods!
Ten Thousand Arts! The Myriad Spirit Arts! The Myriad God Technique! Ten Thousand Arts Direction! Myriad God Power! The divine arts went to ten thousand people!
Ten-Thousand! To the gods! Tens of thousands of karmic sinflames! God of karma, ten thousand directions! Myriad Godly Art! Myriad Directions Deity! "
"Hmm !" Weng wuu wuu wuu wuu!
Weng ! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Weng !
Hum, hum, hum, hum! Weng
Hmm !
Hmm !
Hmm ! Hmm, hum, hum! Hmm, hum, hum, hum!
Hmm !
Whoo@@ Ooo Whoo@@ Ooo Whoo@@ Ooo!
Ow, weng, weng, weng! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Whoa, whine, whine, whimper. Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Whooshh! Whooshh!
Ow! Oooh! Ooo Oooh! Ooo!
Whooshh! Whoo@@ Whooshhh! Whoo@@ Whoo@@ Whoo@@
Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Ooo! Ooo! Mimi, hum, hum!
Ooo! Hmm, hum, hum! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Oooh! Ooo!
Hmm ! Oh my god, !
What a moan! Ooo! Ooo Ooo Mimi, mummm, mummm, mumm! ', mumm... Ooo
Weng ! Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Whoo! Weng ! Whoo! Ooo!
Whoo! Whoo! Hum, hum, hum, hum! "Hmm !"
"Manifestation Divine Art! Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad God Elephant Technique! Myriad God Technique! Myriad Arts Divine Elephant! Myriad Manifestation Deity!
Myriad God Technique! Like a god of ten thousand kung fu! Elephant God's Myriad Arts! Myriad Divine Art! The Myriad Elephants Technique! Elephant Technique – Myriad Gods!
It was the Myriad Manifestation Art! The Myriad Manifestation Art! The Myriad God Technique! Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Manifestation Art! The divine arts were thousands of times more powerful!
Myriad Manifestation Art! Art like myriad gods! The Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Manifestation Art! "A Myriad Manifestations of Art!"
"Hmm !
Ugh, weng, weng, weng! Ow!
Hmm ! Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uhh! Ah, moan, moan, moan! What the heck? Mimuchu! Mimuchuchuhh!
Hmm, hum, hum, hum, hum! Hah! Hum! Hum! Hum! Hum! Hum! Ow! Om! Om! Om! Om! Om! Hmm !
Weng ! Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!
Uhh! Uhh! Ohh! Uhh! Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!
Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum! Ooo! Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum! Ohh! Ohh!
Ohh! Uhh!! Uhh! Ooo! Ohh! Ohh!
Ow, weng, weng, weng! Ow! Ow! Om! Om! Om! Ow, weng, weng! Oh my god! Ow! Ow! Om! Om! Om! Om! Om! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
Ohh! Ohh! Ouch! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!
Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!
Ouch! Ooo Ow! Ow! Om! Om! Om! Ooo Ouch! Ooo Ooo! Ouch! Ooo!
Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Oooh! Ooo! Ouch! Ooo!
Oooo! Oooo! Ooo! Ooo! Oooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!
Uhh! Uhh! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Ooo! Oooo! Ooo! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Ooo!
Uhh! Uhh! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Uuu! "
"Myriad Manifestation Divine Technique!" Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Gods Ascension Technique! Myriad God Method! The Myriad Arts Godly Phase! Ten Thousand Arts Amazing!
Myriad Godly Art! The Xiang Wanwu Godly Art! Ten Thousand Arts of the Lovesick! Myriad Divine Art! The myriad of cultivation techniques! Ten Thousand Gods in the Art of Crossing Worlds!
Myriad Manifestation Art! Thousand Godly Phase Technique! Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Technique Phase! Myriad Manifestation Divine Art! Ten Thousand Godly Techniques!
Godly work! Ten Thousand Gods! Tens of thousands of karmic sinflames! The Myriad Manifestation Art! Myriad Godly Phase! Myriad Directions Deity! "
"Ow! Oh my god, Mimuhh! Oh my god! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Whoo
Ouch! Ow! Ooo! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!
Oh my god, oh my god! Ouch! Mimi! Hum! Hum! Ow! Mimi! Hum! Hum! Oh my god! Oh my god! Ouch! Mimi!
Ow, weng, weng, weng! Whimper whimper whimper!
Ow, weng, weng, weng! Ow! Ouch! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
Ooo! Ooo! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Ooo! Ooo! Om! Om! Om! Om!
Pah! Pah! Pah! Pow! Boo, moo, moo! Pop, hum, hum! Pop, hum, hum! Boo, moo, moo! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Whooshh! Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! Ooo!
Ooo! Ooo Om! Ooo Ooo
Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz buzz!
Om! Om! Om! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo!
Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoo@@ Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Ow! Om! Om! Om! Om! Ooo!
Om! Buzz buzz buzz!
Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Boom-hoon! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Ooo Whoo@@ Whoo@@ Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! A hum!
Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz!
Humm, hum, hum! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz buzz! Humm, hum, hum! Buzz buzz buzz! Whoo
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Whoo Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Whoo! "Buzz buzz buzz!"
"What are you doing!?" Ten thousand contribution points! Wanshi Cultivation Technique! Ten Thousand Paths Direction! Ten thousand kung fu! What to do with ten thousand meritorious services!
To Wanshi! To the ten thousand kungshi! To Shiwan Gong! To what? To merit! To work!
Ten Thousand Arts! What was going on? Ten Thousand Directions Technique! Ten Thousand Arts Direction! What skills! What was he doing?!
To Shiwan! Tens of thousands of things! A thousand merits! A thousand merits! A thousand contributions! What do you mean by ten thousand contribution points? "
"Meow meow meow meow meow!" Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whooshh whooshh! Whoo
Oh my god, oh my god! Oh my god, oh my god! Oooh! Ooo! Whooshh! Whooshh! Ooo
Ooo! Oooo! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Oh, ! Whooshh!
Mimi, hum, hum! Whoo@@ Ooo Ooo Ooo Whooshh!
What the heck? Ooo! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Where's Mi? Weng Weng Weng !
Oh my god, oh my god! What the f * ck! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!
Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Ooo! Ooo!
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz!
Mimi, Ooo! Whooshing, whooshed, whooshed, whooshed, whooshed. Whooshh! Ooo!
Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Om! Om! Om! Om! Om!
Mizheng Mizheng! Mizheng Mizheng! Mimi, hum, hum! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Mi Pao peng peng! Mizuho!
Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo! Buzz buzz buzz! Ooo! Ooo Ooo!
Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Ooo! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz!
Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!
Mi Mu, weng, weng! Mi Mu, weng, weng! Mi Hou, weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng weng Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Mi Mu, wow wow wow! Mi Mu, weng, weng!
Ooo! Ooo! Buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Mimi, mummm, hum!
Mi Mu, weng, weng! Mi Mu
Mi Hou! Mi Hou, ! Mi Mu, wow wow wow! "
"Myriad Manifestation Art!" Manifestation Art! Manifestation Art! Manifestation! What do you mean by ten thousand meritorious service? What the heck!
It was like a myriad of things! What the heck! What the heck was this? What the heck! Elephant kung fu! Elephant skills!
What was this like? What do you mean by ten thousand meritorious deeds! The Myriad Manifestation Technique! What an image! Myriad Manifestation Art! What was this?!
Manifestation! A myriad of things! What does it look like?! Manifestation of merit! A myriad of things! Myriad Manifestation Art! "
Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Roar, moan, moan! Roar, moo, moo! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Coo, poof, poof! Hum, hum, hum! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
Weng Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Phew! Phew! Phew! Hum, hum, hum! Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum? Hum! Hum! Hum! Hum!
Phew! Phew! Phew! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! Ooo! Hum, hum, hum!
Hum, hum, hum! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum!
Weng ! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Hum, hum, hum, hum!
Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Hum, hum, hum! Ooo!
Whoo@@ Whoo@@ Whoo@@ Whoo! Buzz, buzz, buzz!
Om! Om! Om! Om! Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!
Weng Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!
Om! Om! Om! Om! Boom-whomp . Om, Om, Om! Om, Om! Humm, hum, buzz! Humm, hum, hum, hum! Humm, hum, hum!
Humm, hum, hum! Humm, hum, hum!
Om! Om! Om! Om! Whoo Om, Om, Om, Om! Whoo Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz!
Humm, hum, hum! Weng Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!
Weng wuu wuu wuu wuu wuu!
Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Hum, hum, hum, hum! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz buzz!
Weng weng weng weng weng wuu wuu wuu wuu wuu! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! Buzz buzz buzz!
Weng wuu wuu wuu wuu wuu! Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz! "Buzz buzz buzz buzz!"
This period of incantation was 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 720 incantations from the deep old Buddha! Was this chant really that difficult to recite? A single word of difference would result in failure.
However, Ye Wuhai was even more determined to not be outdone, as he used "Myriad Spirit Arts" to break them all!
"Myriad Manifestations Technique!" Myriad Manifestation Art! Manifestation Art! Manifestation Art! What did ten thousand meritorious service look like! What are ten thousand meritorious services!
A myriad of things! What do you mean by ten thousand meritorious service? What ten thousand contribution points! What do you mean by ten thousand merits! A thousand things about his comeback skills! A million different things!
What do you mean by ten thousand merits! [What the hell is this?!] Shiwan Xiang Gong! The appearance of 10,000 kung fu! What skills! Ten thousand contribution points!
A thousand merits! A million things to do! What do you mean by ten thousand merits! Everything! All sorts of achievements! "What do you mean by ten thousand merits!"
"Buzz buzz buzz!"
"Moo, moo, moo!"
"I'm afraid!"
"They want to celebrate!"
"Myriad Directions Divine Technique!"
"Ah!..." Grandmaster Dharma, finally, could not hold on any longer. Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and waves of green smoke were emitted from his shiny forehead.
"Ya — —" Ye Wuhai leapt up with his sword in hand, and with a "eagle spreading its wings", he pierced straight into the Hundred Blessings (Wisdom, Huai) acupoints of the old Buddha.
Seeing this, the old buddha held his staff up in front of his chest and endured the pain. With a crisp "crack", his walking stick with the dragon head had already been cut into two by the "Absolute Universe Invincible Sword" in Ye Wuhai's hands!
"You evil wolf dressed in buddhist robes! What do you have to say now? "
"Amitabha!" Excellent! Excellent! Ye Wuhai! You really are different from the past! This old monk will spar with you using inner strength. I never thought that I would be defeated by a junior like you. "It hurts!"
"Pui!" You deserve to die! I want revenge for my brother! I will eradicate you, the scum of the martial world! "
"Awesome! Excellent! Before this old monk was converted, this old monk had another request. I wonder if Young Hero Yay can agree to it? "
"Speak!" See what other tricks you can pull? "
"This old monk misses the Songs of the Vajra Sutra once, and has reborn here to enjoy the world. I wonder what Young Hero Yay thinks? "
"Hum, hum, hum!" Ye Wuhai could not help but laugh coldly: "You speak of righteousness and morality, but your heart is like a scorpion's! When you came to this world, you were full of evil. What face do you have to read the "Diamond Sutra"? This is simply an insult to the buddhist classics! "
"When a man is about to die, his words are good! The Young Hero Yay is a man of righteousness, the savior of the world, and the savior of all living things. Do you not want me, the person who is about to die, to chant and see the Tathagata Buddha? I was originally born into the earth, and received the law to pass down my scriptures. When a flower blooms with five leaves, the result is natural. "There is a saying that even death can be allowed to lead by the wind."
"Alright! I'll let you chant! "I'll send you to the Western Heavens after you've praised the scriptures!"
"Awesome! Excellent! In the world, I'm the most respected. Buddha could not do it, but he could not do it either. If the first law cannot be established, then there is no way to not accept it. Lord Buddha's true scriptures were profound and profound. A thick fog began to emanate from him throughout the ages. If all living beings do not understand the purpose of this book, they must read it carefully. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … The Ancestor had boundless grief and desire. A feast of great law was set up in Shuwei. After entering the city to beg for food, he would often follow a thousand two hundred arhats. Sitting close together, he gathered millions of people in the sky. Opening his senses, he pointed straight at the depths of the heart. The true fourth life of the father, is a group of blessed. Emptiness and profoundness were understood, and he praised them with clasped hands. True Law King, True Doctor King, and the sick must meet with good health. Like a precious raft, like a benevolent voyage, the drowned must return home. Talking about Hannya, King Kong, each other's rewards. It was like the vastness of the void, like the vast ocean. His words were sharp and full of meaning. Four words of wisdom, this sutra, by the victory of tens of thousands of talent. The Eternal River Sand might as well have said a word of Boromir. Cast by color, by voice, without form, Cushion is unparalleled. Nothing wins and nothing wins, not even one or two out of ten thousand. The cloud of the five elements opened up, and the spirit of the earth opened up. I remember back in those days, for no reason to recognize color as a demon. As soon as one's heart was empty, one's body would be concealed by the Tathagata. I will bear good roots, and I will have faith in them. Comprehension of the Buddha, the Buddha's Seal, may I become Buddha. Arhat, Fang Li Ji, free and easy. Willing to be like a Buddha without a pause, willing to endure humiliation of the immortals. The last five hundred years were for people, for people, for the Sakyamuni. Good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good, good is good. Not to be, not to say, empty life for me to babble. I study and do nothing, but there is a difference between the sages and the imbeciles. Tathagata enunciates the sutra, originally said by the best. Buddhist Dharma, not Buddhist Dharma. As the space shattered, the addicts decided that they couldn't bear to part with it. What was the difference between a baby guarding a yellow leaf? Buddha, that is to say, the heart, the heart is pure and solemn. Where there is no living, there is no living. The mind is pure, the life is real, the reality is intangible. It is true that there is always change and change, and there is no loss in living. Comprehension is not difficult, enigma is not easy, human life is rare and cannot be abandoned. If you will get this meaning, the round sense of Jia Lan face game. To depart from the gods, that is to say, from the Buddhas, there is nothing in the earth. Godly Xiu didn't see sex in the past, but she kept swinging the mirror in the air. I am not frightened, I am not afraid, the high and low are the roads of home. Of course, there was no need to ask about anything. How could father and son even look at each other when they went up the mountain? On the other side of the river, not on the other side, they had always been the same. If the heart has a place to live or not to live, carefully judge with Jun Chong. All beings, all beings, the mortal saints never had a name. The mortals had all become Buddha, but their names were never changed for the sake of their stupidity. If one understands this scripture, the burden of Tathagata is not another. No one is as respectful as the pagoda temple, only because Tathagata is with you. The sin of the previous generation was annihilated, and the supreme Bodhisattva understood it. All Dharmic arts, all Dharma arts. The world will pinch, Shu Shuyi is clearly in me, do not need to ask the Bodhisattva. With five eyes and four empty phases, what did the nine types of living beings look like? Seeing through Tathagata's face from now on, his nose used to be in his mouth. In the end, it was impossible to obtain it with only three hearts. It was unknown where the six thieves were located. The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and tongue were all there. The 32nd phase was not Tathagata, how could a clay sculpture be good? If you want to see it, you have to open your eyes. The Venerable One's words weren't worth thinking about. Occasionally, he would try to get along with Jun Tong. If you say something, you slander it. Have you ever seen such a scripture of righteousness? My hand, the hand of Buddha, seventy percent, forty-nine. It is the equality of the law without supremacy, the buddhist nature of the Yan and Chou. He wasn't obsessed with it, and he didn't understand it. All beings have the Buddha without me, and all beings without me walk with the Buddha. In the South China Sea, on the roof, the only thing to do was to ask for truth from the outside world, but only for the sake of both sound and color, and never to see it for the rest of my life. He could not do it, he could not leave, he knew very little about the mysteries within. It was clear that the moon was in the plum blossoms, and it was already too late to see them. Not dust, not the world, the same as the sea. The mustard seeds were no different from each other. If you know, if you see, if you believe, then it is good. The appearance of the law of vacuum, and Jun injection of the original surface. It was true language, but it was also true language. Tathagata did not reject it, and Tathagata did not reject it. If he didn't take the letter, then it would be the same as persuading Jun Xin not to be suspicious. A good man, a good woman, and a good woman. If you hold a ring, or cultivate a blessing, naturally you will have a good root. His body was like dew, his life like lightning, everything was like a dream. All gains and losses are false, return to the heart of learning do not covet. At twelve o'clock, the works were seen and praised by the Buddha and the Bodhisattva. I hope that the six Daoists will carry their spirits and climb the same river bank as me. "
After he finished reciting the scripture, the entire Baihui acupoint began to emit green smoke, his eyes suddenly lit up, and rays of spiritual light suddenly shot out from his entire body straight at Ye Wuhai, sending him flying ten meters away.
"Ah!?" This wolf really took advantage of the opportunity to chant the "Diamond Sutra" and recovered its power! " Ye Wuhai's hands covered his chest as he used the sword to support his body. His eyes glowered at the old Buddha.
"Hahaha …" The old Buddha laughed crazily and walked towards Ye Wuhai.
"Wuu ~ ~ ~ Wwawa ~ ~ ~ Hehe ~ ~ ~ Gaga ~ ~ ~ ~ Wwawa ~ ~ ~ Wuuu ~ ~ ~"
"AHH!" This wolf could also use soul-shaking technique! Humph! I can use the Manifestation Divine Art to kill this evil Buddha of yours, and destroy your soul! " Thinking to this point, Ye Wuhai used one hundred percent of his internal energy to think of the Manifestation Divine Art with an intention to rest in peace:
"Woo-wah — ha-hah — heh — wah — wah —"
"Ah!?" This little bastard could use the Soul Reversal technique! Looks like this really is' The Buddhist arts are limitless, turning back to the shore '. I'm afraid that this old monk cannot do anything to this brat! "
"The Old Bald Donkey! You should be at your wit's end now, right? What other tricks do you have? I'll let you have your way! "
"Hehehe!" My magic power is deep and profound, so I'll never be able to pull it off! Stinking brat! You take the attack! " After the old Buddha said this, she waved her palm straight at Ye Wuhai.
Seeing that, Ye Wuhai looked at the berserk wolf with disdain, the anger in his heart ignited even more, thinking about how Wu Lin Ying Hao had killed him one by one, thinking about how his second brother Ye Jinfeng's bones had not turned cold yet, he finally brandished the "Mount Kunlun Sword" again, preparing to tear this berserk wolf into ten thousand pieces!
"Ah — —" The old Buddha cried out in pain, both of his hands were cut off by Ye Wuhai's sharp swords.
"Humph!" Your hands are stained with the Central Plains Warriors's blood, even if it were a thousand cuts, it would not be enough to quell the hatred in Central Plains Warriors's heart! I will represent the martial arts world to execute a demon like you who is wearing human skin here! "
As he said that, Ye Wuhai swung his sword. The old Buddha's head flew out and the beach was dyed with blood … This monastic Buddha finally got what was shameful and deserved. Good! The martial artist from the Central Plains had finally died under Ye Wuhai's shining sword!
Ye Wuhai glared at the corpse of the old Buddha deeply, the anger in his heart unable to be suppressed for a long time. This was already the second time he killed this evil Buddha! Everything was still like a dream. At the edge of Mount Hua, he had once killed it with his own hands and buried it with his own hands. However, he never expected that this old buddha who had profound magical powers would actually use Yin-Yang great magic to revive him! To this day, he had personally used the "Taiji Invincible Sword" to decapitate his corpse. Even if he had the ability to change the sun and steal the heavens, it would still be difficult for him to revive again!
Thinking to this point, Ye Wuhai wiped the sword's body clean of the blood on the Fa Shen's cassock, returned it to its sheath, and slowly walked towards his second brother, Ye Jinfeng's, corpse.
Pain, sorrow and guilt shrouded Ye Wuhai's eyes. He knelt beside Ye Jinfeng's corpse and did not speak for a long time. He did not know when it started, did not know how much time had passed, but he had already dug a large hole beside his second brother's corpse with trembling hands! Just like this, Ye Wuhai silently buried Ye Jinfeng's body in the sandpit. However, even though the sun was about to set, with his intuition, he could already feel many people slowly gathering in front of him. Moreover, they were the people who wanted to kill him.
Ye Wuhai was still looking down at the sand where his second brother Ye Jinfeng's corpse was still buried. He used his peripheral vision to sense the people around him, and slowly touched the sword hilt with his hand!
"Ye Wuhai! "You scum from the martial arts world, a lackey of Qidan!" "Shock of Demons Great Hero!" Zhang Kailu shouted as he wielded his sharp sword: "Why are you escorting the Chidan assassin, Aliye Ku'er, back to his homeland?"
"This is a royal secret order!" This is not something that you can handle! " Ye Wuhai coldly replied as he remained kneeling beside the pile of sand.
"Humph! Humph!" What royal decree? You are obviously the traitor of our country, the traitor of Chidan! Thou art harmless! All of you are Chitain's descendants! Today, we will help the Central Plains get rid of this Qi Dan dog of yours! "
"Humph!" What a slander! Nothing is wrong! You call me a Chidan dog, but your Prime Minister's man is a real Chidan dog! One day, your true forms will be revealed! "
"Stop wasting time with him!" He only saw "Five Paths Expert" Chu Dingfang saying, "Let me go and finish him!"
"Alright then!" Zhang Kailu gestured to the surrounding "five elements hero" and "12 stars of Descend" to move to the side to watch the battle, preparing to wait for the opportunity to move forward and kill "Yale harmless".
"Ya ~ ~ ~" Chu Dingfang bellowed, she waved her big arms and charged straight at Ye Wuhai who was on the beach.
At this moment, Ye Wuhai already had his sword horizontally in hand. Seeing Chu Dingfang approaching ferociously, he knew how powerful his "Pressure Point Divine Technique" was, so he used "Ghastly Shadow" and disappeared without a trace. Chu Dingfang missed with one move, she thought to herself, "Not good," and hurriedly used all of her skills to prevent any accidents from happening behind her. As expected, his big sword had already created sparks when he saw Ye Wuhai's long sword behind him.
At this point, as a storyteller, it should be made clear to you that one of Chu Dingfang's big pieces of "Five Paths" is not the thick, long, and long bamboo brush that we think it is. As a weapon, it has evolved into a kind of alloy steel. Even the pencil-pointed, pointed hair was made of hard metal and steel. The key point of Chu Dingfang's "Pressure Point Divine Technique" was in this extremely hard brush. If this divine brush touched a human's body, it would be immobile at best, but dead at worst. Therefore, he should not underestimate Chu Dingfang's brush! It was previously said that there was a traitor of the Hades called "Judge Soulreaper", Yan Kexing, in the hands of the General's Office. During the time of the Hua Shan Crest, he was appointed commander of the Seventh Legion's "Bandit Group" and later died under the joint attack of Mt. Tai and the Hades. The weapon Yan Ke Xing was using, the "Judge's Brush", was similar to Chu Dingfang's brush. It was said that both of them had hidden peerless abilities, but they would not be of use unless it was absolutely necessary. Of course, it was rare for people in the world to see them using their ultimate moves. Not to mention that the "Judge's Soulreaper" Yan Kexing didn't even have time to use his ultimate moves before he had already entered the Nine Heavens. However, apart from him, no one else knew what kind of mysterious trick was hidden in Chu Dingfang's brush!
At this point, let's get back to business. Sand and dust rose into the air, and the iron brush danced with the sound of sword Qi. Five strokes of sword radiance glimmered with a chilling light. The Featherfall Goose's blade arrived, while the eagle spread its wings and roared. The ten thousand swords flew through the air in pursuit of his Fate Soul, the brush shaft spiralling like a wheel.
This easy kill caused Zhang Kailu and the "five elements hero" to be dazzled and elated. However, these six fellows had been grasping blades in their hands, ready to strike at any time! As for the 12 stars, they were like wooden chickens, not moving at all!
Just as Ye Wuhai and Chu Dingfang had slowed down their battle, the "Shock of Demons Great Hero" Zhang Kailu could not help but shout at Chu Dingfang: "You stinking scrooge! Stupid pig! What did your 'Five Pen Expert' do for a living? Why are you still not using your full strength? "
Hearing his shout, Chu Dingfang's heart could not help but tremble, she then suddenly danced with her illusions for a few moves, then shouted at Ye Wuhai: "One move is enough — — Great Wood Master Wang Tu GFDSA."
With Chu Dingfang's attack, Ye Wuhai immediately raised his sword to block. But who knew that Chu Dingfang had already changed her style and shouted, "Second move, vertical stance!" Just as the shout came out, in the blink of an eye, Chu Dingfang's large group of characters and letters had already magically cut out five characters in the words "Eye of Sun Mouth Tian Shan HJKLM" in front of Ye Wuhai.
However, Ye Wuhai's "Taiji Invincible Sword" could be seen from Chu Dingfang's handwriting.
"Three strikes off!" White Moon Golden Man TREWQ. "
Faced with Chu Dingfang's "five big moves", Ye Wuhai suddenly had an inspiration. Using "Manifestation Divine Art", he also drew Chinese characters and alphabetic moves with the tip of his sword — — T and He Zhu stood on two sides of each other, with the head written in reverse; R's white hands looked at the first three or two catties; E's used the bottom of their clothes for some reason;
"Hold back a little more with four moves!" "The YUIOP of Water and Fire."
At the same time, Ye Wuhai made his move — — The main character of the letter is Fang Guang in Year 41, with a high head and a small head. The name of "P" is used to build a foundation, and the name of "Yi Yi Yi" is used to cover the bottom of the road.
"The fifth move has been broken!" "The children have already been born."
Chu Dingfang's brush moved with the sound, and Ye Wuhai's sword blade also responded at the same time — — N Man was already half-full, his left frame was broken, his heart and feathers were broken; B Son's ear was also framed; V Woman's Kowloon Mountain facing the west; C Shatabama was missing its point; X Hei Mother's Heartless Bow and Dagger were weak and young.
At this point, Chu Dingfang's "five big moves" had been exhausted, but they were still ineffective. He could not help but get angry and began to crack his little moves — the first two verses of the day and the first two verses of the day; the middle and the second, the root of the character; the fourth car in the square frame of the L's field armor; the third, the lower frame; and the third, the head of the bone.
Seeing Chu Dingfang's small move under the tip of her brush, Ye Wuhai did not back down at all.
"Yah--" Chu Dingfang gave a loud shout and continued to attack — King G beside the green head, 51--F the earth soldier two dry ten inches of rain, peeling off the bottom of the head, D at the old stone mill of the dog, three sheep, in Longshin, S wants Mu-Tinxi, a small one, A common gooseberry and yellow grass head, frame seven on the right.
After Chu Dingfang finished her attack, a move also came out from Ye Wuhai's sword tip — — WangTu Grand Carpentry GFDSA.
At this point, Chu Dingfang was at her wit's end. The ancient "86 Five Paths of Expert" had been completely used up. She could only use the original moves like: horizontal, vertical, vertical, deflected, restrained, raised, hooked, and broken. But, Ye Wuhai had effortlessly used eight of Chu's most primitive moves on him, the 84th, 64th style, skill to break it! His battle with Chu had broadened his horizons!
Up to this point, there was still no clear victor from both sides. "Shock of Demons Great Hero" Zhang Kailu, who had been spectating on the side for a long time, could not help but shout angrily: "What kind of dog 'five stroke expert'? It was a waste of time. Everyone forward! "
Once the shout came out, "five elements hero", "Twelfth Star Subduing" and Zhang Kailu all brandished their blades in unison as they charged towards Ye Wuhai together with the "Five Pen Expert" Chu Dingfang. In a short moment, the nineteen gold medals and trump cards surrounded Ye Wuhai and engaged him in an intense battle.
All of a sudden, dust rose up from the beach. Sword lights, sword shadows, and the sound of killing shook the sky. Although Ye Wuhai's "Absolute Universe Invincible Sword" could help him walk out of the unique sword techniques of various sects, he still wanted to fight against the Five Elements Formation from all directions, including the gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the combined attacks of the "Five Great Techniques", "God Subduing Twelfth", and "Shock of Demons Great Hero". One could imagine, how could he gain the upper hand? Furthermore, he had just fiercely fought the old Buddha just now and had tried his best to bury Ye Jinfeng. He was physically and mentally exhausted, and now that he was facing nineteen stray dogs from the Prime Minister's Residence, he was already in imminent danger!
Just as these twenty people were engaged in a chaotic battle, something unbelievable happened. A horse galloped over from the distance, in the blink of an eye, it had charged into the battle and separated the nineteen Xiang Fu killers into a group.
After the shout, he saw Ye Wuhai leaping onto the white dragonhorse and leaving with the man.
Who was this person? Everyone might not believe it, but this man was actually the Qi Dan killer, Aliye Ku'er! His mount was the white dragonhorse left behind for Ye Wuhai by the "Flying Dragon" Ye Jinfeng.
However, although the two men who were running away had temporarily gotten rid of the assassins from the House of the Prime Minister, there was an even greater danger in front of them — Black Rush Beach!
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