Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 993: Holy System Damage

Huang Yi had already covered his body with the wings of guardianship, but the translucent spear penetrated into the armor and pierced his body.

Like the undead knight, the spear has no physical entity, and ignores the blocking of the guardian wings of physical form!

Huang Yi just felt that his chest was cold, his back was cold, and his skin was goose bumps. It was a wonderful feeling, obviously there was no injury and bleeding, but the danger was clearly felt.

However, he was in an invincible state for 20 seconds at this time. Although the spear hit him, it did not cause damage.

Taking advantage of this precious invincible time, Huang Yi wielded the wrath of the **** of lightning and hacked at the undead knight nearby!

This time, Huang Yi's action was too fast, and the distance between the two sides was too close. Even the undead war horse had no time to teleport, and was stabbed by the wrath of the **** of death!

"Zira ~" Suddenly, the wrath of the **** of killing completely broke into the translucent arm of the undead knight without any obstruction!

This time the attack was not carried out, and there was no power feedback, as if it was hacked into cotton. The strong inertial band caused Huang Yi to lean forward and lost his balance slightly.

"Useless, I don't bear any physical attacks ... Ah!" The Undead Knight originally wanted to ridicule Huang Yi, but only half said, he suddenly made a scream.

I saw the part of the undead knight being cut by the wrath of the killing god, and a sudden burst of white smoke rose, and some translucent bodies began to dissipate in the wind, as if the wrath of the killing **** had melted.

The undead knight horrified a horse's belly, and the figure instantly moved to a distance, staring in horror at Huang Yi's wrath.

"Aren't you saying it's useless?" Huang Yi asked back, looking at the undead knight.

It turned out that the reason why he had just attacked the Undead Knight close-up was not to use physical attacks to hurt it. It was because of some of the divine damage that came with his attack!

The divine damage is the nemesis of all demons!

Huang Yi's first Nefarem talent. Called the body of the demon god, one of the bonuses is to let his ordinary attacks add 10% of the sacred system damage!

He won the title of "Martial Saint" at the contest. There is an attribute that allows him to add 10% of the Holy System damage to his normal attacks!

After he evolved into the Archaean Giant form a while ago, ordinary attacks in all forms have 30% damage from the Holy System!

All these sacred system damage add up to 50%!

He just had a normal attack that seemed to be bland and not shocked, but in fact it had up to 50% of the Holy System damage!

After these sacred damage hit the undead knight, it was as if the red-hot soldering iron encountered ice. Can directly ablate part of the body.

This is his defense against the undead knight!

His previous few fanning of Deathwing and the release of the waves of blades were just a harassment strategy. The Deathwing is very effective against multiple enemies and can quickly absorb anger and replenish consumption. But in the face of a single enemy, the effect is very limited, and his anger value will not last long.

Divine damage, however, comes with normal attacks and can be used forever, and it can also absorb anger.

This time. The undead knight was very cautious, and never dared to look down on Huang Yi any more. Think of Huang Yi as a rival with great fanfare.

The legs of the undead knight urged the soul warhorse to teleport again!

"Hoo!" After blinking, the figure of the undead knight appeared directly behind Huang Yi, and the lance in his hand penetrated his body fiercely.

Almost at the same time, Huang Yi waved his backhand, and the wrath of the **** of killing quickly split the air, and it seemed that he would hack the undead knight again!

"Oh!" The soul warrior teleported again, moved to Huang Yi's body, and the undead knight's spear suddenly changed direction. Penetrated into Huang Yi's chest.

Huang Yi just wanted to counterattack, but it teleported to another direction.

that's it. The soul warhorse teleports successively, appearing in every direction around Huang Yi from time to time.

The undead knight's spear attacked him from a tricky angle. Pricked into his body again and again.

Huang Yi has always been passive, and the counterattack can't hit the body of the undead knight.

Keep going like this, when the invincible time passes, he will start to get hurt.

The undead knight quickly regained his confidence and sneered while attacking: "It was just a moment when I was careless, and I was accidentally defeated by you, but now I have prepared for it and you can't attack me."

The sound of his talking came from all directions with the teleportation of the soul warhorse! The previous word was spoken from this side, but the next word came out from the other side, erratic and extremely strange.

Huang Yi frowned slightly. The soul warhorse was so flexible that he couldn't even touch the undead knight's clothes without cracking its serial teleportation.

The soul warhorse has been teleported so many times without any intention to stop, there seems to be no duration limit, and it is impossible to wait for its skill to end.

Huang Yi flicked his palm and took something out of the storage ring.

It was a black rope covered with fine scales. The two ends of the rope are two snake heads, spitting out the snake letter, like a snake with a head and a tail, full of spirituality.

This is the binding magic rope obtained after Huang Yi killed the fallen general a while ago. It can bind the target's wings and make it lose its ability to fan. It can now be used to deal with this soul warhorse.

Huang Yi stretched out his hand and threw the bound magic rope into the air.

"Hisse ~" The binding magic rope is like a snake, and quickly walks up in the air, meandering towards the soul warhorse.

The **** magic rope has the ability of automatic tracking, even if the soul war horse is teleported, it cannot escape its tracking at all.

"Oh!" Soon, the Binding Rope caught up with the soul warhorse, fastened its wings firmly, and quickly tied it in a circle. The two snake heads bit each other without slackening.

The speed of the Soul Warrior drops sharply, and the ability of the serial teleportation stops abruptly. As if wearing a heavy yoke on his body, he can no longer be as erratic as before, but can only stop in the void and run forward.

"This rope ... is it a **** magic rope ?! How can you have the treasures of our demons!" The undead knight recognized the **** magic rope, quickly reached out, grabbed the **** magic rope, and pulled it hard stand up.

The soul warhorse also tried to flap its wings, and the muscles at the roots of the wings bulged, condensing the strength of the whole body to break free.

But this is useless at all, the two snake heads that bound the magic rope, always biting, they refused to let go.

Huang Yi rushed forward and started to defend against the attack, wielding the wrath of killing the gods, and chopping heavily on the undead knight.

This time, the characters reversed each other. It was difficult for the undead knight to dodge Huang Yi's attack again, and he was attacked again and again. Every time there was a burst of white smoke on his body, which meant that part of his evil soul had been corroded.

Huang Yi, in the attack again and again, drank his anger value.

"Zi ~" At this moment, the arm of the undead knight was hit by the wrath of the **** of killing again, a white smoke was emitted from the arm, and it was immediately burned. As long as it is attacked several times, it is estimated that the entire arm will be cut off.

"Thousands of troops! Come and protect me!" The undead knight held up his spear, slammed into the sky, yelled, the majestic voice shook through the clouds, and echoed.

The voice fell, and a sudden burst of black gas rose in the sky, quickly squirming, and evolved into thousands of galloping war horses, with soldiers riding on their backs, wielding spears, broad knives, long Ge and other weapons, Let's rush towards Huang Yi!

This army of thousands of horses is not translucent, but has physical entities, like a living knight.

"Oh!" Thousands of horseshoes stepped in the void, but as if they were stepping on the ground, the sound of rolling horseshoes was made, and the whole space was slightly shaken.

The weapons and armor of those soldiers reflected the radiant light and gathered into a steel torrent!

At this time, Huang Yi's invincible time has finally passed!

He can no longer ignore these attacks!

He instantly appeared to be on a battlefield, alone, facing the shock of trampling.

"On the side of Qingjun!" Huang Yi did not flinch, directly consuming all his anger value, and released his 270 level god-level professional skills.

In a moment, an irresistible shock wave swept away from Huang Yi in all directions! Formed a repulsive energy field with a radius of kilometers!

Thousands of torrents rushed down from the clouds, rolling momentum. But after suffering this shock energy, people suddenly turned over and rolled up!

Their levels are all lower than Huang Yi. After suffering the skill of Qing Jun, they are all excluded from the distance of 1000 meters, and they cannot move closer.

This skill of the undead knight ~ www.readwn.com ~ is abolished again!

At this time, Huang Yi calmly lifted the wrath of killing the gods and chopped it on the arm of the undead knight again!

"Zi" once again emitted white smoke from his arm, thawed a part, and at the same time allowed Huang Yi to draw some anger.

His attack point is very precise, every time he deliberately attacks the arm of the undead knight, increasing the melting area of ​​that part again and again, and finally he can melt his entire arm.

The undead knight grinned in pain, clenched his spear, and stabbed towards Huang Yi's stab, trying to trade his wounds for damage!

"Oh!" The translucent spear penetrated the wings of the guard unhindered and plunged into Huang Yi's body.

The Injury Delay talent immediately came into play, delaying the effective time of this attack by three seconds, but after three seconds, Huang Yi's health would be destroyed by 15%!

After ending the invincible state, he is finally starting to get hurt! (To be continued.)

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