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After a long while, Xiang Yu, the leader of the Guild of Heaven, laughed and looked at the expressionless Lin."Lin, when did you have such a mentally handicapped person around you? How about this, I tell him my position and take me down as well?"

"President Xiang Yu, that's not what I meant.……"

The government representative's face changed drastically and he said

"Shut up!"Lin Lao shouted angrily, interrupting everything.

The government representative turned pale and dared not speak. At the same time, Lin Lao said coldly,"Xiao Wang, you go back first. In addition, you will be confined for a month, so find time as soon as possible."

"Lin Lao I, I……"The government representative's face changed drastically, but he didn't dare to refute in the end, and left the meeting room with a pale face.

At the same time, Elder Lin stood up and bowed to the presidents of the ten major guilds, apologizing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect him to be so stupid.……"

The leaders of the top ten guilds all come from games. If you talk to them about reality, it is a suicidal act!

In addition, the power of the heroic world of Ashan can be materialized in reality!

What can you do if you come to their door? If you beat the first one, there is the second one. If you beat the second one, there is the third one. This kind of thing is completely a matter of one hair moving all over the body.

The military and the government have finally maintained the current balance.

Once it is broken, they will suffer the most!


The president of Buzhou Mountain Temple, Dameng Bu Si, smiled and said calmly."Mr. Lin, I do believe you, but I still want to remind you that the other party can produce 11th-level soldiers. What can they do if they come to your door? Are they going to die? What's more, the power of magic can be directly materialized in reality... You should not have forgotten it, right?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Mr. Lin, but everyone else present also changed their expressions and fell into a weird atmosphere.

Because they also remembered at this time that magic, without any prerequisite tasks, can be directly accompanied by the power of the game hero character and materialized in reality... In other words, a person who can possess level 3 magic in reality, what is the concept?!

Mr. Lin was silent for a long time and shook his head."I'm sorry……"

A person who can possess a level 3 object in reality is more terrifying than a mobile nuclear bomb.

Nuclear bombs are disposable after all, but magic is endless! You can, cast!

"Let's not talk about this anymore."

Emperor Jun shook his head, his eyes flickering."In that case, I don't need to say more about how to deal with this matter? They have been hiding for so long and have never appeared. Obviously, they have no interest in unifying the world... This should be a good thing for us!"

After a pause, Emperor Jun looked at the representatives of the God Alliance and said lightly."Destroy the Gu Group and the Purgatory Dragon Guild under your God Alliance as soon as possible. As for why, I think you should know"

"I know!"

The representative of the Divine Alliance trembled and nodded immediately.

"in addition……"Di Jun's eyes flickered as he looked at Elder Lin."Elder Lin, after this incident, North America and Europe will definitely be restless. Everyone, get ready. The national war should not be far away!"

National war!

Everyone's eyes condensed and became serious.

National war is the default resource allocation method for major forces. Once you win, you can get more resources! Whether it is in the game or outside the game, there are!

So far, the national war has been held six times.

The first two times were okay, and the harvest was fruitful! But since the third national war, their China's national war record has become worse and worse, and it has even formed an infinite cycle.

"Do you think it is possible for us to involve the Dragon Pavilion in this national war?"

Elder Lin asked.

"What does Elder Lin think?" asked the Rose Queen

"Let's form an alliance temporarily. I can delegate power and let the people of Longge become the leaders!"Lin Lao gritted his teeth and said


People's eyes condensed.

Di Jun couldn't help but sigh."As expected of Mr. Lin, he is very courageous."

After a pause, Di Jun looked at the Rose Queen and said,"In this case, let's give it a try. Rose, Qingyi Wuhen's sister, isn't she still in your Rose Army? How about asking her to help us inquire about this matter? If possible, everyone can sit down and talk."

"I'll give it a try.……"The Rose Queen nodded

"OK. Let's adjourn the meeting."


At the same time, Chen Fei and Sicilino also returned to Green Dragon City.


""Dear master, His Highness Sicilino, welcome back."

As soon as they landed in Green Dragon City, Ciarina and Oriana came to greet them. They saluted excitedly and said,

"Xialina, what's the situation with the Gate of Hell?"

Chen Fei didn't waste any words and asked directly

"Some time ago, I found that the Hell Gate in the Doomsday Mountains had a strange reaction, so I went to take a look, and found that the teleportation magic power wrapped around the Hell Gate had already started to work!"

Speaking of this, Xialina paused and said proudly,"A large number of Hell soldiers emerged from the Hell Gate, but I killed them all!"

"I know you are good at it."

Chen Fei smiled and touched Xialina's hair, and continued to ask."Has the transmission not stopped yet?"_

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