Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1007: Life is coated with charcoal, blood flows into the river

The time passed by every minute and every second. The final countdown to the end of the national warfare stipulated by the system was only the last ten or twenty minutes!

The invaders had pretended to retreat a long distance, but they still did not receive the news of Huang overflow, and could not help losing their patience. ▲ ∴ ▲ ∴,

"It seems that God will not come out anyway!" Miyamoto Musashi stopped his retreat, and a look of impatience flashed on his face.

"Then we don't need to go on. These idiots who chase us, do they really think they can defeat us?" Tnt also stopped the retreat and turned to face the row of Chinese players rushing over the sea with a trace of his face A cruel smile.

"That being the case, let's go back and kill them clean! Before the victory of the National War, get some more merit." The Pope waved his hand, took out the famous lightning scepter, and turned and rushed towards those Chinese players. Over!

All of these elite men and women of the invading army instantly turned around and rushed to the endless Chinese players.

This time, they didn't hide in the slightest, one by one, as the tigers came down the mountain, showing their real minions, and a powerful momentum radiated violently.

"Yes, do you really think that you can change the direction of the war?" The Pope took the lead and rushed to the sky above those Chinese players, and said condescendingly to countless Chinese players.

Then, he directly held up the thunderbolt in his hand!

"Boom!" A ray of light suddenly soared from the scepter to the sky.

In a moment, the entire sky was covered with dark clouds. The endless thunder flashed from it. Cut down thick flashes of lightning. Throwing the fury of thunder into the crowd of Chinese players, thousands of players directly became fly ash.

The rest of the masters also used their own methods to attack the Chinese players in the mountains.

The whole world seems to be hell. Those Chinese players are not the opponents of these invaders at all. They are killed in seconds, and the body is full of the whole land.

This battle. Instantly turned into a one-sided slaughter!

The martial arts of the invading army rose rapidly!

Until then, these hot-headed Chinese players finally understood the intimidation of the invading army and stopped one by one in horror.

But hundreds of millions of Chinese players are charging, just like the flood of Pentium swept through, often as soon as the players in front are stopped, they are directly knocked down by the crowds of people behind them, or even directly stamped to death.

For a while, the torrent of Chinese players became extremely chaotic. None of the chief commanders organized them to carry out an orderly counterattack. Even if some players are trying their best to counterattack the invading army, they are playing without any rules. There is no threat to the top masters of the invading army.

"No, the invading army is too cunning, and we deliberately concealed our strength, and we quickly withdrew!" The second brother of Xueyi pretended to be suddenly realized, quickly turned around, and began to flee with his own troops.

Before he took the lead and led these Chinese players, but now he has taken the lead to escape!

They had premeditated escape, they acted faster than others, and the invading army evaded them from the attack without killing them by mistake.

Soon after, the second brother Xueyi and his counter-attack alliance players fled without a trace and saved their lives.

And the rest of the players who followed him were stricken, abandoned behind, and endured the purgatory-like slaughter, one by one desperately crying out.

They finally regret it!

Before Huang Yi repeatedly emphasized that it was death, but they did not believe one by one, and also called Huang Yi a coward!

Now they finally taste the bitter fruit.

"Damn! We knew we should listen to God and stay in the Empire of Heroes!"

"I wanted to kill a few more invaders to vent their anger while the national war was over. I did not expect that one enemy was not killed now, but we were killed!"

"Everyone go back to the hero empire!"

Countless Chinese players yelled frantically, turned around one after another, and ran back in horror!

Corroded from the extremely high sky, the flood of players in the mountains and rivers began to flow back slowly and chaotically.

Those invaders chased after each other, slaughtered frantically, and harvested their exploits.

But this time they only came to the top batch of elite players. The number is not very large. In the face of such a large number of Chinese players escaping, it is impossible to keep everyone.

At this moment, Miyamoto Musashi and t.n.t looked at each other, and a cruel smile appeared on their faces. They immediately used the secret contact means of the Demon Clan to notify the masters of the Demon Clan so that they no longer need to hide and come out to let go and kill.

"Little ants, kneel down and worship us!" Soon, a sound of a mighty shore sounded above the clouds, ringing the whole world!

Subsequently, the four magical powerful men, riding white horses, red horses, black horses, gray horses, broke through the clouds and descended from the sky!

The four knights on the mighty shore exudes a breath of divine power, spreading to the entire sky, like the ocean pouring down, it is the four knights of the apocalypse that hunted down Huang Yi before!

They have been hiding for a long time, and now they finally show up!

Those Chinese players who ran away madly looked up at the four demigod knights in the sky one by one, and their souls seemed to tremble in an instant!

That level of power is not something they mortals can resist, it is a great power that can only make people kneel and worship.

"That's ... a demigod!"

"Surely there are demons and demigods outside, and killing God did not lie to us!"

Each player stood on the field, muttering to himself, his mind was blank.

At this time, the four knights of the apocalypse looked down at the beings, gently stretched out their hands, and waved wildly towards the people below.

The next moment, the whole sky became dim and dull, and the clouds turned into black magic pressure, rolling and boiling constantly, covering the stars and the moon.

Subsequently, these endless magical energy collapsed violently!

Looking at it from a distance, it seems like the entire sky has fallen!

The billions of Chinese players below turned pale immediately, shaking their heads one by one!

However, an attack of this size is simply the power of heaven and earth, and it is impossible to escape.

"Boom!" Soon, the collapsed sky swallowed up all Chinese players in no time!

Until then, the talents finally realized that there are endless demons hidden among the magic clouds. There are so many of them that they look like clouds in the sky.

These demons are all kinds of strange, strange, and different strengths, both in the sacred realm and the celestial realm, and there are even some top-level demons mixed in them. Such as Dark Sacrifice, Acolyte of Pain, Undead Knight, Cursed Wizard, Fallen Warlord, and so on.

Each of these top celestial powerhouses is an almost invincible powerhouse, which can instantly kill a large number of players in one go. Wherever they go, where life is coated with charcoal, blood flows into the river, no one can stop it!

Even if you look at the central continent, only the patriarchs of those holy places can fight against them.

Of the two billion Chinese players, only five super-class masters who kill the dragon with the sword can threaten them!

The earth suddenly fell into a hazy ocean of magical energy, and no fingers were reached. I can only hear endless screams, sharp laughter of the demons, sounds of slaughter, sounds of weapons cutting into the flesh, sounds of skill explosions ... various sounds are intertwined, and a death movement is written.

Soon, the screams of humans became sparse, often screaming and stopping abruptly in half.

Those invaders who came after him had already completely stagnated in place. They swallowed their throats and looked at the tumbling magic in front, listening to the sound coming from inside.

Many of them were the first to see the demigods take a shot. I did not expect that just a random attack would cause far more destructive power than all of them combined.

The gap between the demigod and the heavens is simply the gap between the heavens and the earth, and there is no comparability at all.

Gradually, the screams completely disappeared, and the magic was finally dissipated, and the scene ahead finally appeared.

On the ground, there are endless bodies of Chinese players, densely packed, all the way to the sky, even if flying in the sky, there is no end to sight.

The dead bodies were terribly dead. They opened their stomachs, their internal organs were drained, and the broken bodies and internal organs could be seen everywhere.

The blood converged into rivers, flowing on the ground, and the **** smell was thick.

Human beings have completely lost their dignity, and they die no different from beasts, as if they had come to the slaughter room of a pig farm.

Still able to stand on the field ~ www.readwn.com ~ All are only the demons, they trample back and forth in front of countless corpses, some Warcraft twitch their noses, sniff on a corpse, search for Those who are alive, then kill with a knife.

This is just the scene in hell. Even the invaders can't bear it one by one, and some even vomit on the spot.

They fought so long in the national war on Heroes' Land and killed so many players, but none of them were as terrible as this time.

"Fighting against our demons, this is the end." At this time, the four knights of the apocalypse looked down at the invading troops and warned slowly.

Those invaders involuntarily took a few steps back, and they were able to reach this step in the national war because of the help of the demons. There was originally a kind of gratitude for the Mozu. But after witnessing the massacre, they only had fear of the demons.

"Let's go! Your national war is about to triumph. Follow us to level the hero's empire!" The four knights of the apocalypse left a sentence towards the invaders, and then rode on their horses and stepped in the direction of the hero's empire. past. (To be continued.) U

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