Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 991: Undead Knight

"Then how to fix the pair of wings?" Huang Yi asked with concern, staring up at the Sunwing Wings on the wall. ∑,

The wings were motionless, the feathers on them were crooked, and a few spider silks could be seen faintly. Its former glory has been completely extinguished, and I don't know how long I haven't seen the sun again.

"The repair process is difficult! Generally speaking, it can be divided into two steps!" The old man sighed gently, and the palm of his hand swept across the feathers of Johns, as if feeling the heat it once felt. In one step, you have to restore the power on these feathers of Johns. Johns is the **** of faith and the **** of priests. If you can find some powerful priests, let them use blessing skills to bless these five. With more than a thousand pieces of Johns feathers, they can slowly restore their former power. But this will definitely take an extremely long time. The best way is to find some demi-level masters of the human race, they are the human race after all Bloodline, and with divine power in the body, it would be much easier to restore the power of these Johns feathers! But do n’t expect us, the people in our village are all mortals. "

"A demon-level human race!" Huang Yi touched his chin, shook his head and said, "Can't find it. In the outside world, the human race of Yu hasn't lived in this world for a long time. It is likely to be extinct. I'm afraid that like you, you live in seclusion in a place that is isolated from the world. It is even more difficult to reach the level of the demigod. Of all the races in this world, only a few people have reached the level of the demigod. "

"Then you can only find some priests and slowly bless them." The old man smiled helplessly. "If you can restore the power of more than 5,000 Johns feathers, you can use this pair of Sunstrider wings. . But it is only useful. It still can not exert its power in its heyday. Unless you can complete the second step of the repair process. The second step is to complete those missing feathers. At least eight thousand stickers on the wings A feather can really restore its power. So you have to find an additional 3,000 or so feathers to complete, and these feathers are about the same grade as the feathers of Johns. If you use some ordinary feathers to supplement, That will only humiliate the wings. "

Huang Yi raised her eyebrows and smiled bitterly: "Even a feather of the grade of Johns Feather will cause a **** storm. It is almost impossible to find three thousand pieces!"

"If it's not difficult, we humans have already repaired this pair of wings, how can they keep it dusty till now. You young people always hope to get nothing for nothing, how can there be such a good thing in this world. The harder it is to repair the wings, The more it shows its power, after you fix it, you will find all the hardships worth it! "

After the old man spoke, tiptoe. Removed the wing of the Sunstrider from the wall and blew the dust from it.

Those Johns feathers on the wings. Also swayed by this breath, as if talking about their longing for the sky.

The old man touched the feathers above for the last time, and his eyes flashed with a complicated look. Finally, he closed his eyes and handed his wings to Huang Yi, encouraging, "Come on! I look forward to the early morning when I When you get up and look up at the rising sun outside the window, you can be surprised to see a figure fanning the wings of the sunstrider, chasing the warm sun. At that time, all our villagers will be in this isolated place for you Cheers and celebrates. "

The old man's eyes remained closed, and it seemed that he could not bear to see the pair of wings being taken away by others.

But his voice trembled slightly, as if he had seen a picture of chasing the sun.

This is an unavoidable contradiction. If you want to see the pair of wings return to the sky again, you must let it leave here and give it to someone who can make it fly again.

Huang Yi nodded, solemnly extended his hands, and took over the wings of the Sunstrider, like accepting a heavy trust from the old man.

The wings are light and fluttering. The alloy skeleton on the top and thousands of feathers seem to have no weight. They will float when the wind blows.

But the meaning it represents is heavy, carrying the dream of the human race chasing the sun again.

Huang Yi carefully put this Sunstrider's Wing into the storage ring, and after he went out, he tried to fix it.

"Okay! Let's go out!" The old man seemed to realize that Huang Yi had put away the pair of wings, and finally opened his eyes, his eyes were slightly moist.

He didn't seem to want to stay here for a moment, and quickly climbed up the ladder and left these items left by the ancestors in the cellar.

Huang Yi looked up at the old man's back, pursed his lips, and understood his mood.

Sometimes, in order to realize some better wishes, I have to bear the pain to give something away to others.

Just like Huang Yi himself, in order to overthrow the world federation and make the world truly free, he had to give up his freedom. When one day truly soars in this world, he may not see it himself.

"Grandpa, thank you for your hospitality. I have bothered you for so long. It is time to leave." After returning outside, Huang Yi looked up at the sky and said.

This peach blossom source is beautiful, but the outside world still needs him to fight!

It wasn't until the whole world became a peach blossom that he could really rest!

"Go!" The old man waved his hand, stared at Huang Yi, and once again urged: "Please remember, do not disclose the information here to others after you go out, we just want to continue quietly in this peach blossom source Go down. "

"I'll keep it secret!" Huang Yi nodded, immediately fanning the wings of freedom behind him, his body soared to the sky, and flew towards the cave when it came.

On the ground below, the villagers of Taohuayuan all raised their heads, looking up at Huang Yifei's posture in the sun!

They all looked motionlessly. The eyes of adults were full of complex expressions, and the eyes of children were full of envy.

Huang Yi also looked down at them, smiled slightly, and waved his hand, saying goodbye.

At this point, this adventure of Taohuayuan is over!

He harvested quite a lot, ate a lot of cherished spiritual fruits, gained some attribute bonuses, and learned a word of spiritual scripture.

Most importantly, he got the wings of the Sunstrider!

These wings are special equipment, similar to items such as eye masks, masks and earrings! Do not occupy any of the conventional equipment parts, it is considered to wear a piece of equipment out of thin air than others.

Special equipment is generally very weak and its function is biased towards assistance. For example, the mask is used to cover the face, the eye mask is used to slightly improve the field of vision, change the shape of the face, etc., and it does not play a great role in combat. However, the wings of the Sunstrider are not the same. These are a pair of godlike wings that can play a huge role in battle.

However, this wing can only be regarded as a potential strength, and it needs to be repaired in the future before it can exert its light and heat.

Similar to this potential strength, he already has several.

He had previously absorbed the broken godhead of the Doomsday messenger, but to this day, the progress of refining is still 1%. After all the refining is completed, he can have a virtual **** body!

There was also a drop of the blood of the Dark King that had been absorbed a few days ago, and it had not yet been absorbed, but also condensed under the skin of the palm of his hand, like a mole. Only after it has been absorbed can we truly evolve into the King of Darkness!

In addition, Xiaolong is also undergoing metamorphosis in that cocoon, and the day when the cocoon breaks out may reach the strongest adulthood of the dragon family, which will be a super boost.

These potential strengths have all taken a long time to reap, and they are currently ineffective.


Leaving Taohuayuan, Huang Yi continued to cross this huge mountain range, and flew towards the "Clan of Demon" caster.

In the other directions, the news of Thor, Blade, Dragon Spike, and Sword has been heard. They have each killed a top-level caster of sky power.

If this continues, I am afraid that the demons will soon have new actions, and even send a second batch of demigods, Huang Yi has the time to kill some more casters.

After flying for a while, Huang Yi finally passed through the vast mountains of giant peaks without a mount, which caused him to waste too much time.

There is a vast grassland ahead, but the grassland that was originally grassy and sloppy turned black, and all the flowers and grasses withered and rotted on the ground, directly to the horizon.

Looking down from a high altitude, the weeds on the grassland were dumped in an extremely regular direction, forming a huge array pattern, like a weird circle of wheat fields.

In the middle of that formation, there is a powerful figure with a strong breath.

It was a translucent knight, holding a translucent spear in his hand, and riding a translucent war horse. The warhorse was pretentious, walking in the void, erratic, and sometimes completely hidden in the air, extremely agile.

If Huang Yi's vision is not good, he might not even see the war horse.

"Undead Knight!" Huang Yi murmured ~ www.readwn.com ~ recognized the identity of the knight below.

Undead knights are a very special kind of existence among the demons. They and their warhorses are dead souls, without entities, so they will not be subject to any physical damage. Slashing them with a sword is as futile as cutting in the air.

To deal with them, you must use spells!

At this moment, the undead knight also found Huang Yi, and immediately urged His Majesty's soul war horse, rushing towards Huang Yi, with a vague murmur in his mouth: "Someone dare to call the breath of life to In front of me! Your life, I want it! "

"Your mount, I want it!" Huang Yi stared intently at the soul warhorse, in return.

He just lacks a good mount right now. The soul warhorse is a high-end mount among the demons. It is strong and fully meets his requirements!

And this is a rare soul mount, no entity, cool appearance, ability is completely different from ordinary mounts, is a mount that countless players dream of. (To be continued.)

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